official play is Under 136.5 Seconds
play over 130.5 everygamb
Gotta be the play, Gaga mentions in the interview as a child loving Whitney's performance, emulating that trytryTRYing to copy that as closely as she could to my count from the Whit Vid she doesn't even break 120 seconds if thats the case my angle here of trytrytrying to get into Gaga's Brain on this and become one with her psychology on this performance her goal in that regard and concluding that is to reproduce as closely as she can those childhood copying performances of Whit to pay tribute to Whit and Gaga's own beginnings as a singer when she was very young leaves us a hella lotta lee-way on this total. Betting Gaga does not get strange here.....136.5 seems hella high to me personally but then...
...i do suck at Totals...full disclosure......I'll post Gaga's other Anthem again...
GL to all today, for smooth performance no bobbles from Gaga.
919 Lady Gaga leaves any word out of Anthem | +650 |
Will she mess up the verses or skip a word possibly? I saw some books have that line with good + odds and gaga does seem like a weirdo so it could happen on purpose for extra chances.
919 Lady Gaga leaves any word out of Anthem +650
Her thoughts on doing the Anthem (within the interview posted earlier in this thread) certainly do not suggest so. Great Interview, she expressed a deep Reverance for the Anthem, what the words represent, she flubs it and she winds up closer to Rosanne Barr terittory than she'd ever wanna be....even for +650 way IMO, she's got this and she is gonna do amazing.
She's trying to do as well as Whitney did.
She has no shot at Whitney's performance FWIW and that is obvious. Whitney had one if not the greatest one ever. I realize she isn't going to say anything in public about it, but I can see someone like a Gaga adding a word "monsters" lol...jk
If anything, her missing a word(s) will help our under anyway so we are rooting for the same thing. puff_>>