The One Size Fits All Friendly Muslim Thread

Sep 21, 2004
[ Mooohummad says drink camel piss as medicine... and look what this maggot has to say about Coronavirus ]

Watch: Islamic Scholar Decries Poor Toilet Habits of ‘Impure’ Westerners

Screengrab/MEMRISIMON KENT8 Apr 2020

Jordanian Islamic scholar Ahmad al-Shahrouri has scolded people living in the West for their “lack of purity and cleanliness” in the age of coronavirus.
He says those living beyond the reach of Islam are more prone to diseases like the coronavirus because they do not wash their behinds with water after using the restroom like Muslims do.

“They have currently run out of toilet paper in their markets because they do not use water,” al-Shahrouri told Jordan’s Yarmouk TV on March 29, as translated by the Middle East Media Reserch Institute (MEMRI).
He added: “They are plagued by these diseases, these microbes and these viruses because they do not clean their filth enough.”
Recalling a time when his “head almost exploded” from the “stench” of two Westerners he sat between on a plane, Al-Shahrouri said Muslims should praise Allah for requiring them to perform ablution, according to MEMRI.
Furthermore, he said Westerners’ poor hygiene is why France is known for producing luxurious perfumes that mask people’s filth, foulness, and odors.

This is not the first time a Muslim scholar has equated a lack of Islamic belief with the deadly Chinese coronavirus, as Breitbart Jerusalem has reported.
Last month an Imam in Gaza said in a sermon broadcast on Hamas TV that coronavirus is a “soldier of Allah (God)” sent to harm Western countries while not affecting Palestinians and Muslims.
A clip published by MEMRI shows Gazan Imam Jamil Al-Mutawa saying the virus was part of God’s revenge for the U.S. peace plan for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Imam in Hamas TV Friday Sermon a Day before Coronavirus Cases Confirmed in Gaza: This Virus Is a Soldier of Allah; Muslims Are the Least Affected


4:15 AM - Mar 23, 2020
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“Look how anyone who schemes against the Al-Aqsa Mosque is being shattered to smithereens,” he said. “This is the greatness of Allah!”
“They talk about 25 million infected people in just one of the 50 [U.S.] states. Allah be praised,” he said.
“Look how empty the Israeli streets are and look how croded this mosque is,” Mutawa said to a crowd of hundreds in Gaza’s White Mosque. “Unleash the coronavirus against the people behind the evil deal [of the century],” Mutawa said.
Two days after the clip was broadcast by the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV, the first two cases were confirmed in the Gaza Strip.
Tunisian cleric Bechir Ben Hassen, who lives in France, is another who has left little doubt as to why the deadly virus has struck.
“The virus is a soldier in Allah’s army. Today, it’s toppling people as if they were insects,” he said.
Neither explained how it is people in Muslim countries from Iran to Malaysia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon and of course the Palestinian Authority, are also being afflicted at alarming rates.

Sep 21, 2004
[ This is the same religion that teaches that if a fly goes from a pile of shit into your food, you should dip both wings in your food, because one
wing has the germs in it, and the other wing has the remedy. Fucking brainless, ignorant idiots, living in the 5th century ]

Sep 21, 2004
I was debating a Muslim guy online the other day, and he was arguing that it was OK for the "holy" prophet Mohammad to fuck Aisha at 6, and marry her at 9, because in the Bible Jesus' mother Mary gets pregnant by the holy spirit at a young age (it doesn't say the exact age, but people think 14).

That's how sick these pigs are.
Sep 21, 2004
[ Of course, College bows down to the demands of the Muslim and forces Prof. to apologize. Fucking sick world we live in. ]

Arizona: Muslim Students Threaten to Kill Prof for Suggesting Islam Is Violent



This will teach those Islamophobes that Islam is a religion of peace: a professor is facing death threats for suggesting otherwise. Nicholas Damask, Ph.D., has taught political science at Scottsdale Community College in Arizona for 24 years. But now he is facing a barrage of threats, and his family, including his 9-year-old grandson and 85-year-old parents, is in hiding, while College officials are demanding that he apologize – all for the crime of speaking the truth about the motivating ideology behind the threat of Islamic jihad worldwide.

Damask, who has an MA in International Relations from American University in Washington, D.C., and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Cincinnati, says he is “to my knowledge, the only tenured political science faculty currently teaching in Arizona to write a doctoral dissertation on terrorism.” He has taught Scottsdale Community College’s World Politics for each of the 24 years he has worked at the school.
Professor Damask’s troubles began during the current Spring semester, when a student took exception to three quiz questions. The questions were:

  • Who do terrorists strive to emulate? A. Mohammed
  • Where is terrorism encouraged in Islamic doctrine and law? A. The Medina verses [i.e., the portion of the Qur’an traditionally understood as having been revealed later in Muhammad’s prophetic career]
  • Terrorism is _______ in Islam. A. justified within the context of jihad.
Damask explained: “All quiz questions on each of my quizzes, including the ones in question here, are carefully sourced to the reading material. On this quiz, questions were sourced to the Qur’an, the hadiths, and the sira (biography) of Mohammed, and other reputable source material.” And indeed, the three questions reflect basic facts that are readily established by reference to Islamic texts and teachings and numerous statements of terrorists themselves.

Despite this, the student emailed Damask to complain that he was “offended” by these questions, as they were “in distaste of Islam.” Damask recounted: “Until this point, notably, the student had expressed no reservations about the course material and indeed he said he enjoyed the course.”
Damask sent two lengthy emails to the student responding to his complaints, but to no avail. A social media campaign began against Damask on the College’s Instagram account. Damask notes: “An unrelated school post about a school contest was hijacked, with supporters of the student posting angry, threatening, inflammatory and derogatory messages about the quiz, the school, and myself.”

At this point, College officials should have defended Professor Damask and the principle of free inquiry, but that would require a sane academic environment. Scottsdale Community College officials, Damask said, “stepped in to assert on a new Instagram post that the student was correct and that I was wrong – with no due process and actually no complaint even being filed – and that he would receive full credit for all the quiz questions related to Islam and terrorism.”
On May 1, Damask had a conference call with Kathleen Iudicello, Scottsdale Community College’s Dean of Instruction, and Eric Sells, the College’s Public Relations Marketing Manager. Damask recalls: “I was not offered to write any part of the school’s response, and there was no discussion of academic freedom or whether the College was even supportive of me to teach about Islamic terrorism. The very first point I made with them on the call (and virtually the only input I had) is that I insisted that the College’s release was to have no mention of any actions to be required to be taken by me personally, I was very clear about that.”

Predictably, Iudicello and Sells ignored that. They issued an apology to the student and to the “Islamic community,” and stated on the College’s Instagram page that Damask would be “required” to apologize to the student for the quiz questions, as the questions were “inappropriate” and “inaccurate,” and would be permanently removed from Damask’s exams.

Damask also had three phone calls with Iudicello, who gave him a bracing introduction into today’s academic funhouse world, where if someone is offended by the truth, it’s the truth that has to be deep-sixed. “During one call with Iudicello,” Damask recounts, “she stated that my quiz questions were ‘Islamophobic,’ that before continuing to have any further class content on Islamic terrorism I would likely need to meet with an Islamic religious leader to go over the content, and that I would likely need to take a class (perhaps at Arizona State) taught by a Muslim before teaching about Islamic terrorism.”

“The irony here,” says Damask, “is that literally during this phone call, I and my wife were tossing socks and jammies and our nine-year-old grandson’s toys into a suitcase to get the hell out of the house because of the death threats made by Islamic commenters on the College’s Instagram page.”
College officials took no public notice of the fact, but the posts on its Instagram page discussing the incident had begun to fill up with threats against Damask, including these statements: “if he is still around I suggest the students take action to make sure he isn’t”; “drop the professor’s address I just wanna talk”; “what’s the instructor’s name and address, I just want to say ‘hi’”; “I wish everything bad on these kuffar” [unbelievers]; “I hope he suffers.”

According to Damask, “there are literally hundreds of posts like this. There have been death threats, at least one call for a school shooting, and at least one call to burn down the school. Again, all of these threats are still on the College’s Instagram page.” When he asked school police to shut down the social media posts in light of these threats, they told him the posts were being monitored. Yet the threats were not taken down.
On Sunday night, the school sent Damask the apology that he was to make to the offended student. It is full of the expected embarrassing groveling: “I know,” Damask is supposed to inform the student, “a simple apology may not be enough to address the harm that I caused but I want to try to make amends.” He promises the student: “I will be reviewing all of my material to ensure there’s no additional insensitivities.” (Apparently politically correct academics cannot be bothered to internalize basic rules of grammar.)
“It goes without saying,” says Damask, “that I will not apologize for anything, that it is perfectly appropriate to discuss Islam, Muhammad, the Quran, the hadiths and any other matter related to Islamic terrorism. Incidentally: there has been no official complaint, no due process for me, just a mad scramble by the school to appease Islam.

Damask’s introduction to the new Leftist academic world in which identity trumps truth has been bitter. “The College,” he says, “has displayed an appalling lack of respect toward my rights; it has essentially engaged in defamation by terming my course material inaccurate, insensitive and that I have violated the College’s values; has denied my civil rights through waiving any and all due process procedures; violated my First Amendment rights by demanding I make an apology to the student; and violated my First Amendment and civil rights by demanding I alter my course material. Further and perhaps worse, I believe the school has effectively encouraged and permitted these threats to be made against me when the school could have immediately put a stop to them, which is tantamount to allowing mob threats against me.”

It’s a terrible story, but there is one silver lining: at least we all know now that Islam is a religion of peace.
Apr 2, 2020
I've worked with a few Muslims in the auto design industry. They're nice
people but extremely devoted to that religion, to the point of extremism.

Years ago a Muslim Ford engineer murdered his family and killed himself,
because he'd lost everything gambling. He believed he'd failed as his family's
leader (true), and subsequently concluded that THEY had to die with him (debatable).
Sep 21, 2004
[ When your religion tells you that women are pieces of shit that should be wearing a garbage bag, it makes it easier to pull this kind of shit ]

[h=2]Swedish girl, 17, was decapitated 'by Iraqi-born boyfriend, 23, who wrapped her head in aluminium foil' after she broke up with him in case that has shocked the country[/h]
A 17-year-old girl was beheaded by her ex-boyfriend after breaking up with him in Sweden, it is alleged.
Wilma Andersson vanished on November 14 last year and police found a 'body part' two weeks later - which was later revealed to be her head.
Her ex-boyfriend Tishko Ahmed Shabaz was arrested at the time and has now been charged with her murder, which he denies.
Shabaz is accused of decapitating Wilma when she went to collect her belongings before wrapping her head in foil and hiding it at his home.

According to Expressen, Shabaz is accused of hiding Wilma's head in a travel bag where it was wrapped in tape and aluminium foil.
Police also found blood on the floor of his apartment and 'traces of Wilma' on a large kitchen knife, it is alleged.
'The suspect has retained a body part for an unknown reason and got rid of the rest of the body,' the police chief said.
Prosecutors claim that he murdered Wilma by subjecting her to 'repeated violence'.
The rest of Wilma's body has never been found, and relatives have urged people to continue their search.
'We want to find our daughter and sister. It is completely inhumane that we go through so please do not stop looking for Wilma,' her mother Linda told Swedish media.


Sep 21, 2004
[h=1][ Inbred pieces of shit ]

Pakistan: judges rule it’s OK to rape Christian girls[/h]Scandalous sentence of the Sindh High Court against the 14-year-old Catholic Huma Younus, kidnapped, raped and forced to marry a Muslim man: the marriage is valid, according to Sharia law, because Huma had already begun her menstrual cycle. This proves that Pakistani laws, which prohibit marriage to minors, are only a façade to secure Western economic aid, firstly from the European Union. The judgement sounds like a sentence for the thousands of Christian girls who suffer the same fate, with forced conversions perpetrated through abduction and sexual violence.


This could have been an important legal precedent. It could have been an opportunity to finally do justice. Instead it was yet another defeat.
3 February, at 11 a.m. in Pakistan, the two judges of the High Court of Sindh, Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro and Irshad Ali Shah, ruled that the marriage between Huma Younus, a 14-year-old Catholic, and her abductor, the Muslim Abdul Jabbar, is valid. Their judgement was not based on the presumed legal age of the girl, as the kidnapper has claimed since the beginning of this affair. The marriage is valid because, under Islamic law, Sharia law, a girl or even a child who has already had her first menstrual cycle is “ready” to get married. This golden rule is based on the life of the Prophet, who married one of his wives, Aisha, when she was only six, but waited patiently for her first menstruation, when she was nine years old, to consummate the marriage.
So Sharia law prevails. And it doesn't matter if in Sindh, the Karachi province, since 2014 the Child Marriage Restraint Act prohibits the marriage of minors and also imposes a term of imprisonment for the adult spouse.
What is the point of formulating and approving laws if they can be gaily ignored as if it were still the 7th Century? “The point is to give Pakistan credit in the eyes of the international community”, as Huma's parents' lawyer, Tabassum Yousaf, explained after the sentence. Cosmetic laws that have the sole purpose of allowing the Asian country not to lose out on development funds from the West or benefits such as the Generalized System of Preferences, or GSP, a preferential tariff system for trade with the European Union granted to Pakistan by the EU. Such benefits often include human rights clauses: formulating laws to protect them is an excellent ploy.
What a pity that, as this case shows, Sharia law prevails and judicial rulings often reference verses from the Koran rather than civil laws.
How does one explain to a mother that her 14-year-old daughter can be legally raped every day? Mrs Nagheena Younus was in tears yesterday before the High Court in Karachi. There had been high hopes for this case, because for the first time judges in a Second Instance Court were called upon to give their opinion on a case of forced conversion. But no progress has been achieved because almost all the parents of the approximately one thousand Christian or Hindu girls who are kidnapped, raped, forced to convert to Islam and marry their aggressor every year in Pakistan, have no resources to access justice and to combat the overwhelming social pressures, threats, and even the complicity of the local police with the Muslim abductors.
But this time it was different: Younus and Nagheena, Huma's parents, could count on the pro bono assistance of their Catholic lawyer, Ms Tabassum Yousaf, and the support of the Pontifical Foundation Aid to the Church in Need, which is bearing all legal costs. However, this has not sufficed in a country whose judicial system fiercely discriminates against Christians and other religious minorities.
Ms Yousaf has nonetheless asked the judges to order a medical examination to certify her client’s age. When Huma was abducted on October 10, her parents immediately provided her birth certificate and baptism certificate issued by the Catholic parish of St James in Karachi, both of which were dated May 22, 2005. But since the kidnapper Jabbar claims that his “wife” is in fact of legal age – it is interesting to note that the word of a Muslim is deemed to be worth as much as, if not more than, a document issued by the Pakistani government itself – a medical examination will be necessary to verify her age.

Unfortunately, however, the Investigation Officer in charge of this test is Akhtar Hussain, the same Investigation Officer who should have taken the girl back to Karachi after Jabbar had abducted her to the Punjab, 600 kilometres from her home, to marry her, and the same officer who should have escorted Huma to court yesterday (obviously the girl was not present). And, as if the suspicions of complicity with the kidnapper weren't enough, the “high five” that Hussain and Jabbar's lawyer exchanged after the previous hearing on January 16 sent out a clear message.
“Hussain could easily counterfeit the medical report”, says Ms Yousaf, Huma’s lawyer, who hopes at least to be able to have the girl transferred to a women's centre so that she can escape the daily rapes. It certainly won't be easy and, in any case, since the marriage was deemed valid by the High Court, there is little chance that Jabbar will be arrested or punished. But the young lawyer and Huma’s parents, together with Aid to the Church in Need, are not giving up. We wait to see what surprises the next hearing, scheduled for March 4, will bring.
Sep 21, 2004
Al Qaeda leader taken out by 'secret' US missile filled with knives dubbed the 'ninja bomb'


By Hollie McKay | Fox News

The journey of two senior Al Qaeda-aligned commanders in northwestern Syria on Sunday was suddenly cut short by a targeted U.S.-led strike — only it doesn't appear that they were killed by explosives, but a missile packed with knives.

Video of the aftermath circulating on social media shows that the vehicle of the terrorist leaders – Jordanian Qassam ul-Urdini and Yemeni Bilal al-Sanaani – was mostly untouched, with just one side severed and the roof smashed in, prompting defense analysts to point to the use of a "secret" missile jointly developed by both the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
It is a variation of the Hellfire anti-tank missile, referred to as the R9X, and internally called the "Flying Ginsu" or the "ninja bomb," and it just might drastically shape the way war is waged given its exactitude and subsequent ability to vastly reduce the risk of collateral damage and civilian casualties.
Hassan Hassan

A US strike kills a notable al-Qaeda leader in Syria. A video of the car he was in. modern weapons!


6:58 PM - Jun 14, 2020
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"The Hellfire R9X missile is a modified version of the Hellfire anti-tank missile, the likes of which have been featured on America drones like the Reaper and Predator.​ The reference to knives is no accident, as it features multiple steel blades that emerge from the missile moments before impact," Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) told Fox News. "The result is a much smaller kill radius, which can limit the damage caused by the missile to the intended target area. Such a feature is increasingly needed for counterterrorism campaigns, where the fighting is closer-in, and the environment around the target is more dense and likely to be filled with non-combatants.​"
According to an analysis by "The War Zone," the R9X doesn't explode and wields six long blades "that are stowed inside and then deploy through the skin of the missile seconds before impact to ensure that it shreds anything in its tracks," flying directly into designated targets. Compared to the traditional Hellfire, which ignites a potent blast, leaves a mangled mess in its wake and runs the risk of killing others within a 700-foot radius, the new modification is considered to be quite the advancement with a 100 percent deadly danger zone of 30 inches.
The 100-pound Hellfire R9X was first publicly brought to light by The Wall Street Journal in May last year, and characterized by defense officials as being dependent on the force of impact in conjunction with the aureole of six blades that furl out during flight.


A Hellfire missile hangs from a U.S. Air Force MQ-1B Predator unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) (file photo) (2016 Getty Images)

Aside from its suspected use in Syria this past weekend, experts have pointed to numerous other occasions the weapon has been used to take down terrorist leaders not only in Syria but also in Yemen and Afghanistan.

One occasion was in a January 2019 strike on a Taliban commander in Kunduz, Afghanistan. That same month, Jamal al-Badawi – alleged to have been the mastermind behind the attack of the USS Cole in a Yemeni port 20 years ago – was similarly neutralized. Two years earlier, Al Qaeda top brass Ahmad Hasan Abu Khayr al-Masri was targeted using the R9X in Syria's Idlib province, WSJ reported.
"Some analysts allege that the Hellfire R9X was used in Iraq in a deadly display of its effectiveness this January against Qassem Soleimani – the former Commander of Iran's IRGC Quds-Force, and Abu-Mahdi al-Muhandis, the former Commander of pro-Iranian militias in Iraq," Taleblu surmised. "One lasting impact of that strike is how removing the leadership cadre can handicap or hinder efforts of a larger organization. We are likely to see continued use of this weapon in U.S. counterterrorism campaigns to target leaders on the battlefield.​"
The weapon was under development as early as 2011, according to The Wall Street Journal, and a "missile with similar capabilities was considered as a 'Plan B' to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that year," and that is advancement was spurred by the increasing ability of terrorists to adapt to U.S. airstrikes and tactics, namely concealing themselves among women and children.
While it is not known just how many R9X's are tucked away in the Pentagon's depository, military experts have been quick to highlight its efficiency, citing examples that the Hellfire variation has the capability of killing a passenger and not a driver, or leaving a terrorist leader dead in his house and not any relatives sitting at the same table. Its edges are able to effectively slice through walls and roofs, according to experts.

· Jun 15, 2020

Replying to @hxhassan
Why no explosion ? Are we seeing a smart weapon fail to detonate, or a very precise strike with a purely kinetic energy weapon ?

On the downside, DefenseOne points out that the use of the missile, especially outside of officially declared war zones, could lead to an uptick in military engagement and overt confidence that no civilians will be caught in the crossfire.

However, Col. John Venable, a Heritage senior research fellow and former F-16 pilot in the Air Force, points out that the R9X is essentially an old tried-and-true tool made new again.
"The munition with 'knives' has been around since at least the Vietnam War. The military term for the warhead is 'flechettes,' which are dart-like submunitions that are released and spread out in flight as an anti-personnel device," Venable said.
"Munitions have had a variety of warheads since before the Civil War, where they used everything from classic exploding cannonballs, to dumbbell-shaped projectiles and 'grapeshot,' which was basically shotgun-shell BBs (only much larger) that used mass and velocity as the engagement mechanism," he added. "It's really not much different today. There are high-explosive, penetrating, and even inert warheads – that use mass and velocity as the engagement mechanism while minimizing collateral damage."



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Nov 23, 2011
Goat fuckers

France hit by terror wave on Prophet Mohamed’s birthday:- beheadings in the church of Notre-Dame in #Nice

- stabbing attack on police officers in

- knife attack on a security guard at the French embassy in Saudi Arabia

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