The Falcons Top Program Plays

Apr 1, 2016
You pay attention to overall but there's 42 blocks posting different records everywhere, just look at this page, it's crazy but overall is what matters at the end of the day .
I was about to tail you awhile back , so decided to investigate how he got up +$5500 (at the time I was going to jump in ) when I found this thread, so those pages up top numbered , easily can be clicked on, it also has details on each page , I know , very weird concept .
But I don't just tail anyone even with a positive posted Record without checking it "all" out . So I wanted to see how did he get to where he is .
He killed CBB , not going to lie..Destroyed it like nobody's business
Here's the proof
02-03-2016, 06:31 AM
2016 Top Program Plays
44-17 (+63.25 units) (+$6325)

Feb 3

Loyola Chicago Over 125
Washington St Over 150.5

$275 to win $250 on each


Again , crazy concept if you click the page numbers , Data is on each page , it's there to be seen .
So since then 133-127 (51.2% and all ) around -$1600 since the amazing 44-17 start .
But don't let facts get in the way of all the "clutter" .
Most programs will generate a value, especially sides.
Like a poster said , not 1 under yet a program would show value regardless of over / under. There's just as much value in a programs unders especially pitchers as overs yet none in here .
So I started questioning the program . What is it , posts after a lose looks to be happening . So add ons when that happened several times while the initial play is losing .
I've been looking for +EV , that's why this thread caught my eye . Program Plays , I'm like yes , this is it .
I expected something like this :
Dodgers -135 , program shows 57.4% at -162 hence there's value by the program . A program will set a line vs what's the actual line . Here's who to play , there's value .
Haven't seen anything posted remotely resembling program printouts.
Team / Line / Amount is all I've seen which isn't a program at all by the posting .
Even if he posted that , nobody would have any clue whatsoever the logic written to get to the point .
But again , yet to see anything resembling a program detail .
Yes , you threw out totals for a bit after I ask which was very close to ERA + Run Support and a division. They weren't exact but very , very close to it .
So sure he's up but if you just tail anyone without investigating it on your own , it can end badly. Chances are , it will .
Hope you win , but besides CBB it's a 51% clip overall .
. It was a mind blowing CBB year with the numbers .
If I would've just starting tailing , I'd be down at this point but I make sure of what I'm about to follow .
Seriously best of luck to you Falcon , MITM but before someone gets too deep in it . There's facts out there , do your own investigating, goes for all people following any capper on the planet.
It's not to put you down Falcon , you're up overall . That is wjat matters but only if you started at Play #1 , I didn't unfortunately, I found later on .
It drives me insane seeing people tail then wonder why they're potentially down when the freaking data was right in front of you all alone . You just didn't want to check out where did it come from to get there .
I'm sure there will be you're an Ahole, well , the ones seeing these eye popping numbers for the first time , that was once me and probably many more . Yet the previously ones ended badly .
So when you jump in , get ready , that 6k before means nothing to you once you start tailing.
Good luck to everyone

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
But I don't just tail anyone even with a positive posted Record without checking it "all" out. So I wanted to see how did he get to where he is.
He killed CBB , not going to lie..Destroyed it like nobody's business.

Here's the proof.

02-03-2016, 06:31 AM
2016 Top Program Plays
44-17 (+63.25 units) (+$6325)

So since then 133-127 (51.2% and all ) around -$1600 since the amazing 44-17 start .

But don't let facts get in the way of all the "clutter."

Most programs will generate a value, especially sides.
Haven't seen anything posted remotely resembling program printouts.
Team / Line / Amount is all I've seen which isn't a program at all by the posting.
Even if he posted that , nobody would have any clue whatsoever the logic written to get to the point.
But again, yet to see anything resembling a program detail.

So sure he's up but if you just tail anyone without investigating it on your own, it can end badly. Chances are, it will.

Hope you win , but besides CBB it's a 51% clip overall.

Good luck to everyone


your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008

Thursday 12 May 2016


No Sides played Thursday 12th.

Overall YTD Sides = 15-12 ATS (+5.28 units +$528) at 55.56%


No Totals played Thursday 12th.

Overall YTD Totals = 12-19 ATS (-28.75 units -$2875) at 38.71%


Boston -1 +100 WIN +5.00 units

Runlines played Thursday 12th = 1-0 ATS (+5.00 units +$500) at 100%

Overall YTD Runlines = 8-8 ATS (+2.35 units+$235) at 50%

Note: calculator to create hybrid -1 RL can be found at:


OVERALL THURSDAY 12 MAY 2016 SESSION = 1-0 ATS (+5.00 units +$500) at 100%

OVERALL YTD SIDES & TOTALS & RUNLINES = 35-39 ATS (-21.65 units -$2665) at 47.30%

Note: 1 unit = $100

Note: Effective Sunday 1 May 2016, the bet amount for each play is increased from 3 units ($300) to 5 units ($500).

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008

Minimum Goal: 40-30 ATS at 57.14%

Thursday 12 May 2016

Boston MLB RL -1 WIN +5.00 units

1-0 ATS = +5.00 units +$500 at 100%

Overall = 4-5 ATS (-7.50 units -$750) at 44.44%

note: 1 unit = $100

62 more plays to go! :)!/


Effective Sunday 1 May 2016, the bet amount for each play is increased from 3 units ($300) to 5 units ($500).

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
The next 81 plays, starting today, will be the best that I have.



Thursday 12 May 2016

Boston MLB RL -1 WIN +5.00 units

1-0 ATS = +5.00 units +$500 at 100%

Overall = 28-27 ATS (-1.70 units -$170) at 50.91%

Note: 1 unit = $100

26 more plays to go! :)!/


Effective Sunday 1 May 2016, the bet amount for each play is increased from 3 units ($300) to 5 units ($500).

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008

Thursday 12 May 2016

Boston MLB RL -1 WIN +5.00 units

1-0 ATS = +5.00 units +$500 at 100%
Overall = 10-9 ATS (+0.25 units +$25) at 52.63%

Note: 1 unit = $100

Note: Effective Sunday 1 May 2016, all plays are 5 units ($500) each.


Oct 29, 2011
Not blasting at all. I asked a question that went unanswered a while back. I have never seen an under posted which would make me weary to say the least. And no i have not posted a baseball play as i am not playing or tracking baseball at this time. Are you a little pissy due to your own negative record ? No offense to either of you but i would not blind tail somebody that never takes an under

Not pissy at all. Never said my record was good.

I also haven't quit.

I'm also not the one with a shitty record saying how easy it is to find overs at Fenway.

Jan 25, 2009
Good morning Falcon. Nice hit with the Redsox. GL TGIF plays!

Dec 18, 2012
It doesnt take a computer to pick an over at fenway or in a stars game. Never once seen an under and i would have a hard time blind tailing someone who only takes overs.
I have to admit you made me look because I thought I had missed something all year with the overs at Fenway. Wondering if 10-8 against the total is considered a mortal lock, I don't know I'm pretty new at this stuff.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not pissy at all. Never said my record was good.

I also haven't quit.

I'm also not the one with a shitty record saying how easy it is to find overs at Fenway.

Didnt say easy. I said i dont need a computer to tell me to play an over in fenway. The public takes overs. In fact according to sports insights 80% of total plays in nba are on overs. For the computer to never find an under i find to be suspect. Books know the over will be the popular choice and adjust their lines. This is not bashing just what i have observed. I asked why the computer never shows an under as great value. Is that a tough or bashing question? Did i say anything about records Biz? You bring that up in an attempt to bash me. F ing garbage


Oct 29, 2011
If its 10-8 to the over, like Joel said, then perhaps he's finding the times its a good bet. So to say that you don't need an over to tell you to take the Over in Fenway is a ridiculous comment.

He didn't tell you to play every game at Fenway Over, he said to play that specific game.

Yes, the public loves overs. Should I say I don't need Sports Insights or you to tell me that? That's "obvious too".

Books don't adjust lines to the over, because if they do they know sharps will pound the other side. Its why you see lines drop.

The point that you're missing is this..............every comment you and others make is negative. Most comment have a shitty tone, and it comes across as hostile. You guys spend a lot of energy here, when the guy just wants to post his picks. He's already said he finds the biggest edge for the day and plays it. That should be good enough, but apparently it's not.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If its 10-8 to the over, like Joel said, then perhaps he's finding the times its a good bet. So to say that you don't need an over to tell you to take the Over in Fenway is a ridiculous comment.

He didn't tell you to play every game at Fenway Over, he said to play that specific game.

Yes, the public loves overs. Should I say I don't need Sports Insights or you to tell me that? That's "obvious too".

Books don't adjust lines to the over, because if they do they know sharps will pound the other side. Its why you see lines drop.

The point that you're missing is this..............every comment you and others make is negative. Most comment have a shitty tone, and it comes across as hostile. You guys spend a lot of energy here, when the guy just wants to post his picks. He's already said he finds the biggest edge for the day and plays it. That should be good enough, but apparently it's not.

I asked why the computer doesnt give unders. " shitty tone " ? Come on man get off your high horse and white night b.s. You are cluttering his thread with your b.s. Let him answer the question or not and stfu
Jul 8, 2006
I have to agree with Biz on this one. Falcon posts the plays every day that he feels have the biggest edge and the best chance of being winners. He has stated this is the case. Perhaps when an under play comes up as best bet on a given day, he will post it, we will see. I recall many times he has said openly he is posting his best plays, not every single play with an edge. I don't see the problem with that and why the bashing is taking place.

Bottom line is the guy has a winning record from the time that he stated posting in this thread. That's the important thing right? If critics think they can do better, then perhaps they could post their winning plays and justify why they do what they do all the time. If people have lost money from joining in tailing mid thread, then that's the nature of the beast. It's a shame that bitterness and anger from that losing permeates this thread.

I think people could just chill and let Falcon post the plays he wants to post. Why the constant need to question, pipe up and gloat when he has a losing day. There is no need.

Feb 15, 2014
2016 Top Program Plays
178-146 (+51.95 units) (+$5195)

May 13

Cleveland -1 (+105) 5 units
$500 to win $525

For the MLB totals, I have been playing the highest difference in the totals. This will lead to many more Overs in baseball, especially early in the season. As the season progresses, unders will start to pop up as plays.

This has not been the results that I have been looking for in 2016 but I am not here to sell anything and I am still up over 5 grand in real money in 2016, so I suppose things could be much worse.

Have a good day..


Dec 18, 2012
Just my 2 cents on why that there are no unders qualifying is probably a simple math anomaly. If you have 10-15 games that are being run through a program and you are only choosing the one or two with the greatest value, it stands logical that the greatest value would be an over. The basic reason is that while there is a finite basement to the total number of runs, there is no ceiling. Kind of like the St Louis game last night, the game went over the total by 14 runs. I don't have statistical evidence but I'm pretty sure that a game has never gone under the posted total by 14 runs. So basically if the posted total is 8 and the projected total is 6, that's great value but on that same day there's probably going to be a game where the posted total is 7 but the projected total is 9.5 giving the over greater "value". Not sure if this explains it, I don't have an extensive gambling background but I do think the math works out.


Oct 29, 2011
I asked why the computer doesnt give unders. " shitty tone " ? Come on man get off your high horse and white night b.s. You are cluttering his thread with your b.s. Let him answer the question or not and stfu

I'm cluttering the thread. Thats just classic.

Look you little prick, I don't need you to tell me STFU. Many would like you and every other prick that comes here and "clutters" the thread to do exactly that. STFU.

Let him post his plays. If it gets your panties bunched to the point you can't stop asking about his methodology, then just leave.


Oct 29, 2011
And yes Boss, shitty tone.

You do it in ball busting fashion, just look at every comment you've made here.

Falcon explained the under, and so did others. They figured it out.

Now that you understand why the Overs, give it a rest.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
And yes Boss, shitty tone.

You do it in ball busting fashion, just look at every comment you've made here.

Falcon explained the under, and so did others. They figured it out.

Now that you understand why the Overs, give it a rest.

Did i ever say he was doing bad? Did i ever say anything about records ? You brought that all into this . Gfy

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