Ted Nugent's New Book - Defending America Against Tofu-Eating ObamaManiacs

Oct 30, 2006
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/nRjGX3jYFYk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/nRjGX3jYFYk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Dont Rush's desiples call themselves ditto heads?

Think rat wang dodo heads would be a good description?

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
fletch how you can't respect a man in this day and age that refuses to eat meat that he didn't kill, clean, and cook himself is beyond me

jesus punter you beat me to it LOL

Oh, I don't know. Perhaps because Nugent is a fucking nutcase?

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Ayuh...When MCM Ted had the opportunity to shoot at creatures who shoot back at him, he scammed his way out of being drafted and hit the road to do drunk ass rock concerts while chasing Wang Tang Sweet Poontang....

real "conservative"

Exactly. Dude is a fucking hypocrite.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
Ayuh...When MCM Ted had the opportunity to shoot at creatures who shoot back at him, he scammed his way out of being drafted and hit the road to do drunk ass rock concerts while chasing Wang Tang Sweet Poontang....

real "conservative"

people change bardude

many of today's baby boomer "conservatives" are hippies that "grew up"

that said some of what nugent does may be for personal gain such as through this book....

also he isn't huntin with an AK-47 or something at least he's a sport about it and uses bow and arrow

nature is cruel and other species kill others for food just all part of nature

mother nature didn't intend for us to live as one big happy family across species....its a dog eat dog world....

those people that smush cockroaches and spiders in their homes cause they are "gross" are scumbags too eh? since they don't have the ability to fight back and smush us....
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Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Ted Nugent, Draft Dodger.

From Wikipedia:

An interviewer from the British newspaper The Independent questioned Nugent about a 1977 interview in High Times magazine in which Nugent allegedly detailed elaborate steps taken to avoid the Vietnam draft.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-nuge_7-1>[8]</SUP>
"I got 30 days' notice of the physical," Nugent told them. "I ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up." <SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-nuge_7-2>[8]</SUP>
Nugent dismissed the veracity of these statements, saying "You've got to realize that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I would make stories up." He explained that he did not go to Vietnam because he had a 1 year student deferment. When questioned, he admitted that he had "not wanted to get his ass blown off in Vietnam," but made note of a tour he made with the USO in 2004 to Fallujah and Afghanistan as support of his assertion that "I am not a coward." He also said that "Because I failed to serve in Vietnam, I feel an obligation now, to do everything I can to support those defending our freedom. Do I feel guilt and embarrassment? Yes."

Yes, sure, Ted. You made it all up because the interviewers were stoned. I wonder how he explains getting a student deferment when he was touring continuously and never was a student?

Oh, and let's not forget about the child he had with one woman while married to another. Yet another Conservative hypocrite held in high esteem by the ignorant right wing masses.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
most people did liberal things in their youth

who here can honestly say if they were living back in the time of nam and they didn't sign up for the military willingly

which many saw as a BS war from the beginning

they wouldn't attempt to draft dodge

the US powers that be learned from nam.....you can't forcibly send middle class kids off to war and coming back in bodybags.....it doesn't work and only gonna build discontent amongst the general population.....

that said i'm not trying to rationalize the modern day republicans who are hyporcrites with gobs of their elected officials getting caught doing immoral acts

obviously the GOP in its current state is a total sham....

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
most people did liberal things in their youth

who here can honestly say if they were living back in the time of nam and they didn't sign up for the military willingly
which many saw as a BS war from the beginning

they wouldn't attempt to draft dodge

the US powers that be learned from nam.....you can't forcibly send middle class kids off to war and coming back in bodybags.....it doesn't work and only gonna build discontent amongst the general population.....

that said i'm not trying to rationalize the modern day republicans who are hyporcrites with gobs of their elected officials getting caught doing immoral acts

obviously the GOP in its current state is a total sham....

Me, and I was prime beef back then.

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