The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread



Aug 6, 2006
[h=2]Wednesday, December 25, 2013[/h] [h=3]Allahu Akbar and Ho Ho Ho[/h] Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog 5 Comments
"A flag bearing a crescent and star flies from a flagpole in front of the World Trade Center, next to a Christmas tree and a menorah."

New York Times, 1997​
In 1997, Mohammed T. Mehdi, the head of the Arab-American Committee and the National Council on Islamic Affairs, lobbied to have a crescent and star put up at the World Trade Center during the holiday season. His wish was granted, despite the fact that he had been an adviser to Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman also known as the Blind Sheikh.

In the name of diversity and political correctness, an adviser to the religious leader behind the World Trade Center bombing, was allowed to plant an Islamic symbol of conquest in the very place that had been bombed.

Long before the Ground Zero Mosque was even a twinkle in the eye of a violent ex-waiter and a slumlord Imam, the World Trade Center allowed Mohammed T. Mehdi to bully it into flying the symbol of Islam.

By 1997, Mohammed T. Mehdi had become an unambiguously ugly public figure. He had been fired by Mayor Dinkins in 1992 for anti-Semitic remarks. The year before he had proclaimed that, "Millions of Arabs believe Saddam stands tall having defied Western colonialism".

In 1995, the US Attorney's Office in New York had listed Mehdi as an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of Sheikh Rahman. Mehdi had already published a book titled "Kennedy and Sirhan: Why?", which contended that Robert Kennedy's assassin had been acting in self-defense.

Because of Mehdi's role in actively working on behalf of the Sheikh behind the wave of terrorism that included the original attack on the World Trade Center, turning down his request should have been a no-brainer. Instead in the winter of 1997 there was an Islamic star and crescent at the World Trade Center. And another one at the park in front of the White House.

Four years before the September 11 attacks; both targets had already been marked.

The previous year had marked the first annual Ramadan dinner at the State Department, integrating the Islamic celebration into the Clinton Administration's schedule of events. Bill Clinton had not visited the World Trade Center after the bombing, but he did make time for Ramadan.

A month after 9/11, Bush went Clinton one better when he became the first president to host a Ramadan dinner at the White House. Many of the Muslim ambassadors at the event were representing countries that helped finance Al Qaeda. Little more than a month after September 11, the President of the United States sat down to break bread with the money men behind the attacks.

The Star and Crescent flying at the World Trade Center did not prevent it from being targeted in a second greater attack four years later. Nor did the Ramadan dinners keep the plane headed for the White House at bay. It took the self-sacrifice of its American passengers to do that. Instead every gesture of appeasement only seemed to make it worse.

Before the star and crescent flew at the World Trade Center, the site suffered only a few dead. After it, thousands dead. The more Ramadan dinners Bush hosted, the more Americans died, because the Star and Crescent and the Ramadan dinners both expressed a deliberate blindness to the threat of Islamic terrorism.

No one who understood what had happened at the World Trade Center in 1993, would have permitted a banner associated with its attackers to be flown there. But while the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, let Mehdi have his way with the World Trade Center, other Muslims were working to carry out Sheikh Abdel-Rahman's agenda for a war on America and the free world.

"Cut the transportation of their countries," the blind Sheik had commanded, "tear it apart, destroy their economy, burn their companies, eliminate their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them on the sea, air, or land."

While the Star and Crescent was blowing in the cold December wind coming off the Hudson River, an even colder wind was blowing out of Hamburg, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. A year earlier Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had come up with the idea and presented it to Osama bin Laden. A year later the operation began to move forward.

While Secretary of State Albright was holding her Ramadan dinners, other Ramadan dinners were being held out of sight at which more substantive events were being discussed.

While the US was busy bombing Yugoslavian civilians in order to create a separatist Muslim state for KLA terrorists; Osama bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were recruiting the first of the 9/11 hijackers. While the United States tried to appease Muslims, Muslims plotted to murder Americans.

In 1997, the New York Daily News wrote an upbeat story about Mehdi's Star and Crescent, which envisioned Islam blending merrily into the holiday season.

New York may seem a little brighter this holiday season as the glowing Muslim crescent and star symbol nudges its way onto a seasonal landscape of Christmas trees, menorahs and Kwanzaa candles.

Watch out, ho, ho, ho-ing Santas you might get drowned out by cheery folks yelling, "Allahu akbar!"​
Four years later, cheery folks yelling "Allahu Akbar" had filled downtown Manhattan with ashen snow and brightened it with the flames of the burning towers of the World Trade Center.

The 9/11 hijackers left behind notes which said among other things, "Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers".

If there were any Santas on those planes, they were certainly drowned out by the cries of "Allah Akbar". And if that didn't drown them out, having their throats being slit by the cheery folks with box cutters surely did.

On the Christmas of 2001, New York City was a city with an open wound. Muslims had finally made their impact on the holiday season in a truly unforgettable way. At Ground Zero, workers were still searching through the remains, looking for bodies or parts of them.

"It would be like a gift for somebody," a police officer said, who was spending his holiday searching through the debris. A gift for the infidels from Islam.

While Muslims were stuffing their faces in November of 2001, Americans were mourning their dead. While Abdul, Mohammed and Raisa were picking through their lamb stew, Americans were picking up the pieces of their loved ones. But it was they who were told to be sensitive to Muslim concerns.

From Pakistan, Musharraf urged the US to suspend bombing his Taliban allies during Ramadan. In the name of sensitivity. New York City schools were making arrangements for Muslim prayers out of "heightened sensitivity to Muslim concerns after the Sept. 11 attack". Instead of Americans being on the receiving end of "heightened sensitivity", the ideology that had conspired to murder them was.

On the 9th anniversary of 9/11, Islam had another gift for New Yorkers. Having bought up a building damaged in their own attack, they plotted to set up a grand mosque near Ground Zero. Another gift to New Yorkers from the religion that kept on giving. Another Crescent and Star.

The same people who did not learn the lesson in 1997, and allowed the Crescent and Star to fly at the World Trade Center, were eager to let the Ground Zero Mosque go forward in the name of tolerance. But despite the Crescent and Star, appeasement proved to be no defense.

3,000 died on 9/11 because American leaders preferred to appease, rather than confront. And we are still busy appeasing, like never before.

Allah Akbar and Ho, Ho, Ho.
Sep 21, 2004
Great article Scott, you'd think after all we've been through, that the appeasers would have
learned their lesson.


Aug 6, 2006
An Oldie but a Goodie Zit:

[Finding Moderate Muslims:] Do you believe in modernity?
by Daniel Pipes

November 26, 2003

If militant Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution, as I often argue, how does one differentiate between these two forms of Islam?

It's a tough question, especially as concerns Muslims who live in Western countries. To understand just how tough it is, consider the case of Abdurahman Alamoudi, a prominent American figure associated with 16 Muslim organizations.

FBI spokesman Bill Carter described one of those, the American Muslim Council, as "the most mainstream Muslim group in the United States." The Defense Department entrusted two of them (the Islamic Society of North America and the American Muslim Armed Forces and Veterans Council) to vet Islamic chaplains for the armed forces.

The State Department thought so highly of Alamoudi, it six times hired him and sent him on all-expenses-paid trips to majority-Muslim countries to carry what it called "a message of religious tolerance." Alamoudi's admirers have publicly hailed him as a "moderate," a "liberal Muslim," and someone known "for his charitable support of battered women and a free health clinic."

But this image of moderation collapsed recently when an Alamoudi-endorsed chaplain was arrested and charged with mishandling classified material; when Alamoudi himself was arrested on charges of illegal commerce with Libya; and when Alamoudi's Palm Pilot was found to contain contact information on seven men designated by the United States government as global terrorists.

Distinguishing between real and phony moderation, obviously, is not a job for amateurs like US government officials.

The best way to discern moderation is by delving into the record - public and private, Internet and print, domestic and foreign - of an individual or institution. Such research is most productive with intellectuals, activists and imams, all of whom have a paper trail. With others, who lack a public record, it is necessary to ask questions. These need to be specific, as vague inquiries ("Is Islam a religion of peace?" "Do you condemn terrorism?") have little value, depending as they do on definitions (of peace, terrorism).

Useful questions might include:

  • Violence: Do you condone or condemn the Palestinians, Chechens, and Kashmiris who give up their lives to kill enemy civilians? Will you condemn by name as terrorist groups such organizations as Abu Sayyaf, Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, Groupe Islamique Armée, Hamas, Harakat ul-Mujahidin, Hizbullah, Islamic Jihad, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, and al-Qaida?
  • Modernity: Should Muslim women have equal rights with men (for example, in inheritance shares or court testimony)? Is jihad, meaning a form of warfare, acceptable in today's world? Do you accept the validity of other religions? Do Muslims have anything to learn from the West?
  • Secularism: Should non-Muslims enjoy completely equal civil rights with Muslims? May Muslims convert to other religions? May Muslim women marry non-Muslim men? Do you accept the laws of a majority non-Muslim government and unreservedly pledge allegiance to that government? Should the state impose religious observance, such as banning food service during Ramadan? When Islamic customs conflict with secular laws (e.g., covering the face for drivers' license pictures), which should give way?
  • Islamic pluralism: Are Sufis and Shi'ites fully legitimate Muslims? Do you see Muslims who disagree with you as having fallen into unbelief? Is takfir (condemning fellow Muslims with whom one has disagreements as unbelievers) an acceptable practice?
  • Self-criticism: Do you accept the legitimacy of scholarly inquiry into the origins of Islam? Who was responsible for the 9/11 suicide hijackings?
  • Defense against militant Islam: Do you accept enhanced security measures to fight militant Islam, even if this means extra scrutiny of yourself (for example, at airline security)? Do you agree that institutions accused of funding terrorism should be shut down, or do you see this a symptom of bias?
  • Goals in the West: Do you accept that Western countries are majority-Christian and secular or do you seek to transform them into majority-Muslim countries ruled by Islamic law?
It is ideal if these questions are posed publicly - in the media or in front of an audience - thereby reducing the scope for dissimulation.
No single reply establishes a militant Islamic disposition (plenty of non-Muslim Europeans believe the Bush administration itself carried out the 9/11 attacks); and pretence is always a possibility, but these questions offer a good start to the vexing issue of separating enemy from friend.
Dec. 27, 2004 update: I have collected my writings on the topic of reformist Muslims at "Bibliography – My Writings on Moderate Islam."
Oct. 5, 2005 update: For what others have come up with to determine who is an Islamist and who is not, see "Finding Moderate Muslims - More Questions."
June 3, 2006 update: For comments on the above list of questions, see John Furedy's "Organizational vs. individual application of Pipes's list."
Sep. 6, 2004 update: A semi-comical American Muslim "leader" replied to this article and I reply to him at "Hamza Yusuf Fails My 'Test'."
Apr. 28, 2007 update: For a sarcastic application of these question to Christians, see "Daniel Pipes on How to Expose Militant Christianity."
Sep 21, 2004

Happy Holidays, from the Religion of Peace!

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace "Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
Quran 48:29

2013.12.25 (Logar, Afghanistan) - Six people are killed when Islamic extremists detonate a bicycle bomb outside a humanitarian aid office.
2013.12.25 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Over two dozen innocents outside a Catholic church are massacred by Religion of Peace bombers.
2013.12.25 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Holy Warriors target a market in a Christian area, killing at least eleven patrons in two blasts.
2013.12.24 (Nachal Oz, Israel) - A civilian is picked off across the border by a Palestinian sniper.
2013.12.23 (Tikrit, Iraq) - Five journalists are killed during an al-Qaeda suicide assault on their office.
2013.12.23 (Cairo, Egypt) - A suicide bomber detonates at a police station, ending over a dozen lives in horrible fashion.
Sep 21, 2004
Donate to TROP?
Weekly Jihad Report
Dec 14 - Dec 20
Jihad Attacks:
Allahu Akbars*:
Dead Bodies:
Critically Injured:
*Suicide Attacks
Monthly Jihad Report
November, 2013
Jihad Attacks:
Dead Bodies:
Critically Injured:
Sep 21, 2004
List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days
2013.12.25IraqBaghdad2638Over two dozen innocents outside a Catholic church are massacred by Religion of Peace bombers.
2013.12.25IraqBaghdad1121Holy Warriors target a market in a Christian area, killing at least eleven patrons in two blasts.
2013.12.25AfghanistanLogar613Six people are killed when Islamic extremists detonate a bicycle bomb outside a humanitarian aid office.
2013.12.24IsraelNachal Oz10A civilian is picked off across the border by a Palestinian sniper.
2013.12.23IraqTikrit55Five journalists are killed during an al-Qaeda suicide assault on their office.
2013.12.23EgyptCairo16100A suicide bomber detonates at a police station, ending over a dozen lives in horrible fashion.
2013.12.22LibyaAguiria133Thirteen people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.12.21PakistanJamrud10A polio worker is machine-gunned in his clinic by Muslim radicals.
2013.12.20NigeriaBama2012Twenty people, including women and children, are killed during a raid by a pro-Caliphate group.
2013.12.19IraqAbu Ghraib50A family of five, including three children are exterminated in their home by al-Qaeda.
2013.12.19IraqBaghdad1735Seventeen Shia pilgrims on foot are blown to bits by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2013.12.18PakistanMiranshah534At least five are killed by a Fedayeen suicide car-bomber.
2013.12.18IraqSamarrah11A Shia child is machine-gunned by Sunni terrorists.
2013.12.17PakistanKurram32Sectarian Jihadis take the lives of three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2013.12.17KenyaMalindi10A man is kidnapped and beheaded by religious radicals.
2013.12.17IraqMahmoudiya616A half-dozen Shia pilgrims are exterminated by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2013.12.17NigeriaGwol64Four very young children are among a family of Christians massacred in their own home by Fulani militants.
2013.12.17PakistanRawalpindi413A suicide bomber detonates at a rival mosque, sending four 'apostates' to Allah.
2013.12.17DagestanMakhachkala13A group of Islamists open fire on police, killing one.
2013.12.17IraqBaghdad314A Sunni hurls a grenade at a group of Shia pilgrims, killing three.
2013.12.16IraqBaghdad612An al-Qaeda car bomb at a parking lot produces six dead Iraqis.
2013.12.16ThailandPattani10A Buddhist bread vendor is murdered by suspected 'insurgents'.
2013.12.16PakistanPeshawar41Terrorists remotely detonate a bomb while it is being examined. Four disposal experts are killed in the blast.
2013.12.16ChinaKashgar20Two policemen are reportedly beaten to death by a Muslim mob.
2013.12.16IraqMosul128al-Qaeda gunmen board a bus and summarily execute a dozen Shiite pilgrims.
2013.12.16IraqRashid2355Two dozen pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by a brutal Sunni double car-bombing.
2013.12.16PakistanPeshawar10Another healthcare professional is murdered by suspected Islamists.
2013.12.16IraqBeiji85Four Fedayeen suicide bombers kill eight local policemen.
2013.12.16EgyptCairo10Muslim Brotherhood supporters slit the throat of a cab driver.
2013.12.16IraqBaghdad414A bloody bomb attack on a bus station by Islamists leaves four dead.
2013.12.16IraqBaghdad411Terrorists take out four shoppers at an outdoor market.
2013.12.16IraqTikrit27Two civilians are blown to bits by three Shahid suicide bombers.
2013.12.16IraqBaghdad514Five people in a residential neighborhood are reduced to pulp by Islamic bombers.
2013.12.15PakistanLahore10A prominent Shia cleric is assassinated by Sunni rivals.
2013.12.15AfghanistanKunar41Four civilians are pulled into pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.15SomaliaElbur10Pro-Sharia activists kidnap and murder a tribal elder.
2013.12.15IraqMosul10Fundamentalists shoot a female TV host to death.
2013.12.15AfghanistanNangarhar47Taliban bombers take down four Afghans.
2013.12.15IraqKhanaqin50Three Shia children and their parents are exterminated by Sunni bombers.
2013.12.15LibyaSidon13A suicide bomber steps out of a car and kills a Lebanese soldier at a checkpoint.
2013.12.15IsraelRosh Hanikra10A Hezbollah sniper shoots an IDF soldier across the border.
2013.12.15LibyaBenghazi10A man dies an agonizing death in the aftermath of an Ansar al-Sharia car bombing.
2013.12.15ThailandNarathiwat20A Buddhist couple in their 60's are shot to death by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.12.15BangladeshNilphamari550Islami Chhatra Shibir kill five rivals.
2013.12.15IraqBaghdad927Sunnis take out nine Shiites with two bombs.
2013.12.14CentrafriqueBangui10A Bible translator is shot and killed by Christian-seeking Muslims.
2013.12.14KenyaNairobi624Islamic militants toss a grenade at a mini-bus, killing six passengers.
2013.12.14MaliKidal25Two UN troops guarding a bank are wiped out by a suicide bomber.
2013.12.14IraqHusseiniyah27Two patrons at a restaurant are disassembled in mid-bite by a Sunni bomb blast.
2013.12.14IraqBaghdad514Five shoppers at a market are sectionalized by Jihadi car bombers.
2013.12.14DRCNorth Kivu213ADF-Nalu terrorists massacre twenty-one villagers, including children.
2013.12.14IraqBaghdad716Seven Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by their Sunni brothers.
2013.12.14SyriaAtmeh30Three secular Sunnis are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic Front.
2013.12.14NigeriaArboko40Islamists attack a Christian village, slaughtering four inhabitants and burning on-hundred homes.
2013.12.13SyriaAdra800At least eighty ordinary Shiites are executed by Sunni radicals over a two-day spree.
2013.12.13PakistanSwabi20Four gunmen murder two guards providing security for polio workers.
2013.12.13IraqImam Wais186Eighteen oil workers are massacred by Islamic militants at a pipeline.
2013.12.13PakistanJamrud10A medical worker is shot to death by religious fundamentalists.
2013.12.13IraqMadaen618A half-dozen people lose their lives to a Mujahid car bomb.
2013.12.13IraqRamadi57A suicide bomber sends five other souls to Allah.
2013.12.13BangladeshSatkhira20Jamaat-e-Islami militants hack a man to death and gun down a kindergarten student.
2013.12.13PakistanFaisalabad10A 35-year-old single woman is beaten to death on suspicion of having sexual relations.
2013.12.13IraqBahgdad514Jihadi car bombers aerate five Iraqis.
2013.12.12PakistanMiranshah27Islamic militants murder two security personnel.
2013.12.12SyriaGevere40Islamists butcher four villagers who came to negotiate with them, cutting off ears and noses.
2013.12.12EgyptIsmailiya135A bomb planted by religious radicals leaves one dead.
2013.12.12ThailandPattani18Muslim 'separatists' shoot a villager and set off a bomb at a school.
2013.12.12IraqTarmiya513Five Iraqis are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.12.12BangladeshSatkhira20Islami Chhatra Shibi radicals stab two men to death.
2013.12.12PakistanSpinwam40Ansar-ul-Mujahideen murder four locals with a roadside bomb.
2013.12.12SomaliaBaidoa109Gunmen 'chanting religious slogans' shoot up a small town.
2013.12.11PakistanQuetta10A mob murders a man for wrapping fruit in pages from the Quran.
2013.12.11ThailandYala10Suspected Muslim 'insurgents' murder a man on his way to work.
2013.12.11PakistanKarachi10A Quran teacher is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2013.12.11ThailandPattai417Four local cops are taken out by a roadside bomb.
2013.12.11IndiaSrinagar11Two local soldiers guarding a highway are machine-gunned by Muslim militants.
2013.12.11NigeriaBorno93Pro-Sharia activists attack random cars on the highway, slitting the throats of nine travelers.
2013.12.11IraqMadaen1711A father and son murdered by al-Qaeda are among seventeen Iraqis taken out in various attacks.
2013.12.10IraqBaqubah70Seven Shia shepherds are murdered in cold blood by Sunni extremists.
2013.12.10KenyaGarissa80Eight Kenyans are killed when al-Shabaab militants spray a car with automatic weapons.
2013.12.10IraqBaqubah1119Eleven worshippers at a Shiite mosque are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.10BangladeshGazipur20A young woman and her 7-year-old daughter are burned to a crisp when Islami Chhatra Shibir radicals set fire to their lorry.
2013.12.10IraqAbara70Seven Sunni construction workers are shot to death by Mujahideen.
2013.12.10IraqDiyala60Six family members are torn to pieces by Mujahid bombers while preparing for a funeral.
2013.12.09BangladeshBogra10A college professor is stabbed to death by Jamaat-e-Islami students.
2013.12.09SyriaIdlib10An oil vendor is executed by Islamists for 'blasphemy'.
2013.12.09IraqBuhriz1224A brutal bomb blast at a cafe kills a dozen patrons.
2013.12.09IraqBaghdad23Two Iraqis are taken out by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.12.09AfghanistanBadghis63A half dozen family members are crushed to death in their home by a Taliban rocket.
2013.12.09BangladeshDhaka10Jamaat-e-Islami gun down a 55-year-old man.
2013.12.09DagestanKhasavyurt10A security official is picked off by suspected Hizb Ut-Tahrir.
2013.12.09AfghanistanSaripul31A Taliban bomb produces three dead children.
2013.12.09IraqBaghdad37Three patrons at a Shia market are laid out by Sunni bombers.
2013.12.08IraqBaghdad619Six shoppers at a Shia market are disintegrated by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.12.08YemenSanaa20al-Qaeda is suspected in the assassination of two army officers.
2013.12.08SomaliaElbur10A tribal elder is kidnapped and murdered by al-Shabaab militants.
2013.12.08IraqBaghdad13112A series of smaller terror attacks leave thirteen dead.
2013.12.08IraqBaghdad720Jihadis detonate a car bomb along a commerical district, killing seven.
2013.12.08IraqBaghdad622Six Iraqis are dismantled by Islamic bombers at a tax office.
2013.12.08IraqBeaver Ridge WV Canaan316Mujahideen wipe out three shoppers at a market.
2013.12.08PakistanKarachi10A 42-year-old Shiite is gunned down by angry Sunnis.
2013.12.08IraqHusseiniyah313A bombing near a restaurant kills three innocents.
2013.12.08PakistanHaider Shah10An 18-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her conservative brother for having an affair.
2013.12.07IraqMosul314Three people at a market are sectionalized by a Religion of Peace blast.
2013.12.07IraqBaghdad96Islamic fundamentalists murder nine patrons at alcohol shops.
2013.12.07SyriaHoms70The bodies of seven Christians are found brutally tortured and beheaded by Islamist 'rebels'.
2013.12.07SyriaAleppo10A man is beheaded with a heavy machine-gun to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2013.12.06PakistanPeshawar20Two Sunni brothers are gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba for being too friendly with Shiites.
2013.12.06IraqBaghdad514Two Mujahideen blasts leave five dead.
2013.12.06IraqDor511A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five other souls to Allah.
2013.12.06IraqTikrit38Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.06PhilippinesMarawi11Moro Islamists murder a civilian.
2013.12.06PakistanKarachi30Three Sunnis are picked off at an eatery by Shia gunmen.
2013.12.06SomaliaMogadishu10A lawmaker is taken out by a suspected al-Shabaab bomb.
2013.12.06SyriaQamishli610A Shahid suicide car bombing rocks a neighborhood and snuffs out the lives of six residents.
2013.12.05LibyaBenghazi20Two young soldiers are shot in the head by suspected Ansar al-Sharia.
2013.12.05IraqKirkuk679Fedayeen suicide bombers attack a shopping mall, exterminating six innocents.
2013.12.05IraqMosul70al-Qaeda shootings and bombings leave seven dead.
2013.12.05SomaliaBosasso737Pro-Sharia activists detonate a car bomb that leaves seven dead.
2013.12.05IranKhuzestan40Four Arab political activists are executed for 'being enemies of Allah'.
2013.12.05BangladeshSatkhira12Islami Chhatra Shibir gunmen shoot secular activist to death outside his home.
2013.12.05CentrafriqueBangui30Three pastors, includind a father of eleven, are murdered in a Muslim rampage.
2013.12.05LibyaBenghazi10An American teacher is murdered by gunmen while jogging.
2013.12.05YemenSanaa52167Six doctors are among fifty innocents slaughtered in a massive suicide attack on a hospital.
2013.12.04AfghanistanPanjwayi40A man, his wife and two children are exterminated by a Taliban bomb.
2013.12.04SyriaIdlib10A cameraman is kidnapped and executed by an al-Qaeda linked group.
2013.12.04IndiaAmbedkar Nagar10Muslim activists gun down a Hindu.
2013.12.03IraqAbu Ghraib28Jihads murder two patrons at a vegetable market.
2013.12.03Pal. Auth.Gaza10Hamas is accused of beating a man in front of his wife, kidnapping him and then torturing him to death.
2013.12.03AfghanistanZabul34Three local cops are take out by a Taliban bomb.
2013.12.03AfghanistanGareshk42Four civilians lose their lives to fundamentalist bombers.
2013.12.03AfghanistanMarjah210Religious radicals bomb a market, wiping out two patrons.
2013.12.03PakistanKarachi20A prayer leader is among two Shiites assassinated by Sunni gunmen.
2013.12.03PakistanMatta10A peace committee member is gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2013.12.03PakistanKarachi32Shia militia are suspected of firing into a group of Sunnis, killing three.
2013.12.03ThailandPattani10A 49-year-old villager is killed by suspected Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.12.03IraqBaghada613A Sunni car bomb rips through a Shia district, leaving six dead.
2013.12.03SyriaDamascus417Four locals are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.03IraqTikrit2230Twenty-two people are a welfare office are ripped into pieces by four Holy Warriors with suicide belts.
2013.12.03IraqTarmiyah917Two Fedayeen suicide bombers slaughter nine people who gathered at the scene of an earlier bombing.
2013.12.03LebanonHadath10The Free Sunnis of Baalbek Battalion assassinate a Shia leader outside his house.
2013.12.02TunisiaMount Chaambi10An engineer is taken out by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.12.02AfghanistanKabul417A suicide truck bomber incinerates at least four other people.
2013.12.02IraqMosul26A bomb targeting oil workers leaves two dead.
2013.12.02NigeriaMaiduguri20Terrorists chanting 'Allah Akbar' hack two brothers to death in their home.
2013.12.02Iraqal-Nibaie60Children are among a family of six massacred in their home by Islamists.
2013.12.02PakistanMansehra10A 15-year-old girl is 'honor killed' by her brother on suspicion of an affair.
2013.12.01IraqBaghdad50Two women and two children are among a family of five murdered in their own home by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.12.01KenyaMombasa10A man is kidnapped from his home and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2013.12.01PakistanKarachi20Two Shiite brothers are gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists.
2013.12.01IraqSadiya65Mujahid bombers end the lives of a half-dozen people at a cafe.
2013.12.01LebanonSidon21Two people are murdered by Jund al-Sham militants.
2013.12.01LibyaBenghazi11A father is shot to death in front of his own son by suspected Sharia advocates.
2013.12.01IraqMuqdadya1225A Shahid suicide bomber sends twelve mourners at a funeral straight to Allah.
2013.12.01LebanonTripoli31A sniper picks off three men in a truck for having the wrong religion.
2013.11.30IraqMahmoudiya47Mujahideen blow up a bus stop along with four commuters.
2013.11.30IraqBaghdad2028Twenty Iraqis are taken out by a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2013.11.30PakistanPeshawar10Fundamentalists fire on an polio team, killing a guard.
2013.11.30NigeriaBaga715Seven fisherman are ambushed and slain by Boko Haram.
2013.11.30PakistanMohmand32Tehreek-e-Taliban kill three local police officers.
2013.11.30EgyptMinya014Muslims rampage through a Christian village, burning homes and throwing children from roofs.
2013.11.30ThailandPattani12Muslim 'insurgents' are suspected of the cold blooded murder of a father in front of two young children.
2013.11.29IraqBaghdad59Jihadis kill five spectators by detonating a bomb at a soccer field.
2013.11.29IraqBaghdad70Fundamentalists storm a brothel and murder six women and one man.
2013.11.29IraqSalaheddin70Islamists kidnap seven laborers and maintenance staff from a soccer stadium and cut their throats.
2013.11.29LibyaBenghazi20Two more security personnel are murdered by suspected Ansar al-Sharia.
2013.11.29AfghanistanHelmand14A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2013.11.29AfghanistanKandahar12A child is blown to bits by a Holy Warrior with a suicide belt.
2013.11.29IraqTarmiyah180Eighteen civilians are rounded up and brutally shot in the head by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.11.29SyriaDamascus426Terrorists reportedly fire a rocket at a mosque, killing four worshippers.
2013.11.28IraqTikrit13A suicide bomber manages to take out one other person.
2013.11.28IsraelJerusalem01Arabs crush an Israeli baby's skull with rocks.
2013.11.28AfghanistanNangarhar610Two Taliban bombs kill six civilians, including five rushing to help the first victim.
2013.11.28PakistanKarachi10A man posing as a religious advisor is beheaded by angry fundamentalists.
2013.11.28IraqTikrit77Seven people are aerated by a Religion of Peace shrapnel bomb.
2013.11.28LibyaBenghazi40Four soldiers are killed by Ansar al-Sharia for 'imposing something that is not part of the religion."
2013.11.28IraqHillah931Car bombs targeting Shia shoppers leaves nine dead.
2013.11.28IraqNajaf712Sunni bombers take out seven Iraqis.
2013.11.28IraqSuwayrah514Five civilians in a commercial area are reduced to pulp by Mujahid bombers.
2013.11.28IraqSamarrah39Three people are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.11.28PakistanKarachi10A convert to Shiism is beheaded by Sunni radicals, who then hang his head from a bridge.
2013.11.28NigeriaDamboa176Seventeen villagers are slaughtered by machete-wielders shouting praises to Allah.
2013.11.27IraqBaghdad140Fourteen victims of sectarian militia are found bound and shot.
2013.11.27IraqRamadi411Two suicide bombings leave four dead Iraqis.
2013.11.27IraqBaghdad50Five members of a family are slaughtered in their home by Muslim militants.
2013.11.27IraqAbu Ghraib1232A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, putting a dozen mourners out of their misery.
2013.11.27IraqKhanaqin20al-Qaeda gunmen shoot a man and wife to death in their home.
2013.11.27IraqDoura23Terrorists bomb a vegetable market, killing two patrons.
2013.11.27IraqJbara19A security guard is taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.11.27IraqHadhar30A cab driver and two teachers are murdered by suspected Mujahideen.
2013.11.27SyriaIdlib70ISIL Islamists execute seven members of a more moderate Islamist group on video.
2013.11.27AfghanistanPashtun Kot61Six members of a humanitarian team are dragged from their car and executed by Islamic extremists.
There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists.
Daniel Greenfield

Previous Years:
If we are "at war" with Islam it is not because there is something
wrong with us, but because there is something wrong with Islam.

"I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the
sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to
all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to
embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam.
Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion."
Osama bin Laden (1957 - 2011)

If we should respect the Quran because not doing so causes Muslims to
get angry and kill, then here are the other things we should stop doing: Educating women. Selling alcohol. Pre-marital sex. Sharing a
non-Muslim religious faith.
Democracy. Disaster relief. Sporting events
Free speech. Allowing women to dress as they please. Being gay.
Hindu. Being Christian. Being Jewish. Being Buddhist.
Sikh. Being Ahmadi. Being Sufi. Going to the wrong mosque...

Sep 21, 2004
“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.” ~ Houari Boumédienne (Algeria’s Chairman of the Revolutionary Council 1965-1976)
Sep 16, 2013
riiiiight... cause the cops had to shut down a whole city and eventually a citizen found the ''terrorists'' (more like a couple of coward moron wannabe terrorists)

Zit, are you kids as illogical and moronic and clueless as you are? Lol. I love this.
Sep 16, 2013

There is no Hell but Islam

Christians have carried out thousands of molestations in the name of jesus the prostitute(mary) humping fraud....and the number is growing everyday. Is it so surprising that people who worship this pervert molest kids at an alarming rate?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Pakistan's troubled north-western Swat district have been ordered to close in a Taleban edict banning girls' education. Militants seeking to impose their austere interpretation of Sharia law have destroyed about 150 schools in the past year.
Sep 21, 2004
Pakistan's troubled north-western Swat district have been ordered to close in a Taleban edict banning girls' education. Militants seeking to impose their austere interpretation of Sharia law have destroyed about 150 schools in the past year.

Aww how cute, nice friendly musl8ms destroyed 150 schools how nice. It's not like their religion and holy book encourages them to do this, oh wait.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]'Suicide bomber' hits Russia's Volgograd train station[/h]A suicide attack on a train station in Russia's southern city of Volgograd has killed 16 people, officials say.

An Islamist insurgency in the North Caucasus region has led to many attacks there in recent years. Insurgents have also attacked big Russian towns.

In June, Doku Umarov, one of the leaders of the Islamist insurgency in the Russian Caucasus republics, called on his supporters to use "maximum force" to disrupt the "satanic" winter Olympics in Sochi.
It is too early to say whether the attack in Volgograd was by one of his supporters.
But it shows that - despite the metal detectors at railway stations, airports and shopping centres in Russia - bombers are still able to kill and wreak havoc.
It also shows that the attacks will not have to be on Sochi itself to attract attention.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=2]New deadly bomb strikes Russian city[/h]
At least 14 people have been killed in a suicide bombing on a trolleybus in the Russian city of Volgograd, investigators say.
The blast comes a day after 17 people died in another suicide attack at the central station in the city.

Police cordoned off the site of the explosion as they looked for clues
Witnesses described a scene of carnage following the blast
The explosion was the second in the city in 24 hours. A blast hit a train station on Sunday.
Sunday's explosion blew out many windows, and sent debris down the station steps

[h=2]Recent attacks inside Russia[/h]
  • 29 December 2013: Suspected female suicide bomber kills at least 14 in attack at Volgograd-1 train station
  • 27 December 2013: Car bomb kills three in the southern city of Pyatigorsk
  • 21 October 2013: Suspected female suicide bomber kills six in attack on bus in Volgograd

No group has yet said it was behind the blast.
An Islamist insurgency in the North Caucasus region has led to many attacks there in recent years. Insurgents have also attacked major Russian towns.
The attacks show that the bombers do not need to target Sochi directly to attract international attention - any part of Russia will do, says the BBC's Daniel Sandford in Moscow.
Sep 21, 2004
[ A simple little quiz: Do you think this suicide bomber yelled "Allah Akbhar" or "Praise Jesus" before he/she blew up? ]

Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 16 in Russian Train Station Blast



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by Mary Chastain 29 Dec 2013 7 post a comment
On Sunday, a terrorist detonated a bomb at a busy Russian train station in Volgograd, killing at least 16 people and injuring over 50 more. This is the second terrorist attack in the last two months in the city, raising more security questions around the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

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