Yeah, but Portland plays 3 straight against the East. Indiana, Cavs, then Bucks.
if your familiar with the JM system, then you should know that Memphis is in the same conference as them. (Portland and Memphis both are in the West.)
this is what JM says. "The only exception is to never bet on a team that is either the best or worst on the road. if your team has the worst record in the league, then you should pass on that series due to the higher risks involved.
portland was 14-19 on the road
You have to ask yourself why SAC was a play on 3/15 having the worst road record.
I can't complain because they are all winning, but it's frustrating when there are inconsistencies with his plays and the guidelines of the system.
Inconsistency is right. SAC gotta have one of the shittiest record on the road and was a play. Portland should have been a play again Indiana. I will email jm and find out why Portland wasn't a play yesterday.
I'd like to start using this system
I have a question though
My sportsbook doesn't allow 3 point purchases
What the fuck do I do?
I'd like to start using this system
I have a question though
My sportsbook doesn't allow 3 point purchases
What the fuck do I do?
is there any point or would it be profitable for someone to start playing this system now... is there a system that people are following for baseball or for the nba playoffs? also can any1 explain how the systems work
how does the mlb system work and how come on morrisons site he says that the record is 74-0 for the basketball season when thats not the case according to the record posted in this thread