That's it Mods, I Have Had Enough! Either Permanently Ban RunMaker or I Am Done, Permanently!


Mar 6, 2019
The banned posters continually were breaking forum rules. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, which you obviously don’t, then butt out buckwheat
Sep 20, 2004
The banned posters continually were breaking forum rules. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, which you obviously don’t, then butt out buckwheat


Mar 6, 2019
Making you look like a dumbfuck, which was pretty easy, doesn’t mean I was triggered. Also, are you the dude who bleaches his hair when he’s 65? Sick look bro. You just watch a lot of pro wrestling
Sep 20, 2004
Making you look like a dumbfuck, which was pretty easy, doesn’t mean I was triggered. Also, are you the dude who bleaches his hair when he’s 65? Sick look bro. You just watch a lot of pro wrestling

Keep throwing darts at the board, eventually you might get lucky & come up with a post with actual facts about myself or any topic for that matter.

Dec 29, 2006
I have no pull here and don't care to.

With that said, there is apparently a line the mods of this site take with certain posters. Some posters get away with much more nonsense than others. I am not going to get in to who they are because I think people can see it for themselves without trying too hard.

To allow one poster say, do something with another poster or I am leaving and then the other poster is banned for some period of time is nonsense.

If one poster doesn't like what another one has to say or what they post, move on and get your big boy pants on or get the hell out.

The claim the number drop off blah blah doesn't hold water. if this site didn't have all the nonsense posts, the 5 year old bump posts and went strictly to sports as it should be, then you wouldn't have whatever numbers you claim to have.

The hashtag is the World's Leading Sportsbetting Forum however for people that come here new, they wouldn't find that when the leading posting area is the Offshore Forum - Online Sportsbetting and there is 1% sportsbetting talk and 99% politics, hate and nonsense.

Not trashing the site in any way, just giving feedback. You guys do what you want, it's your site but it's not what it used to be.

Correct and it definitely was a bitch move to post the "Either he leaves or else I'm leaving" but sadly it seems to have worked for the OP.

OP should have been informed to use the ignore feature and move along with the whining threats about leaving.
Jan 17, 2007
for the record when it becomes a constant occurrence and pointed towards one person in general it's a problem

If you Don't want to call it over the top racism, then just call it Trolling. and we have Always tried to stop Trolling on here even though it continues all the time

There was no special treatment even though Scott has been a Long time member at the RX for over 20 years

Sep 21, 2004
I like Scott and that their issue is important to him and he needs to be respected for that! Rock on

man! Please stay in this here great site. U can deal with these here peccadilloes from time to time!

cheersgif Please stay! cheersgif<strike></strike>

Aug 6, 2006
I've been reading this site for almost a decade. Never signed up but I have a few friends that used to be ''power posters'' on here and quit because of the high school drama.

I felt I had to voice my opinion on this thread because it's a travesty that it is given any merit or attention and hasn't been sent to the rubber room.

What are the Mods doing?

Every site has drama, fighting etc. Mods have a responsibility to moderate this place not to succumb to idle threats from posters or to play favorites.

And the Mods DO play favorites. We all know the small group of right wing extremists that get away with murder so to speak when it comes to saying racist/bigoted.homophobic things. Maybe a slap on the wrist at the most.

Mods on here are complaining and wondering ''where do we draw the line?'' How about enforcing the rules that are clearly written? YOU are the Mods and you're asking US where to draw the line??

Either let the politics forum threads and posts be or don't. Don't pick and choose which posters you punish and which threads you allow.


No Mod will pay attention to that yet this Scott L character seems to ''have some pull around here'' as another poster stated.

This Scott L guy comes here complaining about Jews being possibly targeted because of some random posts on a sports site? Really? Well I guess by that logic that ongoing Muslim bashing thread needs to be taken down also? Don't want innocent Muslims being attacked because of some opinions of some extremist right wingers right?

Here's an idea! Let the people have their free speech in the politics room and only warn or punish posters if they break the rules. Runmaker did nothing of the sort! I don't like that guy. I don't approve of him most of the time but I agree with him on certain points about the Jewish people being complicit in wrongdoings in history and in the world. Why am I not allowed to express those thoughts or read about them in the politics room?

Here's how it goes on this site. Any Liberal poster is immediately attacked and bombarded with hatred and bullying but the extremist right wingers. That's fine. It's just words. But the problems arises when the usual pattern of: exremist righty verbally ridicules said Liberal. Liberal fights back. Extremist right buddies join in like hyenas and the Liberal fights back. Liberal mysteriously gets warning from Mods and is eventually punished. Advised if the extremist rights do anything in the future to report it. But nothing seems to happen if the extremist right is reported. They always seem to prevail. What's the angle?

Why is Muslim and Black and gay bashing on here more acceptable than Jew bashing?? Why do some posters seem to have more pull than others? Why are the rules inconsistent and why do the Mods seem to play favorites? Why can't they simply be objective and do their job and stop complaining about the fact that it's complicated. No it's not! Every site has these issues but not every site has Mods being unable to correctly govern the place. It's not rocket science.

Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against the Mods in fact I think Hache Man is one of the nicest guys/Mods and love reading his posts and pieces of information he kindly posts during the NFL season.

But the fact that this Scott L guy can come in here and pull this stunt and get away with it is astonishing! Who does he think he is and is he totally oblivious as to the abuse blacks, gays and Muslims take in the politics room? He needs to pump the brakes on crying about the jew bashing.

Not to mention he comes in here and starts off by saying ''jews have contributed more to this world than any other people'' or whatever nonsense he wrote. Really? That's YOUR opinion. Mine is that they've contributed to the most pain and suffering and manipulating in the world but that's my opinion to post in the politics forum without consequences as per the rules set by the Mods. Or at least it should be.

Now! To address the issue of runmaker and all the other agendas taking place in the offshore. Posters just aren't posting random news out of the blue. No. They are posting news that fits their political agenda. I'm tired of reading thread after thread and post after post about a tranny wrestler or this or that. Computer group is notorious for this. Posting political propaganda under the disguise of news. You won't see him post about a piece of news of a right winger painted in a negative light much. Nope.

The offshore has become a zoo. Just people pushing their political agenda and what about posters or visitors to the site such as myself that have no race in the horse and just want to read about sports or interesting stories??

Runmaker made a statement in this thread that ''if you don't like a thread don't click on it'' WRONG RUNMAKER! UTTERLY STUPID AND IGNORANT COMMENT.

The reason for this is that it's not just the threads that are political in the offshore it's the posts. You can click on any innocent story about an athlete or team or actor/singer etc and inevitably the political posts will start pouring in and VOILA! it's now just another political thread. Completely unavoidable and not just as simple as not clicking on a thread.

I'm tired of it and I know many posters including a few power posters that quit posting on this site because of the small group of extremist rights that have ruined this place. They will gang up and troll you and troll you and if you react in the same they will have you banned. They have ruined this site.

The traffic would increase so much if the politics was taken out. This is supposed to be a SPORTS FORUM not a politics forum. Yet politics dominates and it's boring and redundant. Same old posters posting the same old hate and propaganda.

Try to fight the current and they will gang up on you and label you a crazy person and push you out. That's how the keep their numbers up. It's comical if it weren't so deranged.

Why are they so obsessed? It's because these extremist rights know that they are the MINORITY in mainstream society and would be shunned/fired from their jobs/ridiculed and mocked for their extremist/bigoted/racist/homophobic views and comments but here they seem to have some sort of sanctuary.

Football season is coming!

My humble request to the Mods is this. You have a responsibility to this FANTASTIC site and it's posters and hopefully to the many many visitors that don't register to make this as best an experience possible. Clamp down on the political posts/threads in the offshore. Clamp down on the ''what do you expect from a Liberal'' 'Liberal scum'' this and that on every damn news story in the offshore. Same goes for right wing bashing but again, it's mostly the extremist rights pushing their sad little agenda in the offshore.

Many posters, quality posters would join if the extremist right wingers were clamped down on and stopped ruining this place with their incessant trolling and propaganda and staying just under the limit of breaking a rule to bash and push posters out or have them banned. It's a classic, hit him run away, when he comes back to hit me complain to the mods and have him banned. And the Mods are more than happy to oblige. Seemingly at least.

I can't stand Runmaker but his posts and threads in the politics room about Jews and 9/11 and so on SHOULD BE ALLOWED as long as the ongoing thread about Muslims or immigration or religion etc are allowed. Can't pick and choose.

Honestly, I can't stand runmaker but at times he makes us laugh, even if we are laughing at him. So at least it's entertainment unlike the dry, hateful and redundant nonsense and propaganda the extremist rights spew on a daily basis. They are obsessed and sick.

Mods. Please regain control and clamp down. You know who the guilty are and what needs to be done. You DO know where to draw the line but the line keeps changing. Be consistent.

This thread reeks of bias and some sort of pull that this Scott L poster seems to have. That takes away from the credibility of this site. Many prospective posters who are contemplating signing up are reading threads such as these where a mere poster has the audacity to threaten/blackmail Mods.

What will you do Mods? I know you didn't permanently ban Runmaker (to the best of my knowledge) but you have somewhat yielded to Scott L.

There's always going to be fighting and arguing and high school type nonsense on forums. That's normal. What is not normal is a small group of extremist right wingers seemingly running the place and forcing anybody that opposes their views out with trolling and ganging up on them and baiting and having them banned.

I've seen many posters just stop posting due to the circus, a few friends of mine and even a brother, power posters that were well liked and credible that just trailed away and lost interest because of the above mentioned issues.

Clamp down on the political propaganda and nonsense. The constant threads by Computer Group digging out and posting every little anti Liberal/Gay/Transgender thread he can find on a daily basis. Clamp down on the politically motivated posts in every thread no matter how innocent and far removed from politics by the same extremist right posters over and over, killing the thread and making it less informative, interesting and thought provoking.

I love this site. Only the Mods can fix this. I trust you guys to do the right thing and bring in more quality posters that can create some genuinely interesting threads, post useful information during football season, funnier and more POSITIVE posters that create a fun atmosphere around here.

I don't know about the numbers and traffic these days around here but things used to be much more fun back in the day when the power posters that are gone used to post. I never had to sign up or post anything. I'd simply have to visit this site and I enjoyed reading the threads, the back and forth, the friendly ribbing on each other and the sometimes hilarious posts/threads by them.

Nowadays it's just completely taken over by politics. Right and Left going at it like women. Petty behavior unbecoming of men. Propaganda and agendas everywhere. Every thread tainted by the same angry posters over and over.

Mods and fellow posters and unregistered visitors to this site....I apologize if I was out of line or have bored you. It's just we do love this site and it's being held down by the same guilty individuals with the constant politically motivated nonsense 24/7. I hope Mods don't take any of this the wrong way or mistake this for me claiming that I have all the answers.

I am just a loyal Rx fan that has been reading and will continue to read, through highs and lows I am here. I just felt shocked by this thread and felt compelled to post on this. I am still confused as to why and how a poster feels they can strong arm or border ling blackmail Mods and get away with it and why he doesn't see the constant Muslim/Black/gay bashing as a problem or other posters threatening to leave if it doesn't stop. Why he, as a jew deserves special treatment.

Or how he insults out intelligence by not only creating this blackmailing thread but slips in a subtle piece of self serving propaganda comment about jews contributing more to this world than any other people (not his exact words and I don't care to scroll back and check verbatim what he wrote but we get the point) and thinks we don't see what he did.

Which is my whole point. Enough of the propaganda. It's boring and it's obsessive and deranged and desperate. Save that rubbish for your dinner table and bore the hell out of your wives instead. We want to talk about sports and other fun/interesting topics.

Happy Father's Day gentleman.

Sumday /Jaguara Go Fuck Yourself

Aug 6, 2006
Once again don't like it, don't read it. Unless it specifically breaks forum rules, people can post what they want. If they break forum rules, that is different. Do you need a forum safe space?

Another "9/11 was an inside job" idiot thinks he can order me around. MYFB, nazi sympathizer.

Aug 6, 2006
A good day to bring the KKKlown back is 7/19/19, the day before the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. The celebratory threads will send him into full meltdown.

Sep 21, 2004
Get used to it,cause on here they never reply in a thread you write something good or helping someone,but if they find a fault or a negative that you posted,they will eat you alive....why,i don't know,but it seems they love to cause you to get upset

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I would like to see more mod activity in the gambling / picks forums. Keep posts 100% to picks and "reasoned" discussions, eliminate the bashing and the pissing contests

If people are looking for gambling info and suggestions, make that easy to find

Sep 17, 2010
I would like to see more mod activity in the gambling / picks forums. Keep posts 100% to picks and "reasoned" discussions, eliminate the bashing and the pissing contests

If people are looking for gambling info and suggestions, make that easy to find

Totally agree... maybe enable the original poster, who originally makes picks, to delete posts from others that are just trolls and or are not contributing to the gambling in a positive manner.
Too many threads are clogged with nonsense from trolls and some trolls have run off good players over the years.

(non gambling forums like this, almost anything goes IMO)
Jan 17, 2007
I would like to see more mod activity in the gambling / picks forums. Keep posts 100% to picks and "reasoned" discussions, eliminate the bashing and the pissing contests

If people are looking for gambling info and suggestions, make that easy to find

We do try to keep things calm in those sub-forums. The College football forum has always had mini wars among School fans. usually 2-3 guys
NFL i don't think we have that much of a problem, Hockey same thing.
Now baseball is a different story, 4 or 5 guys with One MAJOR pain in the @ss, who has been banned probably 20 times
that person was permanently banned at one point and was brought back. I'm not sure why, but whatever..

the Problem has ALWAYS been One or Two people that will turn things upside down, getting a couple to follow.
The ignore button is a good tool but in Pick threads it could be very disruptive.
and if I had my way I would permanently ban those posters and guarantee the forum would be a better place.

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