Willie99, you seem to be somewhat intelligent compared to most of these jokers on this site that are trolling me and trying to paint me a ghost. Which I don't know why it is a big feat int heir lives that they think if they accomplish it, will give them some satisfaction. lol. Whatever rocks you vote I guess.
Willie99, you've made some very factual and very good points. If I were to explain in detail why the Republican party is in danger despite the win it would take me pages and pages.
I will try to summarize and avoid all the nitty gritty. Before I do, remember I am a Republican. I want the Rightys to consider these facts and stop boasting and acting like we won the war. FAR FROM IT! We beat a lame duck, doomed from the start Hilary. It was a battle won but a small one. We have to work very hard in the future because the Dems still have the upperhand and this is why:
The main reason is DEMOGRAPHICS. What we hear is that there is a clamp on immigration. However, statistics show that America is getting less and less white ever year. Not only is immigration steady but whites are having less and less kids or none at all while minorities have many more. There will always be immigration because unlike what the average racist thinks, it's needed! It's economics 101 but the average joe doesn't comprehend that simple fact. There was also a study done about how many LEGAL latinos are turning 18 coming up in the next election. The numbers would surprise you. DEMOGRAPHICS,minorities tend to vote Democrat and then you add in the white liberals,gays,lesbians,blacks,and the list goes on. It's only going to get tougher and tougher. Trump winning the election against a doomed from the start Hilary won't change demographics. Anybody who believes otherwise is delusional.
Next you brought up seats. Willie99, Republicans will lose ground there. There is a good chance. This election has nowhere near the high stakes that the next 2 do. 2020 is PIVOTAL! Are you going to argue that the Dems won't regroup and put forth a much more decent candidate and win the election and balance the house? This election is less significant than the next one. If we can win that that's when we should really be celebrating. Not now. Hilary was done from the start. I know many many Dems that couldn't bring themselves to vote for her. They will undeniably vote Democrat next time I assure you as well thousands more that are horrified by Trump winning.
What the extreme left likes to do is scare the undecided voter into thinking all rightys are racist rednecks that want American white, straight and cater to the rich and elite. That's just the average person's perception. Do you know how many clueless voters get swayed into voting one way by the left? They are seething right now. They are yelling at the top of their lungs about America is doomed, Trump is racist and so on. We saw a backlash this election but next election will be a backlash from the other side and it will be enormous believe me. We have our work cut out for us.
The numbers you provide are fine. But those numbers can and will be balanced out. The 2020 election is crucial.
People here will say I'm a lunatic when I saw the far right extremists do the Republicans a disservice and hurt our chances,almost as if they are lefties out there pretending to be far right, behaving like clueless uneducated racist rednecks to make the rightys looks bad. That's probably not the case though. It's just your average ueducated, born in the 50's white male thinking he knows what's best for America.
My break is over. It's very difficult to type from my phone and type coherently. I should be much more concise but I tend to post on this site on the go. We'll continue this later. I have some facts and figures for you.
All I say to the far right extremist weirdos is stop taking votes away from the Republicans! The media and youtube and hollywood and so on loves to crucify the republicans for the leftys and their agenda. You goofs give them ammunition. Any murder takes place. Many rights will comment about the tragic loss of life. Leftys will make it about the righty gun love affair causing violence. Blacks, Muslims, latinos they are all apart of America as much as you whether you accept it or not. Why alienate them and their votes by being hateful, low brow, and ignorant? Do you not understand today's demographics? Do you not see the future demographics? Are you in denial?
You want no refugees from Syria? FINE! I agree as do many of my friends that also vote Republican. You don't want blacks in the ghetto to continue getting hand outs and want them to work? FINE! I agree with all that. I want tougher on crime laws I want terrorism squashed out. But towel head this towel head that, Fucks Muslims, won't make them go away or accomplish anything but give the left ammo to use and paint all republicans as ignorant and racist as you are.
I've served! I've seen that Muslims are killed more than any other race by these terrorists. I don't care for you idiots complaining about Muslims. Tough cookies. I've done volunteer work in the projects! It's not as easy as, make them go to work! A social change is needed and they need help to do it. There are many challenges there and changes needed in the projects that you don't understand. I'm not happy with it because I'm old school. You go to school you go to work and if life is tough you don't resort to drugs you work harder. But we need to help them. They are weak. And we as America are only as strong as our weakest link.
I love this country and I want a safer, more prosperous country, a clean pollution free country. I also want this country less divided by race.
For the racists talkin about gorilla this shitstain that, well listen shitstain! Go to the projects and say those words instead of online your keyboard warriors lol. I guarantee you that you won't. Forget the projects, go up to any average black male and say that and see if you ever say it again. For the camel jockey and muslim haters, go serve overseas and fight the extremists instead of hating on hard working successful well mannered muslims here. (cue the posts with news clipping about a violent muslim and a comment about here's your average well mannered muslim lol, so predictable. How about posting 1000 times more posts about the hard working muslims that have built a small empire working their asses off in America? The doctors the engineers and so on. Nope. You won't do it.)
My coffee break is over. It's very difficult to type from my phone and type coherently. I should be much more concise but I tend to post on this site on the go. We'll continue this later. I have some facts and figures for you.
I wasted 6 minutes of my time typing this out. What a waste of my time. It will far on deaf ears.
As far as I'm concerned, the extreme righties work alongside the lefties. Thanks a lot. Losers.
Good day now. Let's not take all of this too seriously. Politics is politics and we don't need to get too worked up. lol. It's good to vent and get it out but let's not take anything to heart or get too hostile. No point raising your blood pressure over it. The key is to build your own little empire and be healthy and wealthy. The game of politics has been going on and will go on long after we pass. Enjoy life.