I just heard him on the radio and he said he likes College Football oregon miami hurricanes florida state NFL pats/bengals over pack/phil over miami dolphins -3.0 st. rams. +4.0 Tonight's college football game houston/texas el paso over the total He said he's lost every West Virginia/Marshall game and correct me if I'm wrong I was distracted at the time but I think he did not pick either team in this game. Instead he changed the subject to the Houston/Texas El Paso game. And more importantly he said he has a new website therealbrandonlang.com Guys I think his official plays will now be at that website. At least that's what he led me to believe and the hosts of the radio show. The hosts harry and yurco or however you spell their names said "his new website is, therealbrandonlang.com." So do we stick with his eddie site, his new website, or do we fade both? This is a pretty important decision.