Legitimate comments on the raging TrumpVirus are routinely removed and put in "the rubber room" forum which is a catchall for all the racist, white supremacist, nazi comments that flood this forum every day. Kind of says it all don't you think?
You seem to have over 1000 posts on this forum yet you have just figured out that the 5 trolls that do 99% of the posting here and the couple of administrators that facilitate them are "senseless, disrespectful, and reflect a lack of empathy for others"? Give your head a shake man, this place stopped being a place for interesting discourse about a decade ago. The asshole trolls took over and now the Rx is basically just a freak show, a window into a long past time when internet forums were a fun place to hang out and not a sewer drain for idiots to flame the living shit out of each other all day every day
Simple solution....Don't sign on, leave like you have promised many times