Do NOT let Snowden speak of us that way
in Past Tense
when we are Super-Old, mind you Yes....
Super Old
and on our Death Couches lounging about waiting to die
We Could have Pride
in that Moment
like our fantastic forefathers had
like our Fathers had, who repelled The Nazis
Faggot-Ass Pedophile Muslims ain't got one-one hundredth the Resolve that Hitler's Army s had, We can Defeat them.
in any number of ways.
If you have a Brain right this Moment you can think of a very easy way over 1/2 of them could be felled.
Their religion demands that they all do observe, a common thing which presents a path to Jonestown-like
Cult No More.
You Are Here.
Therefore YOU get to Construct The World.
You Live In.
Its the only reason you are here. You were not supposed to just DRIFT like a motherfucking lost balloon
You were supposed to come here and ESTABLISH
Fuckin Rise and do it lazy motherfucker.
Enough of this shit.
I feel like you are Retarded.
I Fucking feel like I am talking to a Goddamned Potato. Braindead care-nothing motherfucker.
What was ever
the point of your existence
if all you ever were
was a dude who stood back while women and children suffered?
YOU were a Coward.
did you decide to not be that?
Anche voi, donne, gettato via tutti i codardi dai vostri abbracci; che vi darà solo codardi per i bambini, e voi che siete le figlie della terra di bellezza devono recare i bambini che sono nobile e coraggioso .
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