"King of GNF"
First Time I've seen that phrase.
Brilliant. :toast:
is the same Rafael "Ted" Cruz who was Guilty of Marring The Republican National Convention with it's most Blasphemous Moment
when he made that speech that was delivered for the sole purpose(s) of Refusing to Endorse Trump? And, in so doing, to set-up a future bid for President of his own in which he retained the card of being able to say:
"I, alone, Stood Firm against Trump, even being so Brave to go to the Convention and display my Rejection of Trump right up in all their faces. On Live National & Worldwide TV so....."Praise Me....and My Courage, my incredible adherence to my Principles."
Cruz had been pronounced "politically dead", after that stunt. Trump bringing him back to Life?!?!?
That part of The Swamp that Rafael Teddy calls home, not getting drained?!?!