You don't recall the post where I asked you
for some evidence and you just called me names?
Please, I would wager everybody else remembers.
You know what just drives me crazy about Bush backers.
Well naturally almost everything, but how about this one.
Remember when he was addressing and giving a speech
to an audience of wealthy and affluent Americans.
One of his lines was something like this ( some people
call you elite, I call you my base) This arrogant
bas..... comes right out and tells everybody that his
support comes from the wealthy and privileged and
not Joe Sixpack and yet millions of uneducated and
and ignorant average people support him. I find it
truly amazing. Then he proves it by giving a tremendous
tax cut to the wealthy and almost ignores the average
taxpayer. BTW, a very non conservative action. This
"president," is so screwed up by his advisors he doesn't
even know what policies he should be following. He almost
deserves our pity.