Joe Biden speech.
After watching this convention, I think someone as polarizing as Trump is the only way the Dems would have a chance to win.
Literally the GOP could've propped 1 of us from the RX up and probably be favored.
Some bland low-negatives politician like Kasich would be like -350 right now.
Yeah that's prob true. But if it was Biden.....he would beat any candidate repubs had in the primary. It's battle of two flawed candidates.
Yeah that's prob true. But if it was Biden.....he would beat any candidate repubs had in the primary. It's battle of two flawed candidates.
After watching this convention, I think someone as polarizing as Trump is the only way the Dems would have a chance to win.
Literally the GOP could've propped 1 of us from the RX up and probably be favored.
Some bland low-negatives politician like Kasich would be like -350 right now.
Dems way overrate Biden's appeal. I don't even think he would've beat Hillary in the primary.
Picking that clown over Rubio would be like picking Bowie over Jordan.
I find it pathetic that the party that doesn't want any walls between US and Mexico has a big fat wall around their event and also have a massive amount of security to keep people on the other side of the wall. If they wanted to show everyone how to live without walls and be accepting of everyone on the other side like they keep telling Republicans, that was the time to showcase it. Instead what I saw was Democrats showcasing that they want walls, and they work.
Ditto for showing ID. Want to get on the other side of the wall? You've got to show your photo ID first. Want to get into the building? Better have your photo ID. Want to cast a vote in our convention? Break out your photo ID. Then Republicans say, want to vote for president, photo ID please, and Democrats absolutely lose their shit because asking for photo ID is ridiculous and mean and unfair...unless they're the ones asking for it. Hypocrites to their vile, empty cores.
Trump totally trolled the DNC, he took the news organizations' focus away from their convention and put it right on him. No one is talking about the DNC, they're talking about Trump. The bumbling idiots at the DNC got so steamed over what Trump said that they forgot about the hook in the "Russia/email hacking" bait. Obama and Bubba both gave speeches, yet the coverage is on Trump.