Teens go wild and destroy a Chinese restaurant in Queens.


New member
Dec 31, 2022
Where is my post indicating I am racist against white people? Saying they should be put into a camp? Or saying white ppl are so stupid it’s comical? When do I say those racist things? I thought that’s what you were going to show me since you said I am equal to Vlad the racist. Where are those?

New member
Dec 31, 2022
I don’t say those things because I know it’s not just white people. White ppl got a bad rep because of Trump but it’s only the uneducated white people who love trump. Notice I said uneducated white people. Implying that there are educated whites. I didn’t say what Vlad says, “ALL black people are stupid.” No. I know it is just the white trump supporters. How is what vlad says not racist but my take is? ? brain dead.

But yes it’s true, educated whites do not tend to vote Republican these days. I’m a registered independent but over the last 5 years more educated people like myself are leaning more and more left because the far right is going more and more right. It’s by default. I haven’t changed. The people who fell in love with trump are the ones who were emboldened and felt they could be racist in the open now. I haven’t changed. I never felt any different except to respond to that.

I mean, only a die hard trumper would say this isn’t fact. Is that what you are hache? Because I have you pegged as a desantis guy….now.

Sep 20, 2017
Mob was a lame ass white boy who pretended to be black. His avatar was classic. He wanted people to think he was black lol
All that being said he is entitled to his opinions just like Vlad
No one should be banned
People are so sensitive when talking about race
If you are black you can say anything no matter how tribal, racist, violent or stupid and false and still have it called social justice. If you are white you can state facts and things that make sense and it is still Nazi
But, yeah, let people say what they want. Mobs problem is he wants to yap and say white peole suck or are racist or some such thing then whine when someone says something he doesn't like

New member
Dec 31, 2022
I don’t try to be anyone. That’s how you perceive. I trolled at times because the takes y’all have are so predictable and expected from someone who listens to Fox News. If I see something very racist ima call it out and tell the person you are fucked up. Let them realize it or else they gonna think it’s all good. Not one time have I judged a sporting event or player by their skin color. Vlad does all the time, yet I bring race into every issue?

Maybe I should start digging for all the ACTUAL racist things Vlad has said in comparison to what Haches “redneck” comment that I had and we will see if I am as racist. Does that sound fair? If I found more, will you accept that you and Vlad are racists and I am not? Deal ?

Jun 4, 2018
Tall sports how would you respond to allegations that you hate diversity?
I love diversity

I L❤️VE White Girls , Black Girls , Latina Girls , Asian Girls & on & on ?

I'm just saying ?

Jul 14, 2007
Lmfao NOTHING you quoted has to do with racism. I called one poster a redneck, which is a term that started by coal miner unions who wore red bandanas around their necks. None of which I was banned for. I was banned for saying if anyone comes to my house the mods gonna have blood on their hands. That’s what BAS banned me for. Which is ridiculous in itself but that’s what it was. Nothing to do with race. Keep reaching.

Why would someone come to your house? I don’t get it

New member
Dec 31, 2022

You have 28,000 posted under the banned account and 27,000 minimum are about race and attacking ppl

Lies. More lies. You are so full of fucking shit. Horrible take once again. I was posting since 2007-2015. 8 fucking years without even knowing y’all were anti American white supremacists. I had no clue y’all were that until 2016. So how the fuck can I have 90% of my posts on race? I continued to post plays up until 2020. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit lies.

Are you this wrong about everything? Holy fuck dude. Sick. Your brain is warped.

Jun 4, 2018
Good job, Continue to prove your stereotyping over & over again like you always have

You're so ignorant you cannot stop proving every point

Now go sit your ghost-azz down because I've done you a favor by even allowing you back after you were banned in the past by others for good reason
@originalg just got Bitch-Slapped by @HacheMan ?

New member
Dec 31, 2022
That should tell you everything. Y’all didn’t come out the closet with your white supremacist views until when? Until trump told you it was safe to.

I am proof of that. Because 2007-2015 I said nothing about politics and race until y’all brought it everywhere at this forum.

Hache you use to message me to participate in “in game threads” back in the day before y’all went full blown white supremacist viewpoints. So that should tell you I was here for sports. Y’all made EVERYTHING political and race in 2016. Since the kaeperknick shit. I responded to it and y’all worshipped your white supremacy leader and I clowned you for it. That simple.

Jun 4, 2018
People? You mean Trump supporters who hated America wanted me banned. They live in an alternate reality.
This is ? as ?
@originalg wins the 2023 Rx Liberal Award for dumbest remark of the year

Quite a feat since you were up against some stuff competition in @wilbur , in @kingvit & others ?

Trump supporters live in an alternate reality ? ..... WTF ! Dude

Tell me what REALITY Joe Biden supporters/liberals are Fucking living in ?

I gotta Fucking hear this ..... Waiting for your answer @originalg

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Lies. More lies. You are so full of fucking shit. Horrible take once again. I was posting since 2007-2015. 8 fucking years without even knowing y’all were anti American white supremacists.
That should tell you everything. Y’all didn’t come out the closet with your white supremacist views until when? Until trump told you it was safe to.

I am proof of that. Because 2007-2015 I said nothing about politics and race until y’all brought it everywhere at this forum.

Hache you use to message me to participate in “in game threads” back in the day before y’all went full blown white supremacist viewpoints. So that should tell you I was here for sports. Y’all made EVERYTHING political and race in 2016. Since the kaeperknick shit.
It's becoming comical

Even when trying to defend your old self, you resort back to the same stuff over and over again

Race... Stereotyping,...Attacks on Posters

LoL it never ends just like before

Jun 4, 2018
@originalg ...... What are u

White ( who hates his own race )
Black ( who wishes he was White or another race ) ?

I'm curious ?

New member
Dec 31, 2022
It's becoming comical

Even when trying to defend your old self, you resort back to the same stuff over and over again

Race... Stereotyping,...Attacks on Posters

LoL it never ends just like before
Deny and deflect but you have obvious convenient amnesia.

You were asking me to participate in in game threads. If I was bringing race into every thread why did you do that????? If I wasn’t a sports guy and only political and about race…why would you ask me? Stop lying you’re not fooling anyone with a brain.

See if you can find one political post from me before summer of 2015. You can’t. Went 8 years without anything racial or political until y’all fell in love with trump. Say I’m lying.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
You can click on just about any single post @Mobdeeper7239 (originalg) has ever made here, and find stuff like this


Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Deny and deflect but you have obvious convenient amnesia.

You were asking me to participate in in game threads. If I was bringing race into every thread why did you do that????? If I wasn’t a sports guy and only political and about race…why would you ask me? Stop lying you’re not fooling anyone with a brain.

See if you can find one political post from me before summer of 2015. You can’t. Went 8 years without anything racial or political until y’all fell in love with trump. Say I’m lying.
I've already explained earlier in the thread, and @exploited17 even said the same thing

That I was ok with ppl being opinionated

But you take it to a different level

And now back again doing the same

You don't even want to talk about sports or betting

Only racial stuff

New member
Dec 31, 2022
accept my challenge. You find 10 worst posts from me on race. And I will find 10 worst posts on vlad.

We let unbiased judges decide who is more racist. Pats fan can be on the committee. Whoever loses gets banned. Or better yet keep us both and you step down lol. Or you just keep my name and the lies you spew about me to yourself. You can say anything you want to yourself but when you start telling lies about me in public I have an issue with that. If you can’t find proof of me being racist and equal to Vlad then please respectfully shut the fuck up about it. Thank you.

New member
Dec 31, 2022
I still haven’t read anything about me saying…. “Whites are so stupid. Or whites should be put into a camp.”

Where are those? Saying “far right republican rednecks” isn’t even close to those things lmfaooooo

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