I disagree, I think most of my views are shared by the mainstream. Academia that is, not blogs.
Academia is mainstream?
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were 'academics' - extremely 'intelligent' by your unicorn standards. Academia is a place where useless theories untested in the real world collect dust. It is a bubble...where pseudo-intellectuals (those who cannot do, teach) congratulate themselves all day on how smart and right they are - "the stimulus worked!" face)(*^%
Academia didn't build America, the Great American Capitalists built America - Patriots your friends in 'academia' consider "robber barons"
And 'Obama' is what happens when Americans are stupid enough to elect a Marxist professor, instead of a president.
"My views are shared by the mainstream"
Man oh man, your posts get more comical and embarrassing each and every day. w-thumbs!^