If anyone ever had any suspicions that the loony left had a disturbing totalitarian streak, a quick read of Rob Funk's posts will all but confirm them.
Don't ever believe a liberal when they tell you they love the Constitution because in all likelihood they've never even read it.
The left DOMINATES our crumbling education system, the fading MSM (except Fox News -- their top ratings drive liberals nuts!), almost every special interest in Washington, academia, Hollywood, most inner city slums, every bloated govt bureaucracy (local, state and federal), the State Dept, the courts, and yet...the loony left STILL can't manage to sell their dark, depressing perverted 'progressive' values to a growing anti-govt, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-God conservative electorate.
Yes, we all know how badly the Republican brand is damaged. And yet conservative ideas and values are more popular than ever.
It's general election time, folks -- BOTH Sen. McCain AND Sen. Obama are racing toward the RIGHT. :think2:
Ooooo...blame Fox News! Shut down Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity! The right is brainwashing people!! Poor liberals can't get their Marxist agenda through Congress because the country is so polarized!! :missingte
Rob, have you ever considered that maybe -- outside of a government employee or college student under 25 -- nobody wants any part of your emotional socialist anti-constitutional Euro-trash?
Moreover, consider that the only three functional institutions that most Americans still respect are, a) the military, b) small business, and c) talk radio. (I suppose we could add the family unit and churches into the mix as well -- two more bedrock institutions the left would just as soon dispose.)
Coincidently, all three institutions happen to be dominated by -- tah-dah- the RIGHT.
That's because all three are 100% performance-results-based.
Unlike, say, a college campus, too many nonsensical leftist theories on the battlefield will get a soldier killed and his country humiliated by evil. So no room for any of those toxic uber-feminist experiments in the military. :aktion033
Too many pseudo-economic theories in the business world and you'll go broke. Folks, without America's small businesses and investor class, liberals wouldn't have a penny to spend on their bullshit social programs.
And as for talk radio, well, talk radio is 100% unfettered FREE MARKET. Rush Limbaugh just signed a deal worth 50 million a year and Al Franken...oh, that's right, Air America went BANKRUPT! We need the Fairness Doctrine! :missingte
In the 80s, conservatives had no Fox News, no talk radio...virtually no media exposure...and the country STILL elected then re-elected Ronald Reagan in a landslide.
That's because the vision these totalitarian secular 'progressives' have for this country is nowhere close to the one envisioned by our framers, including Rob's North Korean'esque insatiable desire to silence those who don't happen to share his inane political values.
Rob, face the music: liberal ideas STINK even more than RAP!

Oh, one last thing: I'll put Neil Cavuto or Chris Wallace up against ANY 'journalist' over at the
Network, including Tinkerbell (Rob's secret crush). :lol: