The GOP Senators Letter To Iran


New member
Nov 10, 2010
It wasn't just a good deal, it was a GREAT deal. Kept Iran from getting Nukes, which they were getting close to having, rolled back the clock, protected Israel and the rest of the world. Thanks for remembering, maroon.

The Guesser12-08-2015, 05:37 AM

"We are living through Germany late 1920's. "



New member
Nov 10, 2010
It wasn't just a good deal, it was a GREAT deal. Kept Iran from getting Nukes, which they were getting close to having, rolled back the clock, protected Israel and the rest of the world. Thanks for remembering, maroon.

Originally Posted by The Guesser View Post
"Trump rallies are very similar to films I've seen of Hitler rallies in Germany, and Trump himself is using the Hitler model of Personal charisma without substance, Religious hate and fear of "the others". I'm sorry, but his rise in popularity has many parallels to Hitler's. Hopefully it's nipped in "




Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Guesser, for once in your life can you take a position or say something that makes sense? FOR ONCE????




Posted by soopermexican on Dec 21, 2015 at 6:29 PM in Politics | 54 Comments

Investigators believe that Iranian hackers were probing the electronic defenses at a dam above New York City, it’s being revealed today.
Watch below:

From the Wall Street Journal:

Iranian hackers infiltrated the control system of a small dam less than 20 miles from New York City two years ago, sparking concerns that reached to the White House, according to former and current U.S. officials and experts familiar with the previously undisclosed incident.

The breach came amid attacks by hackers linked to Iran’s government against the websites of U.S. banks, and just a few years after American spies had damaged an Iranian nuclear facility with a sophisticated computer worm called Stuxnet. In October 2012, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called out Iran’s hacking, prompting fears of cyberwar.

The still-classified dam intrusion illustrates a top concern for U.S. officials as they enter an age of digital state-on-state conflict. America’s power grid, factories, pipelines, bridges and dams—all prime targets for digital armies—are sitting largely unprotected on the Internet. And, unlike in a traditional war, it is sometimes difficult to know whether or where an opponent has struck. In the case of the dam hack, federal investigators initially thought the target might have been a much larger dam in Oregon.

Many of the computers controlling industrial systems are old and predate the consumer Internet. In the early digital days, this was touted as a security advantage. But companies, against the advice of hacking gurus, increasingly brought them online in the past decade as a way to add “smarts” to U.S. infrastructure. Often, they are connected directly to office computer networks, which are notoriously easy to breach.

These systems control the flow in pipelines, the movements of drawbridges and water releases from dams. A hacker could theoretically cause an explosion, a flood or a traffic jam.

Thank goodness Obama just handed over billions of dollars of money to Iran in his idiotic nuke deal. We can trust those people!!

Read more:


Aug 6, 2006
The "deal" is history once President Trump gives Bibi the green light to bomb the shit out of Iran.

Come on Joe, you have to be paying better attention than this. Israel is not going to bomb Iran. It is us, or nobody. As I explained to the resident psycopath in the other thread the US and Israel's joint strategy is to keep Israel out of conflict as much as possible. This bypasses the party in power in the US. Israel has been kept out of the WOT regardless of who is in their or our crosshairs. The US did Saddam. The US and its coalitions and partners (or whatever BS Obama calls it) is keeping Israel out of the ISIS fight, even as Israeli soldiers can see them with binoculars. Lastly Israeli bombs do not have the capacity to penetrate the deepest underground bunkers where Iran is storing its material and spinning its centrifuges. Nah Joe, Iran's nukes are the world's fight. Israel has to contend with hezbALLAH in Lebanon and Hamas, possibly infiltrated by ISIS in Gaza, and whatever remains in the Golan. The US will do Iran, or Iran will acquire WMD. Vit can bump this thread in ten years to prove me right ;-)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Scott, I get all that, but the middle east powder keg could explode at any moment which would force Israel to get involved whether it wants to or not.

At some point US troops will be needed to clean out the ISIS which means the military will be stretched thin as it is.

I could give 75 billion reasons why Israel may soon be at war with Iran and you could probably give 75 billion more. :)

I'm not worried about the Russians. We'll simply buy them off.

Aug 6, 2006
Scott, I get all that, but the middle east powder keg could explode at any moment which would force Israel to get involved whether it wants to or not.

At some point US troops will be needed to clean out the ISIS which means the military will be stretched thin as it is.

I could give 75 billion reasons why Israel may soon be at war with Iran and you could probably give 75 billion more. :)

I'm not worried about the Russians. We'll simply buy them off.

Well yeah I agree on most of that. But I was specifically addressing the singular issue of if and when a decision is made to destroy Iran's nuclear program, why it will be the US dropping the ordinances. And yes, that's if of course the other simmering pots you mentioned remain in the air and do not boil over first.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
It wasn't just a good deal, it was a GREAT deal. Kept Iran from getting Nukes, which they were getting close to having, rolled back the clock, protected Israel and the rest of the world. Thanks for remembering, maroon.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Well yeah I agree on most of that. But I was specifically addressing the singular issue of if and when a decision is made to destroy Iran's nuclear program, why it will be the US dropping the ordinances. And yes, that's if of course the other simmering pots you mentioned remain in the air and do not boil over first.

150B gift wrapped for a terrorist state is a lot of money which will be used against Israel, which means this "deal" probably ends up being the precursor to WWW III, like Chamberlain's Peace in our Time.

Of course the Guesser and Hussein want to assure everyone the Mullahs will invest it wisely in things like... "renewable energy"


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Iran calls the new U.S. visa law breach of the nuclear deal

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Wednesday a new U.S. law putting visa restrictions on Iranians and those who had visited Iran would, if implemented, breach a nuclear deal Tehran had struck with world powers earlier this year.

The new measure passed by the U.S. Congress will prevent visa-free travel to the United States for people who have visited Iran or hold Iranian nationality.
The measure, which President Barack Obama signed into law on Friday, also applies to Iraq, Syria and Sudan, and was introduced as a security measure after Islamic State attacks in Paris and an attack in San Bernardino, California.
Iran, a Shi'ite Muslim theocracy staunchly opposed to Sunni radicalism espoused by groups like Islamic State, says its inclusion on the list is intended to undermine the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA.
"If the Congress law is implemented as it is, it would definitely be a breach (of JCPOA)," Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was quoted as saying by the Tasnim news agency, speaking at a joint press conference with his Mongolian counterpart, Lundeg Purevsuren.
Zarif said he had raised the issue with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry at their meeting in New York this month and also in several emails in the last 10 days, hoping that "these measures stop any obstacle in implementation of the JCPOA."

Citizens of 38 countries, most of them in Europe, are eligible for waivers under the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. Under the new restrictions, citizens who have visited Iran, Iraq, Syria or Sudan in the last five years, and those who hold dual nationality with one of those countries, are excluded.
In a meeting with French Senate President Gerard Larcher in Tehran on Monday, Zarif called the new U.S. legislation discriminatory and asked Europeans to oppose the law that was "against their independence".
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry wrote to Zarif on Saturday to assure him Washington remained committed to the JCPOA, noting that the White House can waive the new requirements in individual cases.
Iran has been promised a lifting of international sanctions hobbling its economy once it has restrictions on its nuclear program in place as stipulated by its deal with the powers.
Iranian officials have said the visa measure will adversely affect bilateral relations. Some suggest the measure is effectively a new sanction against the Islamic Republic that could jeopardize the nuclear deal.

Sep 21, 2004
Iran Ships More Than 25,000 Pounds Of Uranium To Russia As Part Of Nuclear Deal

Updated December 28, 20157:57 PM ET Published December 28, 20155:28 PM ET

A ship loaded with more than 25,000 pounds of low-enriched uranium left Iran for Russia Monday as part of a deal aimed to limit Iran's nuclear program.
"The uranium was not bomb grade, but the U.S. worried Iran could have used it to make a bomb in a matter of months if it had chosen to," NPR's Geoff Brumfiel reports.
In a statement, Secretary of State John Kerry said the move was "one of the most significant steps" in fulfilling an agreement between Iran and six world powers — called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — that was struck in July.
Kerry said:
"The shipment today more than triples our previous 2-3 month breakout timeline for Iran to acquire enough weapons grade uranium for one weapon, and is an important piece of the technical equation that ensures an eventual breakout time of at least one year by Implementation Day."

"Implementation day" will happen when the International Atomic Energy Agency verifies that Iran has complied with all of the nuclear commitments included in the nuclear deal. At that time, the "breakout time," or the amount of time Iran would need to obtain enough nuclear material to make a nuclear weapon, will be one year. Also on implementation day, "roughly $100 billion in Iranian assets will be unfrozen, and the country will be free to sell oil on world markets and operate in the world financial system," the New York Times reports.
In exchange for relief from crippling sanctions, Iran must agree to inspection by the IAEA.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Iran Ships More Than 25,000 Pounds Of Uranium To Russia As Part Of Nuclear Deal

Updated December 28, 20157:57 PM ET Published December 28, 20155:28 PM ET

A ship loaded with more than 25,000 pounds of low-enriched uranium left Iran for Russia Monday as part of a deal aimed to limit Iran's nuclear program.
"The uranium was not bomb grade, but the U.S. worried Iran could have used it to make a bomb in a matter of months if it had chosen to," NPR's Geoff Brumfiel reports.
In a statement, Secretary of State John Kerry said the move was "one of the most significant steps" in fulfilling an agreement between Iran and six world powers — called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — that was struck in July.
Kerry said:
"The shipment today more than triples our previous 2-3 month breakout timeline for Iran to acquire enough weapons grade uranium for one weapon, and is an important piece of the technical equation that ensures an eventual breakout time of at least one year by Implementation Day."

"Implementation day" will happen when the International Atomic Energy Agency verifies that Iran has complied with all of the nuclear commitments included in the nuclear deal. At that time, the "breakout time," or the amount of time Iran would need to obtain enough nuclear material to make a nuclear weapon, will be one year. Also on implementation day, "roughly $100 billion in Iranian assets will be unfrozen, and the country will be free to sell oil on world markets and operate in the world financial system," the New York Times reports.
In exchange for relief from crippling sanctions, Iran must agree to inspection by the IAEA.


Sep 21, 2004

I know brainless, anti American idiots like yourself are hoping Iran violates the agreement in every way possible. Sorry to disappoint you with FACTS, clown.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Originally Posted by The Guesser View Post
"Trump rallies are very similar to films I've seen of Hitler rallies in Germany, and Trump himself is using the Hitler model of Personal charisma without substance, Religious hate and fear of "the others". I'm sorry, but his rise in popularity has many parallels to Hitler's. Hopefully it's nipped in "





the idiot using the term "without substance" is akin to Ryan Leaf suggesting picking Peyton Manning before him was stupid

talk about dots that don't connect, as hard as it may be to believe, he's getting dumber by the day

and I'm not even addressing the fact that he actually made a Hitler analogy. I mean WTF? why? do any of them have a brain wave? pride?

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Experts dealing with the Iranian nuclear file told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that Iran’s shipment of more than 25,000 pounds of low-enriched uranium to Russia on Monday is not very significant in the big picture.

“Iran has achieved a major victory by trading away easily- reversible nuclear concessions like enriched uranium and first-generation centrifuges that all can be easily reconstituted,” Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank in Washington, told the Post.

“Rather than permanently blocking Iran’s nuclear weapons pathways, the deal opens a patient path to a nuclear weapon,” said Dubowitz.

“Tehran simply has to follow the deal to emerge in 10 to 15 years as a much more dangerous adversary with a massive nuclear program, an advanced centrifuge-powered rapid path to a bomb, intercontinental ballistic missiles, regional dominance and its economy immunized against future sanctions,” he added.

A key provision of the agreement, negotiated by Iran with the US, Britain, China, France, Russia and Germany, is Tehran’s commitment to reduce its stockpile of low-enriched uranium to below 660 pounds.

Emily Landau, a senior research fellow and the director of the Arms Control and Regional Security Program at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, told the Post that while some are celebrating the shipping to Russia of low-enriched uranium, there are issues remaining in the larger context of the deal.

Of course, the removal of uranium from Iran is a step in the right direction, she said, but “it was not unexpected. It wasn’t expected to be an obstacle.”

The reconfiguration of the Arak heavy water reactor so that it cannot produce material for a nuclear bomb is another step that needs to be carried out according to the deal.

However, the overall picture is not good, continued Landau, especially if we take into consideration developments over the past few months, such as Iran’s testing of a ballistic missile, which violated UN Security Council resolutions.

“Iran is testing the waters with the missile test and it drew no firm response,” Landau said.

Furthermore, the INSS expert expressed doubt that thorough inspections can be implemented if Iran is limiting them, especially by not allowing direct access to its military sites.

“Iran obviously advanced the military component of its nuclear program at military bases.”

“By closing the file on past military dimensions of the nuclear program, the IAEA is further weakening its ability to ensure Iran cannot build nuclear weapons down the line,” added Landau.

The UN nuclear watchdog’s 35-nation board decided this month to close its investigation into whether Iran once had a secret nuclear weapons program, opting to support Tehran’s deal with world powers rather than dwell on its past actions.

The IAEA, in a separate report issued this month, strongly suggested that Tehran had a nuclear weapons program for years, but – in a sign of the shift in ties since Tehran’s deal with major powers in July – Washington said it was not concerned.

In a report required under that deal, titled “Final Assessment of Past and Present Outstanding Issues Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Program,” the IAEA gave its clearest assessment of Iran’s past activities in more than a decade of investigation.

“The Agency assesses that a range of activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device were conducted in Iran prior to the end of 2003 as a coordinated effort,” the IAEA said in the confidential report to its Board of Governors viewed by Reuters.

“What kind of message does it send to Iran that it is closing the file,” Landau asked.

If at some point Iran decides to leave the deal or waits until the deal ends in 10 years, it can replenish its uranium stockpile, she noted.

In addition, she explained, “the deal allows Iran to continue research and development of advanced centrifuges, which down the road could enable the country to replenish its enriched uranium at a faster pace.”

Asked what the next US president could do to better ensure Iran does not get a nuclear bomb, Landau responded that there could be “greater political will for stricter enforcement.”

Also, she said, there are other factors that should be taken into account, such as Tehran’s holding of American prisoners and its ongoing support for terrorism.

Landau does not think it is realistic that a new US administration would renegotiate the deal.

“The Obama administration is projecting that they are willing to close their eyes to what Iran is doing,” argued Landau.

Reuters contributed to this report.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]US accuses Iran of conducting 'highly provocative' rocket test near warships[/h]

Revolutionary Guards vessels gave just 23 minutes’ warning before firing unguided rockets in strait of Hormuz, says US commander

Iranian naval vessels conducted rocket tests on Saturday near US warships and commercial traffic in what was a “highly provocative” act in the strait of Hormuz, the US military said on Wednesday, causing new tension between the two nations after a landmark nuclear deal.
Iranian Revolutionary Guards vessels fired “several unguided rockets” about 1,370 metres (1,500 yards) from the USS Harry S Truman aircraft carrier, the USS Bulkeley destroyer and a French frigate, the FS Provence, said Commander Kyle Raines, a US Central Command spokesman, in a statement. Raines said commercial sea traffic also was nearby.
Raines said the Iranian vessels announced over maritime radio just 23 minutes earlier that they would carry out a live fire exercise.

Iran’s “actions were highly provocative”, he said. “Firing weapons so close to passing coalition ships and commercial traffic within an internationally recognised maritime traffic lane is unsafe, unprofessional and inconsistent with international maritime law.”
The vital strait, a narrow waterway between Iran and Oman that is the route for nearly a third of all oil traded by sea, is crucial for ships taking part in the war against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
While the US has complained previously about other Iranian war games and manoeuvres there, the incident comes after a series of weapons tests and other moves by Iran following agreement on a nuclear deal.
Iranian media and officials did not immediately discuss the tests on Wednesday.
NBC News first reported news of the rocket tests.
The test comes after Iran and world powers led by the US agreed to a landmark nuclear deal to limit Iran’s enrichment of uranium in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. While heralded by moderates in Iran, hardliners have criticised the deal.
In the time since, Iran has conducted missile tests criticised by the US, as well as aired footage on state television of an underground missile base.


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