He bet on "Florida" last night which isn't even a baseball team!!
Again, he doesns't even bet. Any person actually wagering would have posted the actual team.
So if I say, "The Astros have lost 11 out of 12 on the Road and have been outscored 28-47," I'm a woman?
Well, as a statistician if I record it as 47-28 I might accidentally transpose the numbers. So I retaught myself to say it as written above.
No problem with "Florida Marlins" either.
Time for all this "I'm Independently wealthy!" / "You're lower middle class" crap to end here anyway. The whole thing is ridiculous.
So if I say, "The Astros have lost 11 out of 12 on the Road and have been outscored 28-47," I'm a woman?
Well, as a statistician if I record it as 47-28 I might accidentally transpose the numbers. So I retaught myself to say it as written above.
No problem with "Florida Marlins" either.
Time for all this "I'm Independently wealthy!" / "You're lower middle class" crap to end here anyway. The whole thing is ridiculous.
28-47 = "He's a woman, damnit!!!!" face)(*^%
Between that, his incessant 'bumping' and manic posting when he should be out enjoying the nice weather, well...face it, the kid is mentally unstable.
Don't forget, he's the loser who spams this forum with this boring self-aggrandizing bullshit, not us. We just call him out and rub his face in it.
"I'm a self-made poker millionaire, own multiple homes, seasons tickets to the Phillies and Sixers and have a masters!"
28-47 = "He's a woman, damnit!!!!" face)(*^%
Between that, his incessant 'bumping' and manic posting when he should be out enjoying the nice weather, well...face it, the kid is mentally unstable.
Don't forget, he's the loser who spams this forum with this boring self-aggrandizing bullshit, not us. We just call him out and rub his face in it.
"I'm a self-made poker millionaire, own multiple homes, seasons tickets to the Phillies and Sixers and have a masters!"
Expos +120
I'm not sure I ever used either quote.
Statistic compiling is something different. I truly have only ever heard young kids or women say the score of a game the way joe does.But what's even worse is bashing me for a losing night when my record is what it is here. Shows a clueless and classless clown is at work.
I was paraphrasing. We all know what these threads imply.
What would a passerby think reading all these battles between you, Joe and Ace?
You seek status. Some kind of cyber-recognition for your achievements. Either as a righteous person with "FU" money who gives his time to worthy causes, or a great capper, or a battle-tested knockout artist.
Your enemies seek to convince others you're the opposite of that. This is a neverending and fruitless battle without resolutin and of insignificant importance. Yet it bleeds itself into most every thread.
Phillies are home right now leading the Dodgers.
Where is the Poker Millionaire? At the ballpark enjoying the game?
He's right here in the forum telling everyone how amazing his life is!
"We don't fly because the kids love the long drives!" LMFAO