The manslaugher suicide texting girl from MA about to be sentenced


Nov 4, 2009



Feb 6, 2007
If you wanted to tank, he could probably help with that.

He's not very good bro. 30-35th QB isn't someone that is going to win many games unless the rest of the team is stacked up.

Why do you care if he's in the league or not? He isn't someone you wanna be drafting in fantasy, put it that way.

I just wanted to hear Enfuego's hate for him real quick...that's all. But honestly if you think about it...if a white male takes a knee during the flag for black brutality in America..... MOST people would be silent and not have a problem with it. But the fact that he is partially black and taking a stand for something. People have a PROBLEM with it. There would not be an uproar like there is. But the fact that he is half black and taking a stand for something....there's an issue. "He doesn't have a clue" and all this. And I saw Pat Tilmans story. That shit made me think a certain way about Kaeperknick for a minute but I started to see past that initial part. I appreciate those who risk their lives to fight for this country, don't get it twisted. But once you put it like that.... you don't look at it the same way. Because there is NO way you can tell me YOU would be as angry with Kaeperknick as you would be with any other white male making that stand/kneel.

And your recent thread Enfuego has proved that to me. That you had absolutely no idea where I was going with this. and that you are confused as fuck.

Don't come at me, son.

Jul 14, 2007
I don't really care if he kneels or not, I was just speaking to his ability as a player.

But if Ryan Fitzpatrick kneeled for the anthem and said he was doing so because black violence or whatever, I doubt that would go too well for him if he remained steadfast. Even those who agreed with him would probably tell him that there is a better way to get his point across than sitting for the anthem. So I think your theory that he would do so without consequence/backlash is probably wrong.
Feb 6, 2007
With your analogy.....It is not like you are now not going to go the game because Ryan Fitzpatrick took a stand for black violence. Because there are Ravens ticket season holders saying if you do it we will give you hell for it. Do you get me now? The idea of a white guy taking a stand for black violence in America would have an entirely different spin to it if you ask me. He would be perceived more as a hero compared to Collin Kaerperknick.

Nov 4, 2009
if a white male takes a knee during the flag for black brutality in America..... MOST people would be silent and not have a problem with it. But the fact that he is partially black and taking a stand for something. People have a PROBLEM with it. There would not be an uproar like there is. But the fact that he is half black and taking a stand for something....there's an issue.

Pot Meet Kettle. Your Conclusion that Sub-Saharan African ancestry is at the root of most people's objection to this guy and other SJW's behavior is so Horse with Blinkers On short sighted and makes you actually Guilty of a small-mindedness that you've concluded those Most other people are guilty of but they are not.

For example: I did, and do to some degree still: not like at all his exhibition via that kneeling but Veterans declaring that this is exactly representative of what they fought for: Freedoms.....among those: Freedom of Expression, even if whats being expressed is not liked....

I considered that and concluded: 'OK, Yeah, that makes good sense and as they are the ones who risked & sacrificed so much and thats their take on this OK I am less pissed off about it.'

My Objection to Kap's Show is: Blacks do make healthy contributions to the circumstances they then are made to deal with. Via, just as Muslims do: refusing to demand that those of their same Race Evolve away from The Primitive, The Vicious....unto a More Advanced State of Being where Human Life is more Valued. Or even Valued at all.

What you will "hear", with that ^^^^ statement is.... "Racism." Its utterly impossible for you to consider any other thing whatsoever, could possibly exist at the foundation of such a statement. Because you need this, so much of your Identity (what you believe Yourself to Be & how you perceive Life & This World)) is based upon Combatting Racism and (possibly) even MORE Chiefly: a perception of Yourself and certain specific others as Victims.

That Role of Victim. On This Planet, during this Life: whether it be seeing yourself as a Victim or just BLACK PEOPLE as Victims....this is integral to your being, absolutely necessary to Your Existence. At least here at the point that you are, intellectually within this existence.

Maybe You Evolve past that, theres a (reasonably) good chance that you will. If you desire to. Kap could have seriously assisted you and other Social Justice Warriors in accomplishing such an Evolution via gaining a much more Enlightened Perception of "The Matter" that is Challenges faced by Black People (and Muslims) by simply in addition to his Exhibition (The Kneeling) he'd also put forth:

"Are there behaviors on OUR PART which we can change that would lessen Our Oppression, the terrible plague of Racism that we have to deal with?"

Thats not a facet Nessa his GF was gonna allow him to present tho. Even tho until Black People are willing to consider "the log in their own eyes" Zero Progress will get made. Nessa don't want "progress" tho. Not what she and lifeforms like her are here for. They are here top Make War. Simply & Solely. To Sow Conflict in order to increase Suffering.

I and Millions of white people are not just Ready to have conversation about what WE need to do to lessen your Black People's Suffering.

You, Nessa and others for whom the existence of Racism is so NECESSARY to your Identities though: You are absolutely Unwilling to even consider that Blacks & Muslims, (the tenets of Islam and behavior of (some) Black people)....could POSSIBLY be a Contributor to creating those circumstances that you see as "racism" and "oppression"

You won't even allow that Conversation.

Your Grandkid's kids will tho....they'll be all about "that conversation" and Evolution. If all we don't all kill each other first.

Nov 4, 2009
meant to say ^^^^^^ "I and Millions of white people are not just Ready to have conversation about what WE need to do to lessen your Black People's Suffering. but we are very anxious & interested in getting TO such Conversations. Cuz we want the bullshit to stop."

Want for there to be Unity and most of all: Less Crime, Less Suffering.

I forgot to add that last part. Freudian Slip? lol? "Neitzchean" Slip god forbid....Machiavellian slip?!!?!!

some sort of slip.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
"Yes I triple dog dared him to die and I hope he burns in Hell!"

Did I get that quote right?

May 27, 2007
I just wanted to hear Enfuego's hate for him real quick...that's all. But honestly if you think about it...if a white male takes a knee during the flag for black brutality in America..... MOST people would be silent and not have a problem with it. But the fact that he is partially black and taking a stand for something. People have a PROBLEM with it. There would not be an uproar like there is. But the fact that he is half black and taking a stand for something....there's an issue. "He doesn't have a clue" and all this. And I saw Pat Tilmans story. That shit made me think a certain way about Kaeperknick for a minute but I started to see past that initial part. I appreciate those who risk their lives to fight for this country, don't get it twisted. But once you put it like that.... you don't look at it the same way. Because there is NO way you can tell me YOU would be as angry with Kaeperknick as you would be with any other white male making that stand/kneel.

And your recent thread Enfuego has proved that to me. That you had absolutely no idea where I was going with this. and that you are confused as fuck.

Don't come at me, son.

Haha, I don't hate Kaep. I don't hate anyone in this world.

You've overvalued his skill and he and his girlfriend are PR disasters. Why would you sign a guy that isn't that good as a QB to begin with but more importantly, is going to alienate a ton of your fan base?

May 27, 2007
I am talking about if he is good enough to be in the league. Enfuego said no. You said yes. I said yes. But all of the bad teams want to tank for next years QB's. Can't win more than 5 games some organizations are thinking.....thats the only football sense I can think of that they wouldn't want to sign him.

Bum teams don't want him. Ravens probably only shot

After his girlfriend called the owner racist and Ray Lewis an "Uncle Tom" he has zero chance to sign with the Ravens.

Mar 5, 2009
Let me ask you this.....if it was a White man taking a knee during the flag for African American brutality?

How would you feel??

I thought he was white??

Or atleast part one dislikes him for his dark/light skin, they dislike him for his actions.

This sin't a black/white thing....its a spoiled brat against his own country/law enforcement thing.

Mar 5, 2009
The bitch convinced and coached her friend into committing suicide.
That's assisted suicide any way you cut it.

Read the messages, she belongs in jail. Not for a long time, but longer than she will see that's for sure.

A jury convicted her, they did the right thing. She broke the law.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I just wanted to hear Enfuego's hate for him real quick...that's all. But honestly if you think about it...if a white male takes a knee during the flag for black brutality in America..... MOST people would be silent and not have a problem with it. But the fact that he is partially black and taking a stand for something. People have a PROBLEM with it. There would not be an uproar like there is. But the fact that he is half black and taking a stand for something....there's an issue. "He doesn't have a clue" and all this. And I saw Pat Tilmans story. That shit made me think a certain way about Kaeperknick for a minute but I started to see past that initial part. I appreciate those who risk their lives to fight for this country, don't get it twisted. But once you put it like that.... you don't look at it the same way. Because there is NO way you can tell me YOU would be as angry with Kaeperknick as you would be with any other white male making that stand/kneel.

And your recent thread Enfuego has proved that to me. That you had absolutely no idea where I was going with this. and that you are confused as fuck.

Don't come at me, son.

You came in a thread about assisted suicide, called dude a faggot for having an opposing viewpoint, then turned it into a platform to call racism on the Collin Kaepernick situation.

Jesus fucking Christ man, you're all over the place.

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