The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Biblical times?

Dude...Arranged marriages were part and parcel of Western European culture well into at least the early 20th century. And they remain an extremely common method of uniting young men and women in the Christian communities of India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia


Proves my point even that much more. The evolution of ideas weeds these types of crackpot ideas out. You know, the ones where your drunk father arranges a marriage with a buddy of his. Its called freedom, and you enjoy it, or else you wouldn't have married that fine piece of Jewish tail you are so fortunate to have. The people you are referring to who practice this still now, either worship cows... are Muslims or live under the boot of a fascist regime. So, ill side with the evolution of ideas. Freedom always trumps unearned authority.... or something like that.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Were you also a civic activist in the area of "responsible" LSD use?

No need to be.

Like most practicioners of Eastern religions and ancient tribal rituals in the Western Hemisphere, I've treated most all my use of psychedelics since the early 80s as a spiritual experience.

It's not something shared with the community at large, but rather is private within my household or in harmony with like-minded seekers.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Though I confess that even as rambling as I can get in the PPub, I'm not sure how use of psychedelic drugs and herbs made it's way into the Ol' Friendly Muslims thread.

New member
Oct 6, 2007
Is this idea breaking news to you? Reading indiatimes must be up all night looking for these stories to show you hate muslims.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Fletch, the people to who I was reefering in Asia (India and points eastward) are predominantly Christians, though there's plenty of Muslims as well.

In short, the culture of arranged marriages is not remotely exclusive to any one religious sect, but rather is far more to do with the overall community social standards.

And yes, I am grateful that I got to be married to a pretty good Christian girl for 11 years so we could make a couple of pretty babies together who have now grown to smart, productive adulthood. And I've also been able to have 12 years (as of Jan 11) with that fine Canarsie tail.
Sep 21, 2004
Friendly Muslims Publish Hit List on leading Jews

Published: Today

<!-- Article Start --> FEARS grew last night that hate-filled Islamic extremists are drawing up a “hit list” of Britain’s leading Jews — bringing the Middle East conflict terrifyingly close to home.

Top lawyer ... Antony Julius

TV’s The Apprentice boss Sir Alan Sugar and Amy Winehouse record producer Mark Ronson are among prominent names discussed on a fanatics’ website.
Labour Peer and pal of Tony Blair Lord Levy, Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Princess Diana’s divorce lawyer Anthony Julius are also understood to be potential targets.
British anti-terror expert Glen Jenvey is convinced online forum Ummah is being used to prepare a deadly backlash against UK Jews.
Pop guru ... Mark Ronson

His warning came as Europe was hit by anti-Semitic attacks over Israel’s push into the Gaza Strip.
Hundreds have died in the Jewish state’s response to rocket attacks by militant Palestinian group Hamas.
On the Ummah site, “Saladin1970” asks for help compiling “a list of those who support Israel”.
“Abuislam” asks: “Have we got a list of top Jews we can target? Can someone post names and addresses?”
Saladin1970 gives a link to the Power 100 list of top British Jews.
Peer ... Lord Levy

Mr Jenvey, 43, said: “The Ummah website has been used by extremists.
“Those listed should treat it very seriously. Expect a hate campaign and intimidation by 20 or 30 thugs.”
Al-Qaeda’s second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri called on Muslims yesterday to strike Western and Israeli targets “wherever you can”.


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And Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar urged the murder of Jewish children, saying Israel “legitimised the killing of their people all over the world”.
The Community Security Trust, which advises Britain’s Jewish community on safety, said: “We are advising prominent Jewish individuals to be conscious of potential threats.”
Minister ... David Miliband

The group has recorded 24 anti-Jewish incidents since December 29, including an arson raid on a London synagogue.
There have also been synagogue attacks in France and Sweden.
Sir Alan was understood to be reviewing security.
The Foreign Office refused to discuss Mr Miliband’s security.

Aug 6, 2006
This is what people don't understand. This is a world war, not a local conflict or a land dispute.

The ideology of freedom vs the ideology of brutal, oppressive rule.

Intimidation works. That's why trains were blown up in Madrid before the Spanish elections.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
This is what people don't understand. This is a world war, not a local conflict or a land dispute.

The ideology of freedom vs the ideology of brutal, oppressive rule.

Intimidation works. That's why trains were blown up in Madrid before the Spanish elections.

thats why i said islam eventually will win.

christian terrorist will burn a cross on your lawn to convert you.

muslim terrorist will put a gun to your head and blow your head off if you dont bow down before islam.

christians like zit will become muslims in the end.

people like me who dont care about religion will flee as far north to the arctic as possible. wont have a choice.
Sep 21, 2004
thats why i said islam eventually will win.

christian terrorist will burn a cross on your lawn to convert you.

muslim terrorist will put a gun to your head and blow your head off if you dont bow down before islam.

christians like zit will become muslims in the end.

people like me who dont care about religion will flee as far north to the arctic as possible. wont have a choice.

"christian terrorist will burn a cross on your lawn to convert you"

Honestly gtc08, you are one of the biggest idiots I have ever met.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
This list is new? Haven't They been working pretty much with the same general list for years?

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
Need to add some new names list seems too small.
Sep 21, 2004
Friendly Muslim Protester: "Jews get Back in the Oven"

Protester Calls for Jews to 'Go Back to the Oven' at Anti-Israel Demonstration

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
By Joseph Abrams

<script type="text/javascript"> yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = "Protester Calls for Jews to 'Go Back to the Oven' at Anti-Israel Demonstration"; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = "Tensions were high as demonstrators screamed and chanted at an anti-Israel protest in late December. But at this rally some protesters took their rhetoric a step further, calling for the extermination of Jews."; yahooBuzzArticleCategory = "U.S."; yahooBuzzArticleType = "text"; yahooBuzzArticleId = window.location.href; </script>


A pro-Palestinian demonstrator shouts 'go back to the oven' to a small group of Israel supporters during a confrontation last week in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Like many other protests of Israel's campaign in Gaza, this one ended badly — police had to cool an ugly fight between supporters of Israel and Gaza, breaking up the warring sides as their screaming and chanting threatened to turn into something worse.
But some protesters at this rally in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., took their rhetoric a step further, calling for the extermination of Israel — and of Jews.
Separated by battle lines and a stream of rush-hour traffic outside a federal courthouse last week, at least 200 pro-Palestinian demonstrators faced off against a smaller crowd of Israel supporters.
Most of the chants were run-of-the-mill; men and women waving Palestinian flags called Israel's invasion of Gaza a "crime," while the pro-Israel group carried signs calling the Hamas-run territory a "terror state."
But as the protest continued and crowds grew, one woman in a hijab began to shout curses and slurs that shocked Jewish activists in the city, which has a sizable Jewish population.
"Go back to the oven," she shouted, calling for the counter-protesters to die in the manner that the Nazis used to exterminate Jews during the Holocaust.
"You need a big oven, that's what you need," she yelled.
Sep 21, 2004
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Nice Friendly Muslim Girl
Sep 21, 2004
The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslims Thread

Top American Islamic Cleric Threatens U.S. on Egyptian TV

Living in America while inciting violence against America.
January 7, 2009 - by Patrick Poole
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Islamic cleric Salah Sultan appeared on Egypt’s Al-Nas TV last week and delivered a warning of death and destruction for America. Not only did he attack the U.S. for its military support of Israel in its fight against the Hamas terrorist organization, but he vowed retaliation such that more Americans would be killed than those Palestinians (and, presumably, Hamas terrorists) killed in the present conflict in Gaza, emphasizing that this would take place “soon”:
America, which gave [Israel] everything it needed in these battles, will suffer economic stagnation, ruin, destruction, and crime, which will surpass what is happening in Gaza. One of these days, the U.S. will suffer more deaths than all those killed in this third Gaza holocaust. This will happen soon.
He also invoked a notorious Islamic hadith on the inevitable annihilation of the Jews by Muslims:
The stone, which is thrown at the Jews, hates these Jews, these Zionists, because Allah foretold, via His Prophet Muhammad, that Judgment Day will not come before the Jew and the Muslim fight. The Jew will hide behind stones and trees, and the stone and the tree will speak, saying: “Oh Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” The only exception will be the Gharqad tree.
This harangue would be nothing new on television in the Islamic world; in fact, it is commonplace. What is unique about Sultan’s threats against America is that he holds U.S. permanent residency status and, according to one federal law enforcement official, travels regularly on a U.S. passport. And as I have reported elsewhere, Sultan is pursuing U.S. citizenship (the status of his application is unknown due to federal privacy laws). Thus, Salah Sultan has lived quite comfortably for more than a decade under the protections of the very country he now threatens with death and destruction.
It should be noted that Salah Sultan is not some obscure figure in the American Islamic world. He serves as a member of the Fiqh Council of North America. Touted as the top Islamic governing body in the U.S., the Fiqh Council is an arm of the Islamic Society of North America. Sultan founded and served as president of the Islamic American University in Southfield, Michigan; he was the national director of tarbiyah (Islamic instruction) for the Muslim American Society; and he continues to operate the American Council for Islamic Research, based in my hometown of Hilliard, Ohio.
Sultan’s Al-Nas TV appearance last week was recorded and translated by the indispensable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Curiously, as soon as MEMRI published the video clips of Sultan’s harangue, references to Sultan’s membership with the Fiqh Council were scrubbed from its website. His name has been removed from its list of council members, even though he appeared there as recently as early last week. However, Sultan is still listed as a member on the Fiqh Council’s brochure posted online (no doubt that will be remedied as soon as they are informed of this report).

This is not the first time that Sultan has been the subject of a MEMRI report for his statements made and activities conducted outside of the U.S. In July 2007, MEMRI reported on a conference held in Doha, Qatar, in honor of Hamas spiritual leader Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who has been banned from the U.S. since 1999 for his active support of Islamic terrorism. One of the conference’s keynote speakers was Hamas head Khaled Mash’al, a “specially designated global terrorist” by the U.S. government who praised the terror cleric for his fatwa endorsing Hamas suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. Sitting beside Mash’al and Qaradawi on the speaker’s dais was none other than Salah Sultan, who gave two separate addresses during the conference honoring his mentor, Qaradawi.
This appearance by Sultan with two terrorist leaders directly violates the much-ballyhooed 2005 anti-terrorism fatwa issued by the Fiqh Council and signed by Sultan himself prohibiting such contact. Sultan also spoke at a July 2006 pro-Hamas rally in Istanbul held by the extremist Saadet Party, which also featured an address by Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh — again, a glaring violation of the Fiqh Council’s terrorism fatwa.
But with several former Fiqh Council members in prison on terrorism-related charges (former council trustee Abdurahman Alamoudi, currently serving a 23-year prison sentence), deported for concealing their terrorism ties (Fawaz Damra), fingered in illegal terrorist fundraising (current member Muhammad Al-Hanooti), and named as unindicted co-conspirators in terrorism trials (former chairman Taha Jaber Al-Awani), it should be apparent that the group is not rigorous in the fatwa’s enforcement. The Investigative Project has published a dossier on the extensive roster of Fiqh Council members tied to the international Islamic terrorist network.
May 2006 saw Salah Sultan’s first starring role in a MEMRI report when he was recorded on Al-Risala TV saying the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 terror attacks, which he claimed were then used to declare war on Muslims worldwide, and also praising Osama bin Laden mentor and “specially designated global terrorist” Abd-al-Magid Al-Zindani (see the MEMRI video clip and transcript of Sultan’s Al-Risala interview). These comments were made just two weeks after the Columbus Dispatch published a lengthy defense of Sultan as a moderate and the Central Ohio Islamic school that he was religious director of at the time.
Sultan’s Middle East media appearances also caught the eye of the Los Angeles Times in July 2007. The paper cited him by name in an article by Borzou Daragahi on a group of Islamic clerics who “share the outlook of al-Qaeda” and who were “glorifying holy war” on Bahraini TV. Sultan was a regular guest on a program hosted by Muslim Brotherhood cleric Wagdi Ghoneim, who was expelled from the U.S. in December 2004 and banned from reentering for his ties to Islamic terrorism. As noted by Bahraini blogger and journalist Mahmoud Al-Yousif, their television program was shut down by the Bahraini government after extensive criticism by members of parliament and the media.
Considering Salah Sultan’s lengthy résumé of Islamic extremism and regular association with designated terrorist leaders — much of it captured on video — you might think that the Department of Homeland Security would take some action with respect to his permanent residency status (despite owning a home in Ohio, he spends most of his time in Bahrain, disqualifying him for permanent residency), if not ban him completely from the country. You would be wrong, however. In fact, Sultan spent most of December touring mosques in Central Ohio before jetting off to Egypt last weekend for his Al-Nas interview.
But now that Salah Sultan is publicly inciting violence against the U.S. and predicting the deaths of hundreds or even thousands of our citizens through foreign media outlets, on what basis can Homeland Security officials continue to ignore this very real and extensively documented terror threat, his connections to leading U.S. Islamic groups notwithstanding? That remains to be seen.
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Sep 21, 2004
Got to love those peaceful, loving, friendly Muslims.

Top American Cleric speaking such nice, friendly words.

Keep drinking the liberal kool-aid. Yummy!!!!


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
The guys who own and operate a chain of six mini-groceries here in my end of Pinellas County are much more friendly.

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