The Cat's MLB Over/Under Bets & Detailed Writeups (Everyone Read)


New member
Aug 28, 2012
I am sure they would have posted any article you wanted to write for them on the site without having to go "tout" and charge for plays.....

And how are you placing your wagers at the Wynn in Las Vegas, then the next day placing wagers in Atlantis and 5dimes? (which you said you would never use)?
Apr 6, 2012
I am sure they would have posted any article you wanted to write for them on the site without having to go "tout" and charge for plays.....

And how are you placing your wagers at the Wynn in Las Vegas, then the next day placing wagers in Atlantis and 5dimes? (which you said you would never use)?

Forgot to address this last question, which is a fine thing to ask. I hate the expression, but it's "standard protocol." By that, I mean that in the automated techniqe that we use when we offer our picks and analyis, there's an automated selection of different lines from endless books, which is pretty cool. I'm not sure how they gather all of them like that, but it's always up to the minute and I've never seen something like it. It's NOT where WE put the bet; it's the line that we would suggest to our readers, and in most cases, the line that we use with the desired odds. I think it's an advertiser thing, but I have no clue, to be honest. That's what I would assume.

All my bets, personally, are put on the aforementioned with my own account. The place/site listed next to my pick is simply a more "well-known" service that would have that exact line with the same value.

Anything else you have to ask me, I'll be glad to answer. As I stressed over and over and over, I'm the same honest guy that I've always been.
Apr 6, 2012
I do not think your a scumbag, didn't even suggest it. The fact of the matter is once you charge for your picks/information you are a tout. I understand that it is just that you get paid for your work, never thought that money motivated your passion. Plus, if you were making money off your picks why would you need to get paid for them...just wager larger amounts. I like you from what I know of you and think your class. I wish you luck and hope you become the top person in your field, I know you put in the work. Drop by the bases forum, a lot of guys still picking winners up there.

This is why, as I've said before, you have always been one of my favorite posters here (Even though I was disappointed I didn't see you during my 56% footall seaon! Was wondering where you were!). Even when I had an off day last year (Or suffered one of my many bizarre and unlucky bad breaks that were so often excessive in the first half), you always had something positive to say that would cheer me up, such as this comment, and help keep me going because you know the real me. You know I've always been 100-percent honest on here - even when I was whining about a bad break lol you realized that was just my passion in me, being a perfectionist who wanted to win every single game. You know it's PRIDE that drives me more than anything, to never take a single day off during the season. And for that, I thank you for recognizing everything I'm about - even on an internet message board. My friend, you know me.

You bring up a fair point, though. An absolutely fair point. Does money suddenly motivate my passion as well now? You know, that's a very good question. My passion has always been in my pride to be the very best, specifically in baseball over/unders and nothing else. I also enjoyed making people happy with winning bets, especially those same people who regularly checked into my threads, such as yourself, and read my ridiculously-long articles that I worked so hard on. But to be honest, I also enjoy being rewarded for my efforts, too. To have an opportunity be presented to me where I can do the same exact thing - and be paid for it - it's just a very good and rewarding feeling that serves as like a bonus. At the same time, I don't think it really gets involved with my passion, though. I'm still doing the same exact routine that I've done every night during baseball season for the last two seasons, and now this season as well. It hasn't changed my mindset at all (Which I was honestly afraid of because once you start thinking about "money" instead of the actual game, that's where you decline as a handicapper, in my opinion), nor has it messed with my routine at all. It's just a bonus, I guess, but honestly, I REALLY do miss posting my picks here. It's why I never missed a single day, and paid or not, I'd be doing the exact same thing.

As for simply just betting larger amounts, I don't know if you remember, but I'm only 27, and graduated college two years ago. Thus, I have no significant bankroll whatsoever to work with (Which is why my bets often ranged last year from $20-$100, if you remember), so to be able to amass more of a bankroll for doing the same exact thing... it's just an opportunity I couldn't say no to, but at the same time, all I could do was think about how much I'd miss posting my plays here because of the bonds I had formed with all of you, and unfortnately, I was concerned with the bad thoughts that some might have towards me for "selling out."

But I appreciate those of you, such as yourself, who have continued to offer me support. I really do. And don't worry, I'll still be posting nearly every day with the usual cast (BMM, skyla, Hookem, etc.) giving them as much helpful support and commentary that I can. I'm still going to be around :)

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Forgot to address this last question, which is a fine thing to ask. I hate the expression, but it's "standard protocol." QUOTE]

See, that's whats bothering me. You say your a good guy, your not like the other touts... but your doing what the other touts do.

Sell Picks
Use lines not available from places thousands of miles away
Marketing plays

Should use the same lines from the same place for every play. Or just use a couple of places like most people do... I for instance use 2 places where I usually find a good variance of lines depending on if I am playing favorites or dogs. Gold Coast for dogs, and LVH for faves.... When worse comes to worse, I use Cantor Gaming App if I am not able to get to the book in time
Apr 6, 2012
Forgot to address this last question, which is a fine thing to ask. I hate the expression, but it's "standard protocol." QUOTE]

See, that's whats bothering me. You say your a good guy, your not like the other touts... but your doing what the other touts do.

Sell Picks
Use lines not available from places thousands of miles away
Marketing plays

Should use the same lines from the same place for every play. Or just use a couple of places like most people do... I for instance use 2 places where I usually find a good variance of lines depending on if I am playing favorites or dogs. Gold Coast for dogs, and LVH for faves.... When worse comes to worse, I use Cantor Gaming App if I am not able to get to the book in time

Lol huh? You're reaching for a fault when there's nothing here. What exactly are you trying to convey? You forget, I only do BASEBALL OVER/UNDERS, where the lines are almost always universal (Although the value might differ between a -110 and a whopping -115... you're seriously complaining about that?) no matter what sportsbook you get them from. As I said, PERSONALLY, ALL MY BETS ARE IN THE SAME PLACE ON THE SAME BOOK... SINCE IT IS BASEBALL OVER/UNDERS, the line is ALWAYS the same.

But that doesn't show up because apparently, they're not an "affiliate" of Vegas Insider. How is that my fault? No, not at all. They're a BUSINESS and they like to promote certain places they are AFFILIATED WITH. Listen, buddy, if it was up to me, I'd post all the exact values or whatever you're fussing about from my OWN PERSONAL BOOK - BUT, I have no control over that! If you used the tool that I used that publishes our picks, you'd see exactly what I'm talking about. AGAIN, I have NO CONTROL over that issue. And for over/unders, that doesn't even matter. I'm offering the play, if you can get it at -110. Awesome. If it's -115, so what? An extra $5-$20? Does that really matter? The line's always going to be the same that I offer from what I actually bet on. I don't get what the significance of this is.

Most of the time, the value's the same anyway. For example, my best bet today was Bumgarner vs Ryu UNDER 7 at -120. That's exactly what I got it at in my sportsbook as well, and that's exactly how Vegas Insider promoted it as, except from a different location. How is that my fault? It's a business, I don't make those decisions. I just do what I love, make my daily over/under selections, and write about each pick in 500-1,200 words - the same good ol' fashioned analysis that I've always provided.

Let it go, man. You're trying to have this vision of me that is completely off from who I actually am, which is why everyone is agreeing with me and supporting me because they've actually, you know, SEEN my actual work and have SEEN that I've always written with my emotion and my passion on my sleeve. Listen, I 100-percent agree with you about "touts." But you have to realize that like with any stereotype in life, not EVERYONE fits it. There are exceptions. And there has certainly been no proof that I'm going to morph into one of these scumbags that understandably draw ire from most. But I don't draw ire from anyone else because, as I said, I'm an exception.

And I will continue to contend that I'm never going to change.

Dec 26, 2005
catso/u.. i was just wondering if u can honestly tell us how much money u have won or lost over the past two seasons?
also, can u tell us how much u are getting paid at VI? is it a straight salary or is there also commission involved in some way?
do u actually want to be a professional gambler(one who makes money off his own picks)? or do u just want to make money off what u write (journalism)?
do u believe that your picks(writings) can make someone following them a living if they bet them at 500 per game.
do u understand that at -110 per game a 53-47 won/loss record would mean a net of 1.3 units and the same record at -120 per game would mean a loss of -3.4 units so that an extra $5-$20 does matter a lot to a true gambler (it doesnt matter if they win only if they lose).
now that u are getting paid by VI are u betting more per game and now can actually make more money?
would you be willing to cut and paste your wagers and results at to show that u are trying to make it in the gambling world...or just admit that u are only trying to make a living by writing and u just like writing about overs and unders..not make a living off them?

i am just asking some questions that came to mind and am sure others have the same thoughts i expressed..thnks
Apr 6, 2012
I answered all your questions in the other thread so I'm just going to copy and paste my response from that thread here as well:

Perfectly fine.

1. Won $1,100+ in 2011. Lost $1,300 in 2012 (Originally the number was reported as over $1,400, but as I put together all my stats and everything from my gamelog, it was originally miscalculated) (Down $2,000 in the first half because of excessive bad breaks and a new method of doing bigger bets, which messed with my psyche and made me regress. Second half, went back to my 2011 ways and got comfortable and was up about $700, while being 55% in that time, leading me to believe that I'm back to my normal self. And it's tranlated into 2013... thus far, up a few hundred to start).

2. Just like most people, I don't share information pertaining to what I'm getting paid at a job. I hope you can understand that :)

3. All my life, I've wanted to be a sports writer or sports announcer. Always had the tools to do either, but am initially going with writing because I'm better at that. Unfortunately, it's obviously a tough business to break into, especially for someone from NY ughhh. Gambling is something I started in 2009, and soon after, I realized I've had something special for over/unders, which is why I've stuck with it and I never take a day off throughout the season. After what I did in 2011 (Which is why I started writing here in the first place; one of the greatest personal accomplishments in my life because how many people hit over 57% in 600+ games in a full season in their lifetime? It was a magical time), that's when I concluded I could do this professionally because that's when I refined my methods, my routine, and most importantly, my "feel" for this. You can't teach "feel," you can only acquire it from studying this every day and putting in the hard work daily. That's exactly what I do.

4. Can my picks make MYSELF a living? Doubt it. When my own personal money is on the line consistently and in high volume (Which is why most of my bets only range from $20-$100), and with the pressure to make a lot and only a lot for my own well-being, that's where I potentially fold (Because you CANNOT strictly have a financial-only mindset; you need to be having fun an relaxed to be successful), plus I'm not the best with money management (As moocow correctly pointed out earlier in the thread, and as he has told me a bunch of times in the past :) ). Can my picks make OTHER PEOPLEa living? Yes. My high-end percentages prove it because as long as the pressure is minimal towards my own well-being and living, then that's when I'm most relaxed and in rhythm. I've stressed it since my very first day here: Betting is more mental than anything. You cannot convince me otherwise, that is my No. 1 philosophy.

5. Yes, I understand that, but it was one first-half of a season that caused that. One first half of a season does not dictate one's true performance (And when there was a lot of bad luck involved), especially since it was my VERY first time period writing in front of a big audience like The RX. Got comfortable, went back to my roots, and was 55% the rest of the way, including playoffs. That carried over into football, where I was almost 57% in over 200 bets (Although, as I said, that wasn't exclusively over/unders. If you want a detailed breakdown of my football record, feel free to visit my last football thread, in which I detailed my record on over/unders, spreads, teasers, etc.)

6. I absolutely would be willing to cut and paste my over/unders off of ace23. Not a problem at all. Everything I write about on Vegas Insider, just as I did on here every single day, I bet on as well. Who writes about bets and doesn't bet on them? That's spineless.

No problem.

Dec 26, 2005
Originally Posted by BRUTUS
here are some questions and thoughts i posted in a cato/u thread..i thought it would be appropriate to place here also

catso/u.. i was just wondering if u can honestly tell us how much money u have won or lost over the past two seasons?
also, can u tell us how much u are getting paid at VI? is it a straight salary or is there also commission involved in some way?
do u actually want to be a professional gambler(one who makes money off his own picks)? or do u just want to make money off what u write (journalism)?
do u believe that your picks(writings) can make someone following them a living if they bet them at 500 per game.
do u understand that at -110 per game a 53-47 won/loss record would mean a net of 1.3 units and the same record at -120 per game would mean a loss of -3.4 units so that an extra $5-$20 does matter a lot to a true gambler (it doesnt matter if they win only if they lose).
now that u are getting paid by VI are u betting more per game and now can actually make more money?
would you be willing to cut and paste your wagers and results at to show that u are trying to make it in the gambling world...or just admit that u are only trying to make a living by writing and u just like writing about overs and unders..not make a living off them?

i am just asking some questions that came to mind and am sure others have the same thoughts i expressed..thnks

Perfectly fine.

1. Won $1,100+ in 2011. Lost $1,300 in 2012 (Originally the number was reported as over $1,400, but as I put together all my stats and everything from my gamelog, it was originally miscalculated) (Down $2,000 in the first half because of excessive bad breaks and a new method of doing bigger bets, which messed with my psyche and made me regress. Second half, went back to my 2011 ways and got comfortable and was up about $700, while being 55% in that time, leading me to believe that I'm back to my normal self. And it's tranlated into 2013... thus far, up a few hundred to start).

2. Just like most people, I don't share information pertaining to what I'm getting paid at a job. I hope you can understand that :)

3. All my life, I've wanted to be a sports writer or sports announcer. Always had the tools to do either, but am initially going with writing because I'm better at that. Unfortunately, it's obviously a tough business to break into, especially for someone from NY ughhh. Gambling is something I started in 2009, and soon after, I realized I've had something special for over/unders, which is why I've stuck with it and I never take a day off throughout the season. After what I did in 2011 (Which is why I started writing here in the first place; one of the greatest personal accomplishments in my life because how many people hit over 57% in 600+ games in a full season in their lifetime? It was a magical time), that's when I concluded I could do this professionally because that's when I refined my methods, my routine, and most importantly, my "feel" for this. You can't teach "feel," you can only acquire it from studying this every day and putting in the hard work daily. That's exactly what I do.

4. Can my picks make MYSELF a living? Doubt it. When my own personal money is on the line consistently and in high volume (Which is why most of my bets only range from $20-$100), and with the pressure to make a lot and only a lot for my own well-being, that's where I potentially fold (Because you CANNOT strictly have a financial-only mindset; you need to be having fun an relaxed to be successful), plus I'm not the best with money management (As moocow correctly pointed out earlier in the thread, and as he has told me a bunch of times in the past :) ). Can my picks make OTHER PEOPLEa living? Yes. My high-end percentages prove it because as long as the pressure is minimal towards my own well-being and living, then that's when I'm most relaxed and in rhythm. I've stressed it since my very first day here: Betting is more mental than anything. You cannot convince me otherwise, that is my No. 1 philosophy.

5. Yes, I understand that, but it was one first-half of a season that caused that. One first half of a season does not dictate one's true performance (And when there was a lot of bad luck involved), especially since it was my VERY first time period writing in front of a big audience like The RX. Got comfortable, went back to my roots, and was 55% the rest of the way, including playoffs. That carried over into football, where I was almost 57% in over 200 bets (Although, as I said, that wasn't exclusively over/unders. If you want a detailed breakdown of my football record, feel free to visit my last football thread, in which I detailed my record on over/unders, spreads, teasers, etc.)

6. I absolutely would be willing to cut and paste my over/unders off of ace23. Not a problem at all. Everything I write about on Vegas Insider, just as I did on here every single day, I bet on as well. Who writes about bets and doesn't bet on them? That's spineless.

No problem.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
of course he makes a commission off the picks he sells, which is fine. i just dont know why he touts himself here when nobody can afford that to begin with like i said in my prior post.

New member
Mar 6, 2005
How are you doing, not talking about your picks either. (I noticed that your sitting 20th in this forum, you would have been most viewed up in the baseball forum...just sayin'). I'm cool with you answering my question in a pm too.

New member
Aug 4, 2012
On a personal note, it is a pleasure to view your thread especially because you have both talent as a writer and capper. The time you must take for writing must be enormous. TY for sharing with others. I wish you and your followers the very best this season.
Apr 6, 2012
How are you doing, not talking about your picks either. (I noticed that your sitting 20th in this forum, you would have been most viewed up in the baseball forum...just sayin'). I'm cool with you answering my question in a pm too.

I'm doing good, thank you. And you? Picks-wise, I'm out to a nice start at 6-3 coming into today (Especially compared to last year's 2-7 start lol). Mentally, I'm getting used to the adjustment because I feel there's always a lot of pressure with each pick, as I've actually surprisingly gotten several sales in the first week already (I wasn't expecting any in the first week), but I just have to take it in stride and with the same approach I've always had. It's been fun and it's always a battle. I love it. I have to answer here, by the way, as my PMs have understandably been deactivated for now (But will be restored whenever the Probation period is over).

And I appreciate the "most viewed" comment lol. I know I would have been Top 3, at least, just like I unexpectedly rose to throughout Football here where there's at least three times as many threads during football season, and I always appreciated that as much as anything, which I always showed by regularly thanking my regular readers such as yourself. But it all pales in comparison to the viewership I get it at a huge place like Vegas Insider.

Hope everything's going good for you as well.
Apr 6, 2012
On a personal note, it is a pleasure to view your thread especially because you have both talent as a writer and capper. The time you must take for writing must be enormous. TY for sharing with others. I wish you and your followers the very best this season.

Vituperate! I really, really appreciate that, as I obviously distinctly remember you and your consistent kind words to me that always were upliftng. Thank you for the well wishes and I wish the same to you in your own betting.

And yup, it's been A LOT of work lol. I still have my trademark write-ups with my own unique analysis (Pitcher's mindsets, mentalities, etc. how I see it), and remember how for smaller games I wouldn't even really give a long write-up with it? Well this year, with the job, I provide a long write-up for EVERY game, so it's certainly been a lot of work. The one negative aspect of it all is that each pick has to be in at least an HOUR before gametime, and you may recall how a lot of my picks last year required for me to wait until the final minutes before gametime, since I'm constantly thinking about this stuff and always needed every minute possible in the day to best solidify my picks haha

Thank you again for the well wishes and I'll see you around the Baseball Forum. Once my Post Review is lifted, I'll be posting more regularly again in other people's threads (BoutMyMoney, skyla). Still an excellent group here.

Feb 15, 2007
On a personal note, it is a pleasure to view your thread especially because you have both talent as a writer and capper. The time you must take for writing must be enormous. TY for sharing with others. I wish you and your followers the very best this season.


cats, i hope all is well buddy... really mean that bro.. i miss you over in the Baseball forum.. this man bleeds dedication fellas
Apr 6, 2012

cats, i hope all is well buddy... really mean that bro.. i miss you over in the Baseball forum.. this man bleeds dedication fellas

Much appreciated BMM. I miss it too. Once I'm off Post Review (Which should be any day now :) ), I'll be posting more in the Baseball Forum again. Feels weird not being a regular part of it

New member
Apr 29, 2008
Whats up Cat? Havent seen you here in a few days. You still on post review? Just wanted to stop by and say hi and wish you luck. Checked out your new site. Looks nice. Tough stretch for you right now I see, but keep your head up. Lots of season left. Remember what I said before, when people are paying, winning is everything, so do what you have to do and make it happen brother. Stop by the MLB forum when you get a chance. Its hopping :)
Apr 6, 2012
Whats up Cat? Havent seen you here in a few days. You still on post review? Just wanted to stop by and say hi and wish you luck. Checked out your new site. Looks nice. Tough stretch for you right now I see, but keep your head up. Lots of season left. Remember what I said before, when people are paying, winning is everything, so do what you have to do and make it happen brother. Stop by the MLB forum when you get a chance. Its hopping :)

Thanks skyla! I appreciate that. Yeah, only just a rough couple of days (Saturday and Sunday... came home 330/4 AM on Friday and Saturday night when I was exhausted, and remember, I always do my usual over/under routine every single night before games the next day, so I wasn't sharp at all those nights. I have to discipline myself better in that regard for this), otherwise I've been doing very nicely (And luckily ahead of last year's pace at this exact time last season, remember lol). Still getting used to some new things and making some adjustments (Roy Halladay no longer an unders guy, Petco Park and Safeco Field no longer being consistent under venues with the fences moved in, etc.), with the worst part being that I have to have my picks in AT LEAST an hour before the game starts, as you may recall how often I posted bets literally minutes before first pitch (Need every minute I can get in analyzing and breaking it down in my head), but I've gotten into the routine. I'm enjoying it and hanging in there.

I miss you guys as well. I'm still on Post Review so I'm kinda just waiting it out, and then I can be posting more regularly in the MLB Forum again. It's good to see you're doing well and still very active with the daily threads. I'll talk to you soon!
Apr 6, 2012
Best of luck, CatsO/U.

Don't sell your NFL picks.

Adrian! One of my favorites on here! Thank you, I appreciate the well wishes.

Lol as for my NFL picks, if they like my work throughout baseball, they're keeping me on for football as well... although I'm not sure how I can finish over 56% again this upcoming season without being able to buy points on my over/unders :)

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