The Grocery Strike


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I hope everyone is respecting the picket lines at Vons, Albertsons, Ralphs, Safeway.
It's About Your Job, Too!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well i dont have a job so I guess I dont have to respect the line

New member
Sep 21, 2004

It depends on what they are getting and what they are asking for. Kroger was thinking about stiking as well and these guys make $25,000 a year and good benefits. That isnt a great deal of money but teachers only make a little more. It seems that everybody thinks he should be making $500,000 a year. Some jobs are entry level and dont deserve to be paid more than $25,000.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not to insult grocery store workers, I worked in a grocery store when I was 16-18. But this is an entry level job. It is something you start out in, and build a work history with. This is not a job that you should keep for life and expect to get rich in the process.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I see your point but they make on avg. 11 dollars with good benifits, the grocery workers are just trying to keep what they have. If the companies would sign the old contract this fight would be over. The stores have huge profits and think they need to cut pay and benifits to compete with wal-mart. Its not a race to the bottom--when the tide rises all the boats rise


New member
Sep 21, 2004
There should be no fight in the first place.Supermarket workers shouldnt be paid as much as teachers and the owners of supermarkets should pay at least minimum wage but not more if they dont feel like it.Im tired of seeing these lazy strikers in front of the supermarkets every day.They should get another job if they are not happy.

New member
Sep 1, 2002
No offense intended.

Has anyone ever thought about directing the fight against Wal-Mart? Looks to me like they are big winners while their competitors are just trying to be competitive.

As mentioned previously, grocery store clerckdom is really an entry level position. If one desires to go on to management, that is a different situation. However, bagging groceries is hardly going to be a lifelong goldmine.


I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
for the 1st few weeks - when they picketed every store - i stayed away from them all. i went to stater bros (they suck) and food 4 less (ditto).

just when i was about to say "f*** it" and cross at a ralphs - they dropped the pickets at ralphs - so i shop there now.

it is like communism there, though. the one i shop at the meat, bakery and seafood departments are shut down - produce is minimally stocked and the shelves are bare - at best.

i have spoken to the people at ralphs who are picketing across the street at the albertsons and they say shopping at ralphs is something they wish i wouldn't do - but it is "ok" to do so.

as for the other ones - i crossed the picket line at albertsons one time - sorta - to go inside the store to go to the sav on drug store to get a prescription for mom. the people from ralphs who were picketing the store didn't object to it at all. i also "crossed" the picket line 1 time to go into a vons - but only to go to the round table pizza inside to pick up a pizza. i didn't consider that crossing the line, either, since i wasn't getting anything at the store.

honestly - the grocery workers are gonna be out for some time. turns out the contract they evenutally get will be duplicated by workers in many states and stores - so the battle lines are drawn deep.

personally i think the stores are out to bust the union 100%. they know the longer the workers stay out the more and more frustrated they will become. when property taxes come due soon - many will struggle to pay them. come april 15 - ditto. the stores are in NO RUSH to settle and will wait out the workers.

in the end - everyone loses - the stores, employees and especially customers. since the strike/lockout - there haven't been many sales at all - since the stores can't keep the product on the shelf. prices are higher an products are tougher to find. i now do a lot more shopping at costco.

according to the LA Times the other day - the workers will be out at least another 2 months. wouldn't shock me if it is longer then that.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bigboydan:
god damn, this strike is still going on<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

not only is it still going on - but BOTH sides have dug in even deeper now - ready for what appears to be a really long and nasty fight!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Crossing the line is not the answer. Instead of getting mad at the workers-why not get mad at the stores. Call Steve Burd CEO of vons 1-877-723-3929 and tell him to quit being greedy, did you know that before the strike he sold 2 millon in stocks and i bet when the stock gets low enough he will settle and buy back at a huge profit. That should be against the law

And if you dont have health care now or your employer makes you pay for it, you have NO chance to improve your conditions if 70,000 people on strike for 3 months in one of the strongest unions UFCW cant keep theres.

It makes me mad when people say "well I pay for health care" or "I dont have health care" or " its an entry level job they should make that much"--It should be a race to the TOP not to the Bottom, We should spend our time and money going after the Wal-Marts whos motto is low wages-No benifits Always, or going after the people that have a say in what teachers make. Why do we want to bring people down -if the grocery store workers lose we all lose --the encomomy, health premiums etc..--and lastly if we all where doctors and lawyers were would this country be!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
What is so special about working at a supermarket?

There are hundreds of thousands of workers in other types of jobs that get paid less and work harder.

That CEO your talking about is a businessman and in America I think you can still control how you run your business. What makes these average everyday workers more important then so many other workers? They need to get to work for what their employer offers as long as it follows the law or go work somewhere else where they will be happy. This whining and lazy attitude is what hurts America.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
No i dont think its AMERICAN to sell stock at a high price, make your workers go on strike or lock them out,then plan on buying it back to make a profit off of the workers backs when it gets low enough and settle the disbute. That is less AMERICAN then a corperation having a PO Box in costa Rica, saying its the head quarters, and getting out of paying taxes that go to schools etc.
So if we have it your way where does it stop?

The grocery workers go back to work for what the employer offers as long as it legal- so say 8$-50% of there benifits
Then the next corperate giant says wow i can do that too, and make billions -so in the tile indusrty he does it. the workers take it and dont whine-6$- and they pay 75% of there bennys. and so on-i hope you get the point--

you think the economy is bad now every dollar they take out of workers helth benifits it takes 2 dollars out of the economy--

We should be trying to raise the standard of living to such as a doctor not lowering to a crack bum!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
The free market makes it such that they can go work somewhere else if they dont think the grocery store is paying them what they are worth.

How would you like it if you went to that grocery store and they were selling a dozen eggs for $500 - and you were forced to buy them ? You go into that store and if you think that are asking to much for something you go elsewhere to buy it or you dont buy it at all.

It is a free market system. The grocery store offers whatever it is that they offer, and the workers will either say yes or no. If the workers think they can get a better deal in a different workplace, then more power to them. They have that right.

You have the right to not cross the picket lines, but we also have the right to decide for ourselves whether or not we will. I would cross it without hesitation. The workers have many weapons at their disposal ( finding a better job, going to college and getting something better, advancing into management, etc. ). These workers are not being forced to work in these stores like slaves. They have choices.

What it comes down to is that most workers want to work an easy job that doesnt require much from them, but when payday rolls around they want to be paid like Bill Gates.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I did some real quick research on this. What I have found is that as far as health benefits go the store used to pay them 100%. Now the store wants the employees to pay $5 a week if single, and $10 to $15 a week for an entire family.

Could this be accurate, because that is a GREAT deal. Almost all companies have had to pass some of the soaring health care costs on to their employees. Asking employees to pay between $5 - $15 a week is not unreasonable.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The wage rate I keep hearing is $17-$20 for checkers.

PLEASE tell me that is not true. I am 6 months away from being an MBA -- and I dont make $800 a week ( $20 an hour @ 40 hrs).

These checkers dont even have to do most of their job anymore. I live in backward Indiana, and most of our stores have updated technology now. The customers scans, bags, and pays for the items on his own now. What do checkers do anyway ?

If Indiana has this new technology, surely California does.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The avg grocery store worker makes 12.08 -and 75% of the workers are part-time
The reason you are hearing about 5-15 dollars is the grocery chains took out a 150 million dollar loan before the stike-they are winning the marketing battle becuase they are richer-the union is not buying 20,000$ adds- they are feeding their members. I live in san diego and i have seen 8 full page as in our paper which run 25,000 each, from the stores.
But i know no one is stupid enough to think that 70,000-100,000 workers all over the country would strike for 5 or 15 dollars!
They would sign that contract right now, they have tried- they went with the old contract to the stores added 5-15 dollars in and told the stores to sign and we all know what happen because they are still on strike!


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Working in a Grocery Store is about as entry levely as it comes. I worked in a Grocery Store when I was in high school (20 years ago). I will be the first to tell you, that it takes NO SKILLS or EDUCATION to work in a Grocery Store.

The reason these people are striking is that they know that they can not find a cushier job any where else and they are hoping that thier Union can get them some more "icing for their cake."

Maybe when they start getting hungry and the bank is getting ready to foreclose, they will realize they need to find a job elsewhere (if they can).

Speaking of WalMart. As long as they can bring me, the consumer, low prices on items I use everyday, I don't care what their hiring practices are or what their pay scale is. Quite frankly, I don't think it is any of my business.

If you don't like your job for whatever reason, keep it until you find something better.

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