Do all the positive thinking you want Incubus. But when the originator of a winning system, one in which you have made good $ off of, requests that in game comments be kept to a minimum... and yet you constantly blatantly ignore that request posting multiple times per day/ per game in his thread it shows very bad tact on your part. You show no etiquette whatsoever nor do you show any respect to the O.P. (or your fellow poster) by doing that.. You talk about positivity but with your constant posting, constant retorts and oversized emoticons you cultivate the exact opposite... the sad thing is you're too thick to even realize it.
In game comments? :think2: I'm merely posting the 1st 1/2 half total of our play and what we "need" in the 2nd 1/2 to achieve ATS victory. That's as minimal as it gets. I'm not doing a "in game play by play" as you're accusing me of doing. Those are what I define to be "in game" comments. What I'm posting is innocuous.
Also, you'll note at the halftimes of the games, Stander is providing a service by showing us another way to take advantage of the 2nd 1/2 totals lines as they are juxtaposed to the original MITM totals plays. I suppose that's construed by you as "in game comments" as well? I appreciate his 1/2 time posts as well as the accompanying positive energy contained in them. Be aware, he is the originator of the mantra
WE BELIEVE. I'm merely a proponent of Stander's mantra.
Yes, it is all about positive thinking. Like Stander, I believe in the power of positive thinking.
I BELIEVE. It works for me. It certainly doesn't cultivate the opposite, negativity, as you allege. If you want to think negatively, that's on you.
This will be my last retort to any detractor of mine in this thread. I'll simply ignore you all from now on. I've been baited to retort to those who target me for my enthusiasm and positive thinking. There'll be no more retorts from me, so have at it and take your potshots. I won't respond. There will be less clutter now on in the thread you'll see. Less posts from me. Sound good?
Cordoba, to end our tense exchange on a light note, I now see why you cropped your avatar. This well-endowed woman is the true definition of what a "but her face" is!