Oh jeez this is gonna be an epic thread and this post is going to put it there.
FUCK YOU to Hillary CLITon you sad sack piece of trash. You lied, you cheated, you were fed the questions in advance, you had CNN, MSNBC and literally every newspaper support your ass. You had more money to burn through and you fucking lost. You have the gall to say in your I LOST WTF Speech that you will help America all you can.
I have but one question.....
How are you going to help America behind bars in jail?
FUCK YOU CNN. Yes a big helping of FUCK YOU. You mother fucking cocksucking cockroach leeches. During the Republican Primary you showed every Trump Rally, every Trump Speech, you had him on every show interviewing him. You did it all for the ratings and the money. Then once your little whore cheated her way to win the D side of things, you went 100% against Trump. You had your racists and I mean SUPER RACISTS Don "Drunkass" Lemon and Van "Racist" Jones attack every Trump supporter you had on your shows. You allowed them to belittle Jeffrey Lord, Kayleigh McEnany, Cory Lewandoski and so many others. Then last night, only because your coverage was better than FOX, you had the nerve to allow Van "Racist" Jones say stupid shit like, What will tell our kids in the morning, it was a whitelashing, this is beyond craziness. What should we tell our kids in the morning Van? That the American people exercised their rights and Democracy was served. The only lashing that needs done is to your racist ass.
Actually there should be separate FUCK YOU's to Don Drunk Ass Lemon and Van Racist Jones. Two fucking pukes that deserved to be fucked up the ass by Bubba the Butcher and then sliced and diced into pieces with their heads hanging from a telephone wire like tennis shoes. FUCK BOTH OF YOU.
FUCK YOU to the Pollsters and Election Experts. All of you should be out of a job because you didn't understand or see what was going on in this country. They don't call it the silent majority for nothing.
FUCK YOU to Paul Ryan, yes Paul Ryan. I hope Trump sends your fake bitch ass packing and someone with balls and not a flip flopping I need to protect my ass person like you gets to be the speaker.
FUCK YOU John Kasich. You fucking moron, you planned a speech for Thursday on how the Republicans can take America back. Eat that fucking speech you spineless gutless prick. I hope the people of Ohio send your ass packing when you are up for election. Good luck on your first encounter with Trump, I hope you have a truck load of crow ready.
FUCK YOU Ben Sasse. How does it feel to be one of the top Republican jackasses. I hope Trump fucks you over when you come to him when Nebraska needs something. Karma has a funny way of coming back around.
FUCK YOU Republican Elite I bet you are shitting your pants. The gravy train is over, your part of the R party is OVER and I mean OVER. The R Party that you knew is GONE and never to return. FUCK YOU BITCHES.
FUCK YOU to the idiots on twitter using hashtag notmypresident. Well who the fuck is your president then? Gomer Pyle? Hulk Hogan? Who? Do you plan on moving out of the USA? I hope so, fuck all of you.
FUCK YOU to Obama. I can only imagine what will be spinning in Trumps head when he meets you in a few days. LMAO that is going to be great.
FUCK YOU to Tim Kaine. You sore ass cry baby fucking loser. You say Hillary would accept the election results unlike another candidate or some shit close to that. Still taking pot shots after losing. Shows you have no class and could you imagine if that idiot became President because Hillary was sent to jail. The best VP Debate ever and he was schooled like Jordan over Obama.
FUCK YOU to the never trump movement. Stick a broom up your ass and rotate.
FUCK OFF I have so many more but I'll blow this thread up. So in closing: