How much do you weigh NES? I don't think 300 pounds is that big for some of us. I was running 10k's when I was 275 for example. In fact up until this last year I could still dunk a basketball. I'm tall and wide, was always that way, my weight is going to be higher than most people regardless of how fit I am.
PS - I've met probably at least 50 people from these forums, plenty know what I look like back then and I was admittedly a fat fuck. That was 5 years or so ago when I worked here before I started getting back in shape, I was around 345 or so then and I sat on my ass all the time. I had extra on me no doubt, but from there I have shifted the weight around and lost 35 pounds on top of it. Just saying for tall guys 310 is not as big as you think it is, not some round looking guy with 3 chins sitting around eating Durito's all day long.