The Comments of Some Members on COVID & The Lack of Basic Respect Involved


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Over the past 8 months, some members of this site have continued to state their ASSUMPTIONS & OPINIONS on this deadly pandemic that has now taken over 246,000 lives to this point. I work at an office that includes a total of 23 Mental Health Professionals. We all spend 5 days a week listening to those who are heartbroken, depressed, and living under significant grief due to the loss of their loved ones from this virus. In addition, our staff has lost 7 family members from COVID.

The comments I have read on this forum are senseless, disrespectful, and reflect a lack of empathy for others. They fail to recognize those that are living under significant stress due to the damage it has brought to their lives. These comments clearly place higher priority of their illogical opinions than how it may make others feel.

I hope those that have made these statements reflect more when writing public statements. We are all human beings and should treat others the way we would like to be treated. We should do much better.

Jan 5, 2008
Glad to see business is good. What’s that about 600 folks a week you guys see? God bless for your services.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

Sep 21, 2001
Average of death of those with Covid is 78 - average age of death in the US is 78

Sep 19, 2019
Over the past 8 months, some members of this site have continued to state their ASSUMPTIONS & OPINIONS on this deadly pandemic that has now taken over 246,000 lives to this point. I work at an office that includes a total of 23 Mental Health Professionals. We all spend 5 days a week listening to those who are heartbroken, depressed, and living under significant grief due to the loss of their loved ones from this virus. In addition, our staff has lost 7 family members from COVID.

The comments I have read on this forum are senseless, disrespectful, and reflect a lack of empathy for others. They fail to recognize those that are living under significant stress due to the damage it has brought to their lives. These comments clearly place higher priority of their illogical opinions than how it may make others feel.

I hope those that have made these statements reflect more when writing public statements. We are all human beings and should treat others the way we would like to be treated. We should do much better.

Legitimate comments on the raging TrumpVirus are routinely removed and put in "the rubber room" forum which is a catchall for all the racist, white supremacist, nazi comments that flood this forum every day. Kind of says it all don't you think?

You seem to have over 1000 posts on this forum yet you have just figured out that the 5 trolls that do 99% of the posting here and the couple of administrators that facilitate them are "senseless, disrespectful, and reflect a lack of empathy for others"? Give your head a shake man, this place stopped being a place for interesting discourse about a decade ago. The asshole trolls took over and now the Rx is basically just a freak show, a window into a long past time when internet forums were a fun place to hang out and not a sewer drain for idiots to flame the living shit out of each other all day every day


Sep 20, 2017
Average of death of those with Covid is 78 - average age of death in the US is 78
But...but....old people want to live forever
Wear your mask, lockdown and take your poison shot, bigot
You must hate old people if you don't care if they don't live to be 120

Sep 5, 2005
This one time, I walked into a gay bar and there was nothing inside except for hundreds of gay guys.

Their behavior was senseless, disrespectful, and reflected a lack of empathy for others. They failed to recognize that I was living under significant stress due to being exposed to such behavior. Their actions clearly place higher priority of their illogical behavior than how it may make others feel.

A mental health professional may be able to figure out how to avoid what appears to be a source of stress for himself. Bull, that means, don't walk through the door.

New member
Jun 29, 2016
Over the past 8 months, some members of this site have continued to state their ASSUMPTIONS & OPINIONS on this deadly pandemic that has now taken over 246,000 lives to this point. I work at an office that includes a total of 23 Mental Health Professionals. We all spend 5 days a week listening to those who are heartbroken, depressed, and living under significant grief due to the loss of their loved ones from this virus. In addition, our staff has lost 7 family members from COVID.

The comments I have read on this forum are senseless, disrespectful, and reflect a lack of empathy for others. They fail to recognize those that are living under significant stress due to the damage it has brought to their lives. These comments clearly place higher priority of their illogical opinions than how it may make others feel.

I hope those that have made these statements reflect more when writing public statements. We are all human beings and should treat others the way we would like to be treated. We should do much better.
I don't believe you.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
As always, there are two sides to every story. All deaths, are tragic, but life is also for the living. That's not a callous disrespect for people dying, it's just reality. I have said since March we need to sanitize our hands, don't take unnecessary risks, and protect those that are vulnerable. My position has not waivered since around mid-March

I am and will always be adamantly opposed to government lockdowns. The harm done to society arguably outweighs "preventable" deaths. Lives and businesses and dreams have been destroyed, real harm to real people. There's a spike in domestic violence, ruining more lives. There are spikes in drug abuse and violent mob rule. One of the biggest tragedies of people dying during the pandemic is that they have to die alone. Government is making them die alone.

Every year we have flu deaths, some seasons worst than others. Every year we have pneumonia deaths. Those two illnesses cause 100,000 deaths per year, not a peep on the news. We have a drug overdose pandemic in this country, microscopic news coverage. And government seemingly does more to enable drug abuse than prevent it. We have cancer related deaths, we have heart related deaths, we have car accidents and swimming accidents and maybe 1 million preventable deaths per year, all accepted by politicians and our media that molds minds. Democratic cities enable murder and violence that I can't even comprehend. All are preventable

Sweden did nothing, their positive tests and and death rate is better than the lockdown European countries, but democrats and their media hate Sweden because of it. They never talk about the whole story, they'll pick some superficial isolated story and bash Sweden.

In this country, democratic governors with the most extreme lockdown measures have the worst death rates in the world (NY & NJ). But democrats and their media attack the Republican governors for having less restrictive policies even though their death rates are astronomically lower

Even the numbers are skewed. Yale University studies include every person who died with a positive COVID test a COVID death. But when it comes to premature deaths caused by medical professionals, their studies argue that premature deaths to those without a long life expectancy should not be counted. Why the two standards? Why should we exclude those deaths from medical mistakes numbers but include them for COVID-19 purposes? Rhetorical question, it makes no sense and is done for perception only. In one case, they want to increase the fear and in the other case they want to mitigate the fear.

And just as important as anything else, I'm not arguing to take away anyone's freedoms. You should all live your lives as you so choose. If you lose, at least it's on you. Losing because other people want to control you is just wrong in my world. It's unamerican

Mar 5, 2009
But...but....old people want to live forever
Wear your mask, lockdown and take your poison shot, bigot
You must hate old people if you don't care if they don't live to be 120


I rarely see people out in public without a mask, but when I do its a senior citizen for sure.

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