Squeeze Play said:
OK, teach me the facts. Three guys come into a Las Vegas book and want to bet the max on the Cowboys at the same time. What exactly happens? They take it off the board, right? Then what? What happens next? They adjust the line by 1/2 point? They refuse any more bets on that game? The guys are still there. I would like to know what you all know. You are saying the books do not fear getting hammered because they have safety meaures in place. Please explain. In my way of thinking, the books all generally want to balance the play. If they get heavy play all in one direction, what exactly can they do other than A) adjust the line or B) refuse any more plays or C) They lower the limit or D) They say a prayer.
If they lower the limit, my boys go next door and they may not come back.
I submit to you that in the end, its a judgment call and not one books like to deal with. But then I may be all wet.
This is what happens to me most of the time i go to a casino and ask for about 2 dimes or more in all casinos in vegas i have been to. (it actually starts at a dime but since the only time i make trips out to vegas i intend to play well over 2 dimes a play, i can tell you what happens from there on)
As soon as you tell the clerk what you are playing and how much, she calls book manager and tells him your play. The book manager then walks over to a computer that has all the current plays listed, and i would assume, the days profits losses etc. The manager looks at various numbers and other indicators which they refused to tell me and decides if they will risk taking your bet or not. If he has enough money to cover your bet on the other side of the game, he will probably let you place your bet.
Now if three guys walk in at the same time and want the same play at the same time, the manager will probably only let the first guy place his bet, when he does this, the manager will immediately increase the line. If the second guy still wants to place the bet with a new line, then he will take it and again increase the line.... At this point the 3rd guy should be swayed from placing the his bet. But should he do it, the line will move once more...Now the line is more favorable to those people who were planning on betting the other side.
The casino will probably entice more line shoppers to play the opposite of the 3 guys with what seems like a juicy line. And Vegas is ripe with know it all degenerates who automatically throw money on the other side once they see a huge line move.
Another thing that might happen, the casinos have services that monitor plays for them. There fore if you get a crew of wise guys or game fixers placing too much money on one team in multiple casino's, the monitoring services informs the book managers of this oddity and they will probably pull the line or slap severe limits on it...
Third option is that the manager might just decline all the 3 players and invite them to play other forms of gambling in his casino or walk next door and feel free to try it out there...(Chances are that before you even get next door, he will be on the phone to with the manager next door inquiring about some odd plays on a particular game...Dont be suprised if they still get kicked out of the next casino too)
Have no doubt about this, 95% of vegas sports books dont give a rats ass about pro sports bettors like us. They do not even care one single bit if they lose a pro player to another casino. Thats why even after you hit em up large, they will NOT comp you for sports book plays. We are not an asset to them, we are more of a liability. (to them thats good riddance, the risk is not worth it) Vegas casinos are mostly interested in tourist action. Sports books are not even expected to bring in large profits. The profits they bring in are a pittance compared to pretty much all of other forms of gambling in the casino.
The book managers dont recieve any credit for bringing in a big fish and totally catch hell if one fish hits it big in their book! Dont let those stories about Jennifer lopez winning big on the Bucs superbowl from years ago fool you. (The casino is probably the one that was calling all the tabloids to let them know she won huge, thats easy ass advertising they got in pretty much all the major news publicatios and didnt even have to pay a dime for it...Coverage definately worth more that she even won) They would never let you or me bet 50k on a game. May be the superbowl, but thats it!
About middling. I am totally convinced that there are almost no casinos that are afraid of middlers and that middling is Ahabs white whale..I dont want to tackle this issue right now but will test it this coming football season. (I know for sure it doesnt work at all in basketball and casinos arent that scared of it)But gambling to me is a learning experience and i would like to put this middling myth to the test and see if works.