And how can someone be so poised to shoot & kill people while they're shooting video?
Like no conscious at he was programmed to kill & thought nothing of it.
Mental Break. He was The Walking Dead. A literal Time Bomb. He broke from failing to get the kush life he desired ($$$$) from a bogus discrimination lawsuit or out of court settlement, he provoked shit he'd felt would lead to that, get him that..he put in so much time plotting manipulating...acting as he felt he needed get a fat payday.
He reached Crescendos, Pinnacles of belief even absolute SURENESS that he'd done what he needed to get the fat payday so he could be free to live as he desired, no Gay Sex but only repeated failure came.
His disappointment was deeper than most of us can imagine. Try to visualize what you'd feel if you had a PowerBall ticket with numbers you'd played for years watched the broadcast saw your numbers come up then the ticket got stolen.
Now imagine that one of your Co-Workers in fact a girl who'd eventually wind up in your spot doing your job and another guy you worked with were the ones who you suspected stole the ticket.
This Cat was Dead long before he killed himself and these innocent people. he "knew" this. The Will To Live though...within the Human is very very powerful. There has to be a very serious overcome that. Really Really Serious Break. That Break finally came for this useless fucktard asshole.