the convention has been amazing, one of the best ever, Cruz helped Trump & hurt himself and Newt summed it up very well when Cruz was done
I was a Cruz guy, he's dead to me, can't wait to respond to the next e-mail they send to me and I won't be alone
Trump is a different type of candidate, he's not a political insider, he's not a career politician, he proves it every day and letting Cruz speak is just another great example of such
The Cruz speech showed how unified the convention delegates are, I loved it
I was a Cruz guy, he's dead to me, can't wait to respond to the next e-mail they send to me and I won't be alone
Trump is a different type of candidate, he's not a political insider, he's not a career politician, he proves it every day and letting Cruz speak is just another great example of such
The Cruz speech showed how unified the convention delegates are, I loved it