lmao you were never supporting Black people, get outta here with your bullshit. She spoke facts, it was built by slaves why is that so offensive to you, she can't say that? I live in a house built by white guys, I can't say that..what's the difference? It's just a comment on how far they've come, hardly pandering, hardly playing the victim. There are plenty of examples of playing the victim that are real if you want to find them, no need to fabricate one here. As I said any claim to the contrary is biased or plain stupid...you can pick your camp. The speech was an absolute powerhouse like her or not, that is fact.
The Problem lies in the fact that it is just more Divisive Crap and, as I pointed out, if she had such a PROBLEM WITH how her house got constructed why she hasn't whined about it up until NOW at the very Moment where shit needs to come out her mouth to RALLY a bunch of braindead zombie followers such as yourself?
We are Hopelessly Divided, there will be no coming together, whiny grandstanding Bitches like Moochele make Unity impossible.
I did Support Black People, always have. I will not bring Hostility to any interaction with them going forward, will not turn from relationships I have right now with Black People and will not treat them any differently one-on-one but where Support is concerned for any of their various "causes" I am done.
And if you are able to convince yourself that a positive place will get found between Blacks & Whites enMasse, within this country you are Delusional. Acts like Moochele committed whining about The Past, events that we had no thing to do with and that are beyond control and also completely NOT RELEVANT to any Search for Peace and actually serve to work COUNTER to accomplishing Evolution....
...these things make that impossible and that is 8/10 of what comes out of Black People's Disabled Brains.
Many in the black community are fueled by hatred, hatred by people like Al Sharpton who goes around to corporations and bribes them to give him money to not raise any racial tension. He threatens and they pay him. That's a leader for you, one who needs the black community to be angry and spiteful in order to line his own pockets.
Most of the southern Democrats switched their party to Republican after the Dems passed the civil rights bill in the 60's. They told LBJ if he signed the bill they would switch parties. And most of them followed through with their threat. The Dems of yesterday are the Pubs of today...FactDemocrats started the KKK. Fact.
Most of the southern Democrats switched their party to Republican after the Dems passed the civil rights bill in the 60's. They told LBJ if he signed the bill they would switch parties. And most of them followed through with their threat. The Dems of yesterday are the Pubs of today...Fact
I love how they're going to fix all the problems they created
it's as if they don't know they were in power for 8 years, and they had absolute power for two years
what did they give us?
a failed stimulus
a clusterfuck called Obamacare
banking regulations that curtailed lending and creates an overload of red tape to this day
the credit card protection bill which took credit cards off the table for many
bailouts and handouts that enriched their chosen friends
increased taxes (on all levels of income)
increased racial tensions
the rise of ISIS
violence against police officers
QE I, II & III, which everyone involved acknowledged their failures
it just goes on and on and on and on, they just keep their heads in the sand and pretend it didn't happen, they pretend they didn't make the policy they got us here to begin with
economic anchors that stunted growth, and they worsened every problem they identified and tried to fix
Government is NOT the solution, free enterprise is, it's not rocket science
LBJ essentially splintered the democratic party with the civil rights bill. Especially the one with the southern whites. By making Civil Rights part of the democratic platform, the republicans lost basically what was left of their black constituencies, which had been a big part of their remaining progressive vote. That's when the Democrats started bleeding out southern whites at a very rapid pace. Then we started seeing candidates like independent (with republican leanings) George Wallace emerge..I remember all of this as a kid living in Oklahoma. One day we were a Democratic state, a couple years later we were Republican. And it was due in large part to the Civil Rights Bill..so much to say, so little time
this narrative is categorically incorrect, one dixiecrat switched parties. More importantly, the GOP is the reason why the Voting Rights Amendment passed was because Republicans supported such legislation by such a wide margin that they pulled the democrats over the top. If only democrats voted, the constitutional amendment doesn't get enough votes to pass. The support from the right side of the aisle pulled the vote over the 2/3 threshold amendments require.
but democrats enabled by they propaganda machine called our free press, like to rewrite history and act like the real vote never happened
instead, they tell us that racist people left the democrats because they were mad the Voting Rights Act passed, to join a party that supported such legislation by a much more significant margin. On what planet does that make sense?
LBJ locked up the black vote for the democrats, the Republicans don't get credit for pulling the democrats across the finish line. And combined with the Great Society which has destroyed the fabric of the inner city families, LBJ locked up the urban vote for the democrats for the last 50 years
The country is divided by urban vs suburban votes. States with large urban populations are virtual democratic locks. places like NYC carry NY, Chicago carries IL, Detroit carries MI, Philly carries PA and LA, SF.....lock up CA
it's not north vs south, it's urban vs suburban