If that's true, why were they -170 about an hour before first pitch? You would think the line would have been much lower to get people to bite and play them. Like I said, the line dropped quite a bit, but it's weird they would open it so high if they knew their team had the flu. And you would think there would be reverse line movement as well. They still may squeeze out a W though, so maybe Vegas was being cautious?
they do have the flu running throughout the team...fransisco on dl with flu, padilla has swine flu, guardero out with flu, vazquez out with flu. been like this for the past week, since that last series with boston.
the line opened so high because Millwood is doing well this year and ponson is a fat pig
evidently the sun shines on a pigs ass some days
Well yeah, that would make sense if Texas was healthy. Trust me, I understand how bad Ponson is and. But the guys on here were making it sound like everyone caught the swine flu from Padilla or something. If that were true, and Vegas knew it, that would rule out the huge pitching advantage, and the line would most likely show that. Sounds like the flu isn't as bad as expected though.
Well yeah, that would make sense if Texas was healthy. Trust me, I understand how bad Ponson is and. But the guys on here were making it sound like everyone caught the swine flu from Padilla or something. If that were true, and Vegas knew it, that would rule out the huge pitching advantage, and the line would most likely show that. Sounds like the flu isn't as bad as expected though.