The Roman Catholic Church is a money grabbing whore.
Trivia: Who killed more people, the Nazi regime, or the
Catholic Church?
Answer: It's really not even close. The Catholics killed
40-60 million during the Catholic Inquisition.
Martin Luther was right on when he called the Catholic Church
a money grabbing whore, and left the church in part for
selling indulgences to get dead people out of a mythical
purgatory (no such thing).
I've traveled to Rome many times, and marveled at the audacity
of the RC church. In one of the shrines to a dead Catholic
missionary from the 17 century, they're still collecting/begging
for money in order to get this guy out of purgatory. Poor
guy, he was martyred in China for the Church, and he's
supposedly in Purgatory 400 years later. Well, as long as it
fills the church coffers.
[SIZE=-1]"Coin in the coffer rings a soul from Purgatory springs"
I won't even go into the pedophile issue...
All that being said, I am a Christian, just not a fan of the
whore church in Rome.