The New Nas song that Puts Fox News in their place


New member
Jul 21, 2006
the video is real good to. have you guys seen how they doctor guests looks?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Typical moonbatistic thinking - that a rap song and a comedy show will impact the race.

Hey guys - a news flash for ya - people who listen to rap and watch the comedy channel don't vote in very large numbers.


Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
And the man has a point. We need to rid our nation of the poison and cancer of the hateful and racist filled right wing propaganda machine that is Fox news. They are part of the problem, not the solution.

Good God. Are you serious? Do you ever watch Fox News?

You may not like their slant (although as Josh sarcastically points out, they are MUCH less biased than most of the junk on MSNBC), but what exactly about them is hateful and racist? Can you give a single example?

You better watch what you wish for when it comes to limiting free speech, pal. Today Fox News, tomorrow Rob Funk???

New member
Mar 18, 2008
he pefformed this song at Rock the Bells on sunday as well. Nas fuckin ripped it up at the shwo.

i'll def be getting this Cd

New member
Mar 29, 2007
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Why I Called Fox News "Propaganda" While Live on Fox News

Posted by Lee Camp, AlterNet at 12:14 PM on February 28, 2008.

I ripped into Fox "News" while on a Fox "News" morning show last week. I thought I'd answer a bunch of questions people had about the incident.
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Lee Camp Slams Fox on Fox

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As most of you have seen, I ripped into Fox "News" while on a Fox "News" morning show this past Saturday. If you haven't seen it, the clip is to your right. I didn't say what I said in order to get attention. I figured that my statements would piss off a few hundred Fox viewers (or maybe help them question the "facts" they're getting from their sacred channel) and that I would show the clip to a few friends. As it turned out, within a day the clip had been viewed around 300,000 times on various sites, and I was getting interview requests from national radio shows. Apparently I struck a nerve.

I thought I'd answer a bunch of questions people had about the incident. Many have asked what happened before that moment to make me say those horrible things about such a lovely news network. (Isn't it sad that when someone speaks the truth on TV, we all ask "What caused it???") Well, nothing really happened in the interview - A right-wing comedian and I told some lame Huckabee jokes. The anchor, hard hitting journalist Clayton Morris, asked the necessary questions while seeming completely unaware that I was a fellow human being, and that was about it. But in a broader sense, what "happened" to make me call Fox "News" a "festival of ignorance" was the past twelve years of knowing this festering pile of propaganda coated with drivel and wrapped in the American flag has been spewing its poisonous eggs into the brains of average Americans. Now THAT's desecration of the flag - watching it flap back and forth behind a Fox "news" program.

What happened after they cut to a commercial? Clayton Morris was visibly furious but didn't say a word. Neither did anyone in the main studio. I got up, took my microphone off, and walked silently back to the greenroom, itching to the get the fuck out of that sixth circle of hell. Back in the greenroom I saw the female co-host, who was wearing her normal business skirt that is only half an inch away from illegal in 23 states. Even though there are three TV's back there showing nothing but Fox "News" (and we act like water boarding is torture?) she apparently had not watched the segment. She looked at me and said, "GREAT JOB!! We need more humor on the show. It's all so serious!" She did not get to the natural conclusion of her thought, "Now excuse me. I have to go interview strippers wearing Star Trek outfits designed for three-year-olds."

New member
Mar 29, 2007
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

There's no such thing as leftover crack
Apr 2, 2005
The big problem with Fox news channel is as the Pew Research Center study on media revealed, a large portion of the most misinformed people (regarding factual events) are Fox News viewers.

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

Why I Called Fox News "Propaganda" While Live on Fox News

Posted by Lee Camp, AlterNet at 12:14 PM on February 28, 2008.

I ripped into Fox "News" while on a Fox "News" morning show last week. I thought I'd answer a bunch of questions people had about the incident.
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Lee Camp Slams Fox on Fox

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Rapper Nas Leads the Fight to End FOX's Racism
ZP Heller Brave New Films

Republicans Admit Off-Camera Siegelman Case Was Fixed
Brave New Films Brave New Films

Openly Gay Harvard Students Challenge "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Brave New Films CitizenTube

As most of you have seen, I ripped into Fox "News" while on a Fox "News" morning show this past Saturday. If you haven't seen it, the clip is to your right. I didn't say what I said in order to get attention. I figured that my statements would piss off a few hundred Fox viewers (or maybe help them question the "facts" they're getting from their sacred channel) and that I would show the clip to a few friends. As it turned out, within a day the clip had been viewed around 300,000 times on various sites, and I was getting interview requests from national radio shows. Apparently I struck a nerve.

I thought I'd answer a bunch of questions people had about the incident. Many have asked what happened before that moment to make me say those horrible things about such a lovely news network. (Isn't it sad that when someone speaks the truth on TV, we all ask "What caused it???") Well, nothing really happened in the interview - A right-wing comedian and I told some lame Huckabee jokes. The anchor, hard hitting journalist Clayton Morris, asked the necessary questions while seeming completely unaware that I was a fellow human being, and that was about it. But in a broader sense, what "happened" to make me call Fox "News" a "festival of ignorance" was the past twelve years of knowing this festering pile of propaganda coated with drivel and wrapped in the American flag has been spewing its poisonous eggs into the brains of average Americans. Now THAT's desecration of the flag - watching it flap back and forth behind a Fox "news" program.

What happened after they cut to a commercial? Clayton Morris was visibly furious but didn't say a word. Neither did anyone in the main studio. I got up, took my microphone off, and walked silently back to the greenroom, itching to the get the fuck out of that sixth circle of hell. Back in the greenroom I saw the female co-host, who was wearing her normal business skirt that is only half an inch away from illegal in 23 states. Even though there are three TV's back there showing nothing but Fox "News" (and we act like water boarding is torture?) she apparently had not watched the segment. She looked at me and said, "GREAT JOB!! We need more humor on the show. It's all so serious!" She did not get to the natural conclusion of her thought, "Now excuse me. I have to go interview strippers wearing Star Trek outfits designed for three-year-olds."

What a friggin a$%hole. Not one specific incident regarding Fox News. Only his opinion that "Fox is a festering pile of propoganda" blah blah blah blah blah.

Another moron who can't think for himself but lets the NAACP, the Daily Kos, Keith Olbermann and the like do his thinking for him.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
What a friggin a$%hole. Not one specific incident regarding Fox News. Only his opinion that "Fox is a festering pile of propoganda" blah blah blah blah blah.

Another moron who can't think for himself but lets the NAACP, the Daily Kos, Keith Olbermann and the like do his thinking for him.

I didn't watch, but I believe Mama's probably right. Especially considering the "substance" of other videos posted around these here parts.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
yo momma, r u talking about the person who wrote this article or the former fox news journalists that were paid for not tellling whole truth in the video.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
willie, i figured u didn't watch. if u watched 1/2 of what i posted over the years u might not sound so one sided.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
random, I don't post very many videos and I tend not to watch them either.

I'm from the school of knowing what I think and putting things in my own words. I have no desire to debate some funny looking dude on a youtube video that I can't even question.

Fuck him

but if you care to discuss your positions, I'm all eyes :think2:

New member
Jun 8, 2005
That video was clever? Jeez he'll preach to the choir, good for him.

I always am amazed how the Libs have been so spoiled for so long with the Liberal controlled Media, that Fox and Righty talk radio has them going nuts.

No such thing as "free speech" to a Liberal I guess.

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
The big problem with Fox news channel is as the Pew Research Center study on media revealed, a large portion of the most misinformed people (regarding factual events) are Fox News viewers.

You mean like the people who think there are 57 states?

Nov 20, 2004
the fox news channel could be the worst tv station ever created.
Every single person on that channel is a total scumbag. All they do is spread lie after lie. They should rename the channel "the republican propaganda channel"
I feel bad for all the people who get sucked in by these very evil people with bullshit lies.
Wake up people, stop acting like a bunch of sheep being led to drink the kool aid, use your own minds and start seeing thru the bullshit. If there is a God, every person on fox news is gonna fry in hell, thats for sure.

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
the fox news channel could be the worst tv station ever created.
Every single person on that channel is a total scumbag. All they do is spread lie after lie. They should rename the channel "the republican propaganda channel"
I feel bad for all the people who get sucked in by these very evil people with bullshit lies.
Wake up people, stop acting like a bunch of sheep being led to drink the kool aid, use your own minds and start seeing thru the bullshit. If there is a God, every person on fox news is gonna fry in hell, thats for sure.
I couldn't agree more. There should be a law against Fox news. And there should be a law that everyone had to watch the Keith "The Unbiased Truth" Olbermann 3 times a day.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
If anyone ever had any suspicions that the loony left had a disturbing totalitarian streak, a quick read of Rob Funk's posts will all but confirm them.

Don't ever believe a liberal when they tell you they love the Constitution because in all likelihood they've never even read it.

The left DOMINATES our crumbling education system, the fading MSM (except Fox News -- their top ratings drive liberals nuts!), almost every special interest in Washington, academia, Hollywood, most inner city slums, every bloated govt bureaucracy (local, state and federal), the State Dept, the courts, and yet...the loony left STILL can't manage to sell their dark, depressing perverted 'progressive' values to a growing anti-govt, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-God conservative electorate.

Yes, we all know how badly the Republican brand is damaged. And yet conservative ideas and values are more popular than ever.

It's general election time, folks -- BOTH Sen. McCain AND Sen. Obama are racing toward the RIGHT. :think2:

Ooooo...blame Fox News! Shut down Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity! The right is brainwashing people!! Poor liberals can't get their Marxist agenda through Congress because the country is so polarized!! :missingte

Rob, have you ever considered that maybe -- outside of a government employee or college student under 25 -- nobody wants any part of your emotional socialist anti-constitutional Euro-trash?

Moreover, consider that the only three functional institutions that most Americans still respect are, a) the military, b) small business, and c) talk radio. (I suppose we could add the family unit and churches into the mix as well -- two more bedrock institutions the left would just as soon dispose.)

Coincidently, all three institutions happen to be dominated by -- tah-dah- the RIGHT. :103631605

That's because all three are 100% performance-results-based.

Unlike, say, a college campus, too many nonsensical leftist theories on the battlefield will get a soldier killed and his country humiliated by evil. So no room for any of those toxic uber-feminist experiments in the military. :aktion033

Too many pseudo-economic theories in the business world and you'll go broke. Folks, without America's small businesses and investor class, liberals wouldn't have a penny to spend on their bullshit social programs.

And as for talk radio, well, talk radio is 100% unfettered FREE MARKET. Rush Limbaugh just signed a deal worth 50 million a year and Al Franken...oh, that's right, Air America went BANKRUPT! We need the Fairness Doctrine! :missingte

In the 80s, conservatives had no Fox News, no talk radio...virtually no media exposure...and the country STILL elected then re-elected Ronald Reagan in a landslide. :103631605

That's because the vision these totalitarian secular 'progressives' have for this country is nowhere close to the one envisioned by our framers, including Rob's North Korean'esque insatiable desire to silence those who don't happen to share his inane political values.

Rob, face the music: liberal ideas STINK even more than RAP! :puke1:

Oh, one last thing: I'll put Neil Cavuto or Chris Wallace up against ANY 'journalist' over at the Communist News Network, including Tinkerbell (Rob's secret crush). :lol:

New member
Mar 29, 2007
hey,would you minorities that still believe in left and right please realize that there isn't a difference any more. They are all just greedy politicians fighting non-violently for a bigger piece of the prize.

New member
Jun 8, 2005
MSNBC, CNN, NY TIMES could be the worst MEDIA OUTLETS ever created.
Every single person that works there is a total scumbag. All they do is spread lie after lie. They should rename the channel "the OBAMA propaganda channel"
I feel bad for all the people who get sucked in by these very evil people with bullshit lies.
Wake up people, stop acting like a bunch of sheep being led to drink the kool aid, use your own minds and start seeing thru the bullshit. If there is a God, every person on fox news is gonna fry in hell, thats for sure.


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