The key is to form a superior opinion, handicap officiating, and going to the games and or matches. I am finding it easy to win last 3 years. Also bet big during free money weeks. Free money weeks are as follows, rate them as A- almost like stealing, which happens during certain weeks of the year B. Will for sure win, but if you lose its by a hook. C. A 53-55% chance of winning, but risk short term volatility. Key is to look for diffrent levels of softness in lines.
Here is my A package
Little leauge baseball, bet on coach, pitching, and power hitting.
Wta tennis- If you want A level must have injury info and see obvious superior form in person.
NFL- Weeks 16 and 17 have always been free money
NCAA football- bowl season is free money also halftimes is free money during bowl season.
NCAA hoops- Its all very beatable, but especailly in Nov, Dec, and Mar. Bad coaches stay bad, they dont get better. stay away from maj conf games becasue refs giving out calls. I dont suggest this to others, you must know what to look for, and its not what the press tells you.
Arena football- free money
womens coll hoop- in tourney, prefer men coaches overthe women, and more physical team
Pick on bad linesmakers- perfect example is Chris at Olympic, the guy is basically a reject, he puts Stanford at 4-1 to win Pac10, puts USC at something better than 4-1 to win orange bowl next year. Joey bagels has also been known to have 2$ favs as underdogs. It is usually special events were you find the free money.
B edgers are as follow
Grinding out baseball money is long term but show longterm profit, but with setbacks that can be annoying, not the free money that is in my A package. But very beatable and I have never not shown profit, but I cant stomach baseball players or fans so I dont enjoy it. Unless Pedro,Clemens is hitting someone in head, I am a big fan of pitchers, I hate hitters, spit tobacco, and fantasy baseball players.
ATP tennis- couple of points here and there sometimes make diffrence, is beatable but can be volatile. Injury plays are in my A package.
C package- May show long term profit, may not. If you have a degenerate side which most do you bet for action on tv games. I look at attendance of capacity and ticket demand, this will sawy officiating, humans conform and the criteria for being an official demands that you are a conformist of the utmost type. The degenrates are usually the best handicappers, the key is to scale back sketchy plays. If you are in touch with your feminine side which is left or right brain you will be superior.
Vangogh cut his ear off he wanted to win so bad. Never gamble for comradirie because you will lose, your best freind is your tomatoe juice, also make sure you give part of your winnings anonomysly to something that is good, you will get blessed because of it.