The Falcons Top Program Plays


Mar 27, 2016
Inc...i think your doing a helluva job... better then anyone critizing you.... thats easy to do that.. thanks for doing what you do brother...

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
+1. Don't need the commentary and the extra record keeping clutter. Falcon keeps track of his own plays well enough without all the animated bs. Leave that in Penny's threads.

Sorry, ALEXNGUYEN, no can do. You're another serial agitator who refuses to OPEN his damn eyes and read what the Falcon himself stated
in terms of granting me permission (MLB PLAYS) or requested of me (70 PLAYS BLOCK 1.0) in terms of keeping records in THIS thread!

Regarding the MLB PLAYS record keeping, go to Page 69 and see the exchange between Falcon and myself in Comment #s 1710 and 1711:

Best of luck, Falcon!

I'll be tracking MLB plays in a dedicated "MLB only" entry at the end of each daily session.

Again, good luck to all of us tailing the Falcon's plays!

That's fine Incubus, your 50 play track ends today, I think..

Keep the totals and sides separate, if u don't mind.. If one outperforms the other significantly, we will move more plays in that direction.


Regarding the 70 PLAYS BLOCK 1.0, Falcon specifically asked me to keep track of that. Go to Page 78 and read Comment 1935:

I believe if we set a bankroll, block the plays in 70 play groups and adjusting the wager amounts after 70 plays that we could really grow the bankrolls.

I'd like to get Incubus involved in blocking off the first set of 70 plays and would like opinions on when to start the first block of 70.. If you look at the thread, we are about 3.5 blocks in, we are running at 57.79%.. We also have a very good time approaching as we have the playoffs and my baseball program for 2016 will be starting..

Who wants in on the first block of 70 plays? Incubus I'll await your comments.


your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
recommending that folks reduce the amount of their bets is putting words in falcon's mouth. one minute incubus is swallowing the systems balls so deeply i dont know how he is able to type, and the next minute he is telling people to reduce their bets. this is just one example of him over-stepping his role as "stat boy". why cater to folks that are too lazy to read the thread? falcon asks people not to clutter his thread and the guy is posting in huge fonts, different colors, different images, different emojis, and his own two-cents. clearly incubus needs attention and likes to ride the coattails of successful threads on therx. that much is clear. it is also clear that he and i disagree on what constitutes clutter. yes, this post is clutter. but so is his bullshit. i would like both of us to stop. i know i will. have a profitable week, all.

I wasn't putting words in the Falcon's mouth regarding the reduction of bets! That was my own personal advice. People could very well be tempted to stop tailing altogether due to a rough patch. The advice I gave is what I follow. If one gets on a cold streak, they don't abandon ship or give up on a proven winning system. They simply reduce their unit amount until things get back on course. Then they increase their unit amount accordingly. They stay the course! That's elementary gambling advice any handicapper knows.

How I design the way I keep the records is not "clutter." Falcon can address that ON POINT. I enjoy providing some color and fun to an otherwise drab entry. As long as the information is presented in an easy to read format and is 100% accurate, why the fuck do you care? :think2:

I've been in this thread since Page 1. Have you? You and I will NEVER see eye to eye on anything. I'm here to be positive and lend a hand when needed and called upon.

Mar 28, 2014

I don't think Incubus has ever put words in Falcon's mouth. He's simply answering questions that have been previously answered. Simple. Now let's move on and just wait for business fellas. Good luck to you all.
+1 I don't think incubus was wrong and I like the little animations and gigs he posts. But to each his own. Lol BOL everyone.
Feb 15, 2014
2016 Top Program Plays
144-107 (+71.20 units)
57.37% Winners
(-110) avg juice on losses
3% BR on each

April 11

Padres Over 7.5 (-115)
Listed pitchers
3 units

Guys I read thru some of this,,, some I just skipped over...

Can we just focus on the plays, if u want to tail them, that's fine... If not, that's fine also..

Within 7-10 days, I'm simply going to come in here, post the plays daily and leave. Its going to take me another 7-10 days to automate my baseball to 2016 numbers. I was hoping we could just slide thru this little transition period, I'm talking about the period between, the ending of the NHL and NBA regular seasons and the time I need to get baseball to 2016 only... We almost made it..

Once we get to that point, I'll simply read my printout daily, post the plays and leave.. I suspect a high %%% of plays to be totals, at that point. I'm sitting on ready for the NHL and NBA playoffs, just need another week or so in baseball..

I do have one other thing to say and it has to do with Plus Money plays, specifically in baseball.. My programs all begin with searching for a program that can hit 50% or close on Plus Money plays.. I'd like to look into this old program once again over the next few days... I have no desire of posting these in this thread.. They would drag my win %%% down, much too low.. However I feel that they can definitely turn a profit...

Can u imagine flipping a coin and being right the expected 50% of the time,,, then imagine yourself collecting the juice, instead of paying it.. I have a Ratings program that can make this happen... If anyone is interested in posting these,,, PM me.. I do not want them in this thread and I do not wish to run another thread.. I'm talking about a Ratings program from 2011 for Plus Money plays only.. I have this info but I do not want to distribute it, perhaps one of you will..

Back this afternoon with an evening card.


New member
Jan 7, 2013
2016 Top Program Plays
144-107 (+71.20 units)
57.37% Winners
(-110) avg juice on losses
3% BR on each

April 11

Padres Over 7.5 (-115)
Listed pitchers
3 units

Guys I read thru some of this,,, some I just skipped over...

Can we just focus on the plays, if u want to tail them, that's fine... If not, that's fine also..

Within 7-10 days, I'm simply going to come in here, post the plays daily and leave. Its going to take me another 7-10 days to automate my baseball to 2016 numbers. I was hoping we could just slide thru this little transition period, I'm talking about the period between, the ending of the NHL and NBA regular seasons and the time I need to get baseball to 2016 only... We almost made it..

Once we get to that point, I'll simply read my printout daily, post the plays and leave.. I suspect a high %%% of plays to be totals, at that point. I'm sitting on ready for the NHL and NBA playoffs, just need another week or so in baseball..

I do have one other thing to say and it has to do with Plus Money plays, specifically in baseball.. My programs all begin with searching for a program that can hit 50% or close on Plus Money plays.. I'd like to look into this old program once again over the next few days... I have no desire of posting these in this thread.. They would drag my win %%% down, much too low.. However I feel that they can definitely turn a profit...

Can u imagine flipping a coin and being right the expected 50% of the time,,, then imagine yourself collecting the juice, instead of paying it.. I have a Ratings program that can make this happen... If anyone is interested in posting these,,, PM me.. I do not want them in this thread and I do not wish to run another thread.. I'm talking about a Ratings program from 2011 for Plus Money plays only.. I have this info but I do not want to distribute it, perhaps one of you will..

Back this afternoon with an evening card.


I'll post them for you! Can't PM you for some reason.

Oct 26, 2009
Honestly I'm not sure why people question Falcon's plays, he's been successful with all his pics being documented if you want to go along for the ride do it!! But win or lose people need to shut up and quit critiquing. Falcon has expressed how this work, but feels like he needs to explain at least once a day because someone is question his program/picks. The RX is lucky to have a poster like this that puts his plays in here.

Win or lose all I can say is thank you Falcon for posting at the end of the season it will be a profitable one.

All the best!!!!


Oct 25, 2007
Honestly I'm not sure why people question Falcon's plays, he's been successful with all his pics being documented if you want to go along for the ride do it!! But win or lose people need to shut up and quit critiquing. Falcon has expressed how this work, but feels like he needs to explain at least once a day because someone is question his program/picks. The RX is lucky to have a poster like this that puts his plays in here.

Win or lose all I can say is thank you Falcon for posting at the end of the season it will be a profitable one.

All the best!!!!



New member
Oct 16, 2015
Dude, no one takes your act seriously. Wake up. HCG's thread is one big circus, and you are there daily throwing fuel on the fire on a daily basis castigating, insulting and disparaging the poor guy. Nice life you have if that's your focus. Speaking of which, you have absolutely no idea what I do here or how I live here on the other side of the world. Nor will you. You're just a faceless nameless entity on an anonymous internet forum typing from allegedly somewhere in Washington DC in the USSA. I'm loving my life here in Thailand. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Maybe if you keep on saying "I'm living the Dream!" it will really happen and come true!

Again this has been repeated ad nauseum but if you really think your quality of life is determined by the quantity/quality of cheap hookers around you, then obviously your life is terrible. By the way the pictures you post of your "Beautiful Thai girls" literally they all look like Lady Boys who hit every branch on the ugly tree on way down. If that floats your boat, more power to you, but I would venture to guess that most people would not consider being 65 years old, living in Thailand, posting on a message board all day and banging ugly Tranny looking diseased hookers some sort of "Dream life" but again hey....more power to you. Hopefully you and other sad old guy Boss can compare notes about what its like to have to pay for pussy. And I do have an idea what you do there, mostly b/c you like typing up Novel length posts selling the idea of how great your life is. You sit around and book bets for people, post on here half the day, and then pay for ugly diseased pussy. Wow what a life. :):)

And get your facts correct on the HCG thread, i give him shit once in a while like everyone but for most part I have been supportive. But I understand when you are pushing 70 years old that reading comprehension prob isn't one of your strong points. Enjoy the remaining 2-3 years you have left you sad old fuck before your inevitable dirt nap. Might want to focus on that, rather than wasting your VERY small amount of remaining days on this sad message board. Just my $.02 :103631605
Feb 15, 2014
Dang, I almost started a thread for the plus money plays but I didnt have the heart to do it... I would keep an eye on Mil, Reds, KC, TeX and Oak -1.5 today.. This is very early but I was just trying to get back into this old program.. Just for fun, I put $40 on each of them.. Please don't count it in this threads record.. I think this program can come in around 47% with an average payback around +137.. I'll let u do the numbers on this..

Back in a few with tonights card..


New member
Dec 31, 2015
Falcon, would love to see your plus plays regularly. I too think that Reds line is out of whack based on public perception of the Cubs.
Feb 15, 2014
Yeah definite rough patch,,

2016 Top Program Plays
144-108 (+67.75 units)
57.14% Winners

I only posted the updated record because I found it ironic that after 252 posted plays, the programs are running at exactly 57.14% Winners, just as planned.

April 11

Washington Over 7.5 (-110)

Listed pitchers
3 units


New member
Feb 3, 2016
I know we're trying to reduce clutter, but, not sure you saw that SD/PHI game, Falcon... Got screwed by a horrible infield fly rule called with the Phil's batting I believe in the 6th with bases loaded nobody out... Ball ended up way out of the infield and the SD shortstop never caught it (as the right-fielder never saw it, lost in the sun).

They surely would've had at least one more run there had the umps not screwed it up.

You were on the right side, just unlucky with that one.

New member
Aug 19, 2005
I see where many new posters have come aboard the last few days...causing a lot of clutter, let's try to hold it down guys,tu & gl!

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