
New member
Sep 20, 2004
wow i really enjoy coming to the prescription but you guys are like little kids. gambling is about money so quit saying its not about the money. if you gamble for fun you will lose. and i'am quite positive none of you are going to kick anybodies ass. most of us are just recreational bettors in this to win money and have something to spend our worthless time on. so if he calls it off screw it move on to something else. thats life i am sure most of you have stiffed someone else.
I realize that a book needs more than just single game bettors to survive. There Is no doubt about that.

Where I agree with Hammy Is the percentage of accuracy of an Individual, maintaining a (60%) average.

I am just saying that the ratio Is very slim.

And when touts come out saying that they have a (93%) accuracy, Well: that simply does not exist.

sue if you dont change the tag line>>>

this omlet takes stuff way to serious


maybe he should try holding his breath like opie tayor did on the andy griffin show>>>>
FF Is a chicken shit cheat in my book that is the only controversy. He cluttered up the RR with his ten challenges and frankly bored me to death. Right when someone is going to win he throws a temper tantrum and calls it off. This stunt was neither funny or controversial it was just dumb. He uses a phony nick and a phony WU name for his challengers to fund his account LMAO, does'nt sound like much of a bet to me. I will repeat what I said earlier regardless the edge FF had he was still playing the bookmaker and risked losing.
And personally the way FF carries on and gets worked up I think he is not well. I would normally excuse this whole dumb contest as a kid playing on the internet until he started with the lawsuit shit
it all started a long time ago. and both times kodiak got upset more then hammy.

if anyone is handling this issue like a kid, it is kodiak. sorry buddy, you can call me a loser, i don't mind, but you better calm down and try to handle the situation like a grown up man.

the hammy's <suing> threats were funny, but kodiak's stalking is even funnier.

keep it comming guys, i'm <lmao>

went back and read some of the fear factor/manace/hammy post

some funny stuff

if its the same guy that was menace from the old aol boards he was around 20 about 5 years ago
and from nj if i remember right
always was bashing people that didnt agree with him
sounds like hammy doesnt it?

he posted under menace a short while at ATB and i think capones place
but he didnt piss enough people off and quit posting

anyway menace thought he was an EOE
<expert on everything>

so i guess it does sound like fear/hammy

i still lke the part about suing>>
you are right that hammy is a scammer in this case, but i dont care.

theerodfather is a scammer, but i stil like him.


the funny thing is, some of these guys believed that they would be paid if they win.

I agree threatening someone with a lawsuit and physical violence online over a bet is as silly as it gets. Like I said this crap bored me from the start.
i really cant blame rod for trying to make a buck

i guess if you have been around people with <magic> black jack shoes and loaded pill <boxes>
and <weighted> dice you arent really surprised by much

but actually thinking hammy was going to pay off\
hammy kicking ass is kinda funny>>>

btw dicky how about sharing that info on the games your best player has?
if you can>>
He played NHL St Louis -5 -110 and it just went to -5 -125 i have been to busy or I would have posted it. i'll remember tommorow

Opened at 10.5 now at 11. no imfo getting alot of public WV. I like NC Char +3 and Vandy +2.5
We both have known the "Hammy" character for almost half a year now.

He has has always been trying to get under somebody's skin.

I don't agree with everything he does either. But he does have some valid points.

People like kodiak, have to learn not to take him seriously.


New member
Jun 20, 2001
I don't think it is hammy unless he has changed his writing style, Which would be very hammy like.
Only Hammy holds contests.

His writting style has changed, but Grammar and spelling Is still 100%.

He doesn't want to be too obvious.

I did'nt think so either until FF starting threatening the RX with a lawsuit for changing his tagline
Hammy lost it once before and FF's latest temper tantrum was very Hammyish.

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