Barman makes a good post/point....maybe. I call him a lying cheating SOB in this contest and we shall see.
Not my point. I challenge Baby Boss to a contest within this contest. I'm old (yes) out of touch (yes) so
easy mark for this horseshoe.
Name the amount Boss and let's send it to Bourn. You offered 5x in one of your rants. As a washed up ole
timer....I'll play mommy's boy straight up for any amount you want.
If this cheese cake doesn't want to play....I'm through with his jr. high school Hollywood ass.
Pretty (SIMPLE) mommy boy.
You decide the $AMOUNT.
We send the $AMOUNT to Bourn.
Bourn pays the Winner.
Can't a 9th grader understand these simple rules. You fucken attention whore boy coward!!!