Gamblers round table table sounds fun!!!
I did meet up with Strut once at a local WingHouse once, and it was a hoot!!
1) pretty sure it was right there in March 2004 that I drove the 70 miles roundtrip to Selmons on a Wednesday night about 830pm & no one there would admit knowing him
2) Feb 2007 we did gather about 15 people to Lightning vs Bruins and FH
a) generously provided tickets and swag for everyone at pregame meetup;
b) fell over three rows in the upper deck early third period possibly due to superhuman alcohol intake
c) joined us at Andrychuck's post game to tell same four stories about ten times each, again fueled by SAI
d) put the clamps into previously casual girlfriend BILLSFAN who he would four years later marry and steal her away from us to that Las Vegas where rumor has it they remain happily betrothed