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Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
I think alot of us would say that obama isnt what we expected and he hasnt lived up to the lofty expectations. Some his fault. some not. I dont think he is worse than the prev fact , i dont think it's close. When I think of 9/11, economic collapse, 2 huge death toll wars......nothing obama has done has come close to that kind of damage

Ok so what has he done right to make you say that? Is Guantanamo closed? Still have troops in Afghanistan right? How many more millions on food stamps? 13? 15? 20? Where is the most transparent government? 7 trillion more debt? Bailouts?Shovel ready jobs? Cash for clunkers? Solyndra? Blaming? Lowered credit rating? highest tax increase in US history? Slowest recovery after a recession ever? Patriot act still a law? TSA? Beergate? You guys still can't gamble online? Obamacare is going over well? That's just without thinking. I can list dozens more. Not saying all were his doings but he never fixed them, just continued or expanded them.

Is this really Change? Forward? LOL. Just lies is all. Lets called it like it really has been. Same. Backwards.

Listen Vit, I wanted Obama to be the new politician when he was first elected. I was cautiously optimistic in 2008. It didn't take me 6 years to see he was a failure. It took a few weeks only. He will be mentioned very often when discussing the worst US presidents of all time.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Ok so what has he done right to make you say that? Is Guantanamo closed? Still have troops in Afghanistan right? How many more millions on food stamps? 13? 15? 20? Where is the most transparent government? 7 trillion more debt? Bailouts?Shovel ready jobs? Cash for clunkers? Solyndra? Blaming? Lowered credit rating? highest tax increase in US history? Slowest recovery after a recession ever? Patriot act still a law? TSA? Beergate? You guys still can't gamble online? Obamacare is going over well? That's just without thinking. I can list dozens more. Not saying all were his doings but he never fixed them, just continued or expanded them.

Is this really Change? Forward? LOL. Just lies is all. Lets called it like it really has been. Same. Backwards.

Listen Vit, I wanted Obama to be the new politician when he was first elected. I was cautiously optimistic in 2008. It didn't take me 6 years to see he was a failure. It took a few weeks only. He will be mentioned very often when discussing the worst US presidents of all time.

Some of those things dont fall on obama. That credit downgrade was called the tea party downgrade for a reason

He has not met expectations but is not the disaster that some on the right think. Many of those things would have happened no matter who the president was.

If you already judged his presidency in 6 weeks.....i think your mind was made up before he was elected
Sep 21, 2004
I think alot of us would say that obama isnt what we expected and he hasnt lived up to the lofty expectations. Some his fault. some not. I dont think he is worse than the prev fact , i dont think it's close. When I think of 9/11, economic collapse, 2 huge death toll wars......nothing obama has done has come close to that kind of damage

You incessantly blame Bush for 9/11 and the economic collapse, puhlease. As if he had anything at all to do with it... I'm sorry, but you lose all credibility when you repeat that mantra ad nauseum, year after year.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You incessantly blame Bush for 9/11 and the economic collapse, puhlease. As if he had anything at all to do with it... I'm sorry, but you lose all credibility when you repeat that mantra ad nauseum, year after year.

I will ask you the same question i did gas and every other person...

If obama got a memo about "bin laden determined to strike in us using planes....and then we got attacked....who would you blame?

If obama was president when the economy collapsed ...who would you blame??

You guys can't always have it both ways. Blaming obama for benghazi and everytime it rains outside is what you guys repeat ad nauseum. know if obama sat in that classroom for 7 mins without guys would say everything from he's inexperienced to he was in on it.
Jan 24, 2012
I will ask you the same question i did gas and every other person...

If obama got a memo about "bin laden determined to strike in us using planes....and then we got attacked....who would you blame?

If obama was president when the economy collapsed ...who would you blame??

You guys can't always have it both ways. Blaming obama for benghazi and everytime it rains outside is what you guys repeat ad nauseum. know if obama sat in that classroom for 7 mins without guys would say everything from he's inexperienced to he was in on it.

I actually call BS on this. Sure there is the "blame Obama for everything" crowd, but there are plenty of people that don't subscribe to that thinking.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
Some of those things dont fall on obama. That credit downgrade was called the tea party downgrade for a reason

He has not met expectations but is not the disaster that some on the right think. Many of those things would have happened no matter who the president was.

If you already judged his presidency in 6 weeks.....i think your mind was made up before he was elected

can't you see what you are saying? In one sentence you say ..."Many of those things would have happened no matter who the president was" but isn't that what lefties say when it happens under their guy but when it happens under Bush, its the republicans fault and they are the ones that got us in this mess?

"Many of those things would have happened no matter who the president was" like the housing bubble maybe? Both sides saw it coming and very few did shout LOUD enough to do anything about it until it was too late. Maybe because they were all making too much money and kicking the can down the road for someone else to deal with it. It was easier to look the other way. Sure, there were those that warned us this was gonna happen but did anyone listen? Why not? Politically is wasn't in their interest to do so.

It was more important to spread fear to the people to justify the TSA and the Patriot Act. Its more important to keep gambling illegal because lobbyists money that say American's shouldn't be able to spend their money how they wish. Its more important to implement a healthcare plan (tax) that forces people to buy it or face a fines or even jail. Their agenda is far more important.

Its more important to blame Bush after he was elected for the downturn after the tech boom was finished but to praise Clinton for riding it and then say "Many of those things would have happened no matter who the president was"? Seriously?

How about just calling it like it is for a change? Ya 6 weeks I saw the first signs. He said literally hundreds of times that he will close Guantanamo. This was a huge issue that he campaigned on. No minor one. Only A few weeks into his presidency he did what? Then the flood gate of lies opened and it was even hard to keep up. The blame Bush and blame the GOP and soon the race cards were put into play and have been in play since. I ain't the smartest man in the world, I ain't pretending I am either, but I saw the man's character soon after he took office.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I actually call BS on this. Sure there is the "blame Obama for everything" crowd, but there are plenty of people that don't subscribe to that thinking.

Im speaking in terms of the far fringe right which most of this site consists of....not all.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
can't you see what you are saying? In one sentence you say ..."Many of those things would have happened no matter who the president was" but isn't that what lefties say when it happens under their guy but when it happens under Bush, its the republicans fault and they are the ones that got us in this mess?

"Many of those things would have happened no matter who the president was" like the housing bubble maybe? Both sides saw it coming and very few did shout LOUD enough to do anything about it until it was too late. Maybe because they were all making too much money and kicking the can down the road for someone else to deal with it. It was easier to look the other way. Sure, there were those that warned us this was gonna happen but did anyone listen? Why not? Politically is wasn't in their interest to do so.

It was more important to spread fear to the people to justify the TSA and the Patriot Act. Its more important to keep gambling illegal because lobbyists money that say American's shouldn't be able to spend their money how they wish. Its more important to implement a healthcare plan (tax) that forces people to buy it or face a fines or even jail. Their agenda is far more important.

Its more important to blame Bush after he was elected for the downturn after the tech boom was finished but to praise Clinton for riding it and then say "Many of those things would have happened no matter who the president was"? Seriously?

How about just calling it like it is for a change? Ya 6 weeks I saw the first signs. He said literally hundreds of times that he will close Guantanamo. This was a huge issue that he campaigned on. No minor one. Only A few weeks into his presidency he did what? Then the flood gate of lies opened and it was even hard to keep up. The blame Bush and blame the GOP and soon the race cards were put into play and have been in play since. I ain't the smartest man in the world, I ain't pretending I am either, but I saw the man's character soon after he took office.

Im not blaming bush for everything....never have. Pointing out that repubs do this same shit all the time.....just blame obama for everything.

Like i said, pretty sure you had your mind made up on obama before 6 weeks into his presidency.

It works both ways....if bush was prez during the tech boom the repubs would have him next to reagan on their right wing mt rushmore and be calling clinton worst prez of all time.

We all know that people, especially presidents, say things while campaigning....and then once in office, they get different information that they did not previously have and change their thoughts on things. Never have a problem when someone changes course on an issue based on better info. If W could have been less stubborn, who knows what could have happened.
Jun 1, 2014
Vit, you are pathetic. Your life must suck really really bad. You start a political thread in the RR because you can't post in the PF. Your mom needs to take the computer away from you for awhile. What a sad sack of la fregna you are. Pathetic. Get a Fucking life.

Sep 21, 2004
Vit, you are pathetic. Your life must suck really really bad. You start a political thread in the RR because you can't post in the PF. Your mom needs to take the computer away from you for awhile. What a sad sack of la fregna you are. Pathetic. Get a Fucking life.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Vit, you are pathetic. Your life must suck really really bad. You start a political thread in the RR because you can't post in the PF. Your mom needs to take the computer away from you for awhile. What a sad sack of la fregna you are. Pathetic. Get a Fucking life.

Speaking of pathetic. How about someone who creates a ghost because his previous name is known to be someone who predicted a landslide in the 2012 election. Say hi to BFL!!
Sep 24, 2009
Imagine if he went to war over WMD's that didn't exist. They are trying to impeach the man for not saying Benghazi was a terrorist attack in time, lol!! Imagine what they would do about 9/11. 100s of hearings, every one with signs protesting that Obama killed these people, etc.

They are sick in the head. There is no way Obama would have been able to make it 8 years if he did what Bush did.

This is exactly why I am not a big fan of many of the right wing guys. The radio guys like Rush, Hannidy, Savage, and the like are paid to get people to get pissed off and get listeners. I do not blame Bush for 9/11 but I am pissed about the WMDs. What a double standard? You guys are right, if all the shit happened under Obama that happened under Bush these guys would be looking for blood. I mean Joe, Russ, and Dave would still be connecting the dots to Obama conferring with Laden planning the attacks. That's why it is difficult to spend any length of time talking politics. I suggest all you guys come in for a day or two then stay out for 5 days, it's more entertaining

New member
Oct 29, 2010
This is exactly why I am not a big fan of many of the right wing guys. The radio guys like Rush, Hannidy, Savage, and the like are paid to get people to get pissed off and get listeners. I do not blame Bush for 9/11 but I am pissed about the WMDs. What a double standard? You guys are right, if all the shit happened under Obama that happened under Bush these guys would be looking for blood. I mean Joe, Russ, and Dave would still be connecting the dots to Obama conferring with Laden planning the attacks. That's why it is difficult to spend any length of time talking politics. I suggest all you guys come in for a day or two then stay out for 5 days, it's more entertaining

Dave, joe, russ, willie, acebb, gas man....are the reasons people hate repubs. It is wack jobs like them that make independents run from them. They will never know it...those guys actually think they are the normal ones

New member
Oct 29, 2010
This is exactly why I am not a big fan of many of the right wing guys. The radio guys like Rush, Hannidy, Savage, and the like are paid to get people to get pissed off and get listeners. I do not blame Bush for 9/11 but I am pissed about the WMDs. What a double standard? You guys are right, if all the shit happened under Obama that happened under Bush these guys would be looking for blood. I mean Joe, Russ, and Dave would still be connecting the dots to Obama conferring with Laden planning the attacks. That's why it is difficult to spend any length of time talking politics. I suggest all you guys come in for a day or two then stay out for 5 days, it's more entertaining

What you gotta watch is this. I see you make comments about obama or dems based on articles posted by the right wingers sometimes.

Just watch doing that....the articles posted by dave, russ, joe and acebb....are most often from far right wing fringe websites and their spam email boxes.....the always come back as bullshit and those guys never retract anything. So dont always go by that.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Dave, joe, russ, willie, acebb, gas man....are the reasons people hate repubs. It is wack jobs like them that make independents run from them. They will never know it...those guys actually think they are the normal ones

I'd put festeringZit up there also. Even though he doesn't always act as psychotic as these guys he's definitely a supporter. He honestly doesn't think this comment is racist...

The country is growing with minorities and they go out of their way to vote - problem is while many of these baboons contribute nothing to society their vote counts as much as mine or yours - so while one group of people succeed in society through hard work, education, etc., they stand a good chance to lose in elections because some degenerate food stamper's vote counts as much as a doctor's - you would think if we have 7% unemployment in 4 years the Republicans would win with ease but they just lost after 4 straight years of a dismal economy, high unemployment and bleak future

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
same shit happens on both sides. When it happens to your guy then its the right wing webites and fox news and when it happens to the other guys its msnb, cnn, the lame steam media etc. My guy does the same shit as the other guy but because he's for my party then I will just spin it to be "just not as bad"! LOL!

Its a vicious cycle that will always continue to get worse unless people start demanding accountability for the people they elect. Left right, dem gop, black white, woman man, gay straight, who fucking cares. How about a competent leader for a change? One that can put aside the party bickering and continuous blaming and whining.

I can't imagine what is possible going through someone's mind when they are already cheer-leading for Hilary in 2016! Like the last decade or so didn't really happen?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
same shit happens on both sides. When it happens to your guy then its the right wing webites and fox news and when it happens to the other guys its msnb, cnn, the lame steam media etc. My guy does the same shit as the other guy but because he's for my party then I will just spin it to be "just not as bad"! LOL!

Its a vicious cycle that will always continue to get worse unless people start demanding accountability for the people they elect. Left right, dem gop, black white, woman man, gay straight, who fucking cares. How about a competent leader for a change? One that can put aside the party bickering and continuous blaming and whining.

I can't imagine what is possible going through someone's mind when they are already cheer-leading for Hilary in 2016! Like the last decade or so didn't really happen?

Different animal on the right. When something happens that is positive....the right wing army just makes up stories and sends them to their fish. If you ever notice guys like dave007, russ and acebb will post the same story almost minutes after each other. It's because the craxy right wingers spam their sheep to deathto get their false message out there. It has certainly gotten worse since obama has been elected. Do you have any idea how many times that i caught russ and dave posting bullshit fake stories? So many times....and they never admit when their story turns out to be bullshit.....they just move to the next bullshit. When AK says it's a cult, he aint kidding...for those guys that is what it is.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
Different animal on the right. When something happens that is positive....the right wing army just makes up stories and sends them to their fish. If you ever notice guys like dave007, russ and acebb will post the same story almost minutes after each other. It's because the craxy right wingers spam their sheep to deathto get their false message out there. It has certainly gotten worse since obama has been elected. Do you have any idea how many times that i caught russ and dave posting bullshit fake stories? So many times....and they never admit when their story turns out to be bullshit.....they just move to the next bullshit. When AK says it's a cult, he aint kidding...for those guys that is what it is.

being an independent I can say its the same on both sides but it just seems more to you guys on the left because a Democrat is in the white house. Both lefties and righties blow things out of proportion just as both lefties and righties in congress do. Same with media outlets.

I bet that if Republican gets elected in 2016, there will be many more lefties being more outspoken against the president and the righties will be spinning it just as the lefties are today. The opposite of today. Wanna bet? Unless the new president elected is a competent leader who will change shit. Not holding my breathe.

I believe this whole heartedly, if the government is doing their job properly, there wouldn't be the need to talk about it so much. The more arguing that goes on about the government, the worse job they are doing.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
being an independent I can say its the same on both sides but it just seems more to you guys on the left because a Democrat is in the white house. Both lefties and righties blow things out of proportion just as both lefties and righties in congress do. Same with media outlets.

I bet that if Republican gets elected in 2016, there will be many more lefties being more outspoken against the president and the righties will be spinning it just as the lefties are today. The opposite of today. Wanna bet? Unless the new president elected is a competent leader who will change shit. Not holding my breathe.

I believe this whole heartedly, if the government is doing their job properly, there wouldn't be the need to talk about it so much. The more arguing that goes on about the government, the worse job they are doing.

The data is not even close though. Republicans during Obama's Presidency have created the most obstructionism out of any Congress in American history. And I promise you, regardless of what party the President is, Benghazi talking points would never in my life be an important event. I will never complain about vacations, or the first lady, or the kids, etc. These guys are crazy and the fact you think it's even on both sides just means you haven't been listening.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
being an independent I can say its the same on both sides but it just seems more to you guys on the left because a Democrat is in the white house. Both lefties and righties blow things out of proportion just as both lefties and righties in congress do. Same with media outlets.

I bet that if Republican gets elected in 2016, there will be many more lefties being more outspoken against the president and the righties will be spinning it just as the lefties are today. The opposite of today. Wanna bet? Unless the new president elected is a competent leader who will change shit. Not holding my breathe.

I believe this whole heartedly, if the government is doing their job properly, there wouldn't be the need to talk about it so much. The more arguing that goes on about the government, the worse job they are doing.

It happens on both sides....nobody disputing that but far worse on the right.

Doesnt matter how the govt is running. Things were booming during the clinton years and rush limbaughs ratings were never higher. They just hate because thats who they are

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