Butler works for Tomlin, the buck stops at the top. I swear BelichickThat loss was on Keith Butler. With no Gronk play bump n run two deep man under and make those slot receivers beat you. Wouldn't happen. It was a horrendously awful approach and zero adjustments. There wasn't a single matchup they wouldn't be competitive against. Maybe Bennett but that's about it. It boggels the mind how wide of a gap in coaching between new england and the rest of the league. Best part is New England doesn't do anything out of the ordinary schematic wise. It's just attention to detail, repetition and fundamentals. Give credit where credit is due that GS!E was lost during the week before the game started. Brady seen that same tired Steelers zone for almost two decades now.
is a jedi master. Haven't seen anything like him since Noll.
The only thing I can say is, Belichick is a great coach and Tomlin is mediocre
by comparison.
There is something to be said about the "Patriot way." It works almost every time.