Childless liberal white women are a danger to society.
Liberal atheist white women are the absolute worst brainwashed political demographic and prime driving force behind all the corrupt Mother Hen Governments around the world terrorizing their citizens to death.
Without these woke nutjobs, we wouldn't have had zombies following arrows on floors in grocery stores, then jabbing themselves with Big Pharma poison over a flu.
We wouldn't be banning everything from cars to cows because these morons are told harmless plant food (Co2) is frying the planet.
Without this mentally unstable politically-correct, insecure fascist demographic with an insatiable lust for political power and control over everything and everyone, people would have pushed back from the beginning and said "FUCK NO!" when they came at us with all their NWO bullshit.
All those crying atheist devil-worshiping liberal women you're seeing today because Trump is taking away their "rights" are batshit insane!
The rest of us are relieved because we just want to be LEFT THE FUCK ALONE!