I would not call them a fraud, far to nice. I would say they are a morally bankrupt piece of shit that should have a bullet to the head.
It is time to start taking out these pieces of shit, only way to rid the country of the cancer. I am talking about the communist/socialist ones.
The normal Democrats can stay. The time has come to cleanse the country of these tumors.
What about the 300k mail-in ballots floating in limbo throughout the various, recently crippled, USPS locations around the country? Maybe a majority of those were for Trump and he fucked himself eh?
I would not call them a fraud, far to nice. I would say they are a morally bankrupt piece of shit that should have a bullet to the head.
It is time to start taking out these pieces of shit, only way to rid the country of the cancer. I am talking about the communist/socialist ones.
The normal Democrats can stay. The time has come to cleanse the country of these tumors.