To a degree. Not as a limited as you do. I think it's too wasteful, more than too big. But yes, it's bigger than I would like.
Why is it okay for the left to keep expanding government when they hold power, but when the right wins everyone expects us to sit on our hands and babysit the left's previous pet institutions and programs untouched, until the next round of leftist expansion when the cycle repeats itself (the last 50 years of politics in a nutshell)?
That isn't okay with me - and millions of other conservatives and libertarians. Why is that okay with you? The GOP names you listed (Romney, Dubya, Jeb, Kasich, Rubio etc.) are called "caretaker presidents" - at best, nothing changes; at worst, government expands even further, ie., Dubya and No Child Left Behind. *barf*
Any candidate who thinks the government is too big - more specifically, any candidate the gaystream media believes WILL act on those convictions - is considered 'fringe' and 'extreme' other words, a real threat.
If Ted Cruz gains momentum, he WILL be attacked ruthlessly because, unlike the names you listed, Cruz IS a threat to the establishment and Ruling Class power structure. You know it, I know it, even Vtard knows it. What a shock, something we all agree on.
A conservative's perceived electability has nothing to do with irrelevant "social issues." A social libertarian with a Big Government wrecking ball would get the same treatment.
That is how the game is played. The establishment will tell you the candidates they perceive to be the greatest threats - the ones they KNOW will follow through, and not just pay lip sevice to "small government" on the campaign trail.
Ted Cruz is brilliant, probably the most intelligent candidate we have seen in some time. We'll see if he figures this out.