No worries Jack . You have to do what is best for you guys. I have been thinking of setting up a platform where we can all succeed and give back to the game for a while now. Unfortunately I Just can't come up with the right dynamics. I am thinking of setting up either a daily podcast or website where the horseplayers who are serious about finding out the real ins and outs of this game can go to . But it is so tough Jack , as there are so many corrupt individuals out there . I have had bad experiences as you know with people stealing my material and using it as their own when we tried it 10 years ago and this was behind the paywall. Now it almost impossible to get quality material out with all the bots and thieves . I'm in the process right now and I will soon put up a survey asking for legit concerns on how to move forward with a group of players who want to succeed . There is so much that goes into it so I would have to have serious help form the community if this would be something worth considering . I would love to dump all the info for everyone to see , believe me it would complete me so to speak. I know how impossible it is for the regular player. I am sure I am questioned all the time on the board with many different things but by now I truly believe the ones who have truly seen will never question it anymore. It really would be nice to have a serious platform so everyone's mission could become that much easier.Hey YES: I would say how about a match contest between you and I for a bill after I complete the one with Ninja. However it would not be a fair fight. With your knowledge, aptitude, and experience in the game (Not to mention your resources) us regular horse players have little chance. I have to admit in the beginning of you posting here I questioned your aptitude for the game. As did some others? However you have proved to me you are the best capper on the board and that you run a successful business. THX again.