ktvvegas said:Remember when the poster "Bush Lover" appeared. Not even the same IP as the then accused (y'all know who I am referring to) - yet instant ban (and instantly cheered by the likes of Pat Patriot).
Yet not a peep from the Pat Patriots of the world when this jackass Dirty Calzone/Darwinian/Goat whatever re-appears to slam a poster while hiding behind an old ghost login.
Just so I'm clear. The login Dirty Goat, which hasn't been used since February (until yesterday) gets put on post review because of this. Yet the regular poster and alternative ghost, Darwinian, is ignored and essentially rewarded for acting like a chickenshit.
Credibility waves the white flag.
Absolutely ....boy them fellows on the dark side were so quick to jump on the bandwagon when a lefty ghost appears, yet now they sit back and say nothing. Those of you who did and are quiet now expose your true hypocrisy.
Rather weasley IMO.