Support for Stimulus Remains High


Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
This package is going to do wonders. I just know it. I have all the faith in the world in Obama's plan.

Improved infrastructure and more importantly the incresaed amount of disposable cash amoung Americans is only going to help improve the economy on many levels.

Some people are just too short sighted and pessimistic to see the light.

WOW R U really this "stupid"

Over 70% of america is aganist the stimulus...If you would have watched the senators debate the subject you would have heard the DEM senators admitting that the public does NOT want it

Mar 6, 2005
The more neocons chattering about the doom ahead
the more I think that this could be the way.

and the more the Dems (who promised "no more politics of fear") chatter about the incredible doom ahead if this bill doesn't pass makes me realize that they are the hypocrites we all knew they were, led by the Hypocrite in Chief himself.

Oct 19, 2008
<script type="text/javascript">cnnad_createAd("264122","</script>February 9, 2009: 12:18 PM ETNEW YORK ( -- A majority of Americans support the economic stimulus bill that Congress is debating, but most think the recovery plan will spend too much taxpayer money, according to a poll released Monday.<!--startclickprintexclude--><!--endclickprintexclude--><!-- CONTENT --><!-- REAP --><!--startclickprintexclude--> <!-- KEEP -->

<!-- ADSPACE: business_news/quigo/ctr.220x200 -->

<!--endclickprintexclude--><!-- /REAP -->In a CNN/Opinion Research poll, 54% of respondents said they favor the stimulus plan that the Senate is expected to pass on Tuesday. And 64% said they felt the bill would help the economy recover.
Over the weekend, senators reached a compromise agreement on a plan that would provide tax cuts, spending on infrastructure, housing and other programs aimed at creating or saving jobs. Two weeks ago, the House passed a similar $819 billion measure.
Of the 800 Americans surveyed from Feb. 7-8, 48% said the plan would help "some," and 16% said they felt the stimulus bill would help the economy "a lot." Only 16% said the bill would not help at all, and another 20% said it would not help much.
But 55% of respondents said that even the less expensive Senate plan would cost too much in spending and tax cuts, according to the survey. In addition, 30% think it's just the right amount of money and 13% said the government needs to spend even more.
The amount of spending has been one of the key hang-ups for many members of Congress who argue that the plan will result in an out-of-control budget deficit. The House bill did not get one Republican vote in support, and few Republicans are expected to vote for the Senate version of the bill. Some Democrats have also voiced their displeasure with the amount of spending.

Mar 7, 2005
<script type="text/javascript">cnnad_createAd("264122","</script>February 9, 2009: 12:18 PM ETNEW YORK ( -- A majority of Americans support the economic stimulus bill that Congress is debating, but most think the recovery plan will spend too much taxpayer money, according to a poll released Monday.<!--startclickprintexclude--><!--endclickprintexclude--><!-- CONTENT --><!-- REAP --><!--startclickprintexclude--> <!-- KEEP -->

<!-- ADSPACE: business_news/quigo/ctr.220x200 -->

<!--endclickprintexclude--><!-- /REAP -->In a CNN/Opinion Research poll, 54% of respondents said they favor the stimulus plan that the Senate is expected to pass on Tuesday. And 64% said they felt the bill would help the economy recover.
Over the weekend, senators reached a compromise agreement on a plan that would provide tax cuts, spending on infrastructure, housing and other programs aimed at creating or saving jobs. Two weeks ago, the House passed a similar $819 billion measure.
Of the 800 Americans surveyed from Feb. 7-8, 48% said the plan would help "some," and 16% said they felt the stimulus bill would help the economy "a lot." Only 16% said the bill would not help at all, and another 20% said it would not help much.
But 55% of respondents said that even the less expensive Senate plan would cost too much in spending and tax cuts, according to the survey. In addition, 30% think it's just the right amount of money and 13% said the government needs to spend even more.
The amount of spending has been one of the key hang-ups for many members of Congress who argue that the plan will result in an out-of-control budget deficit. The House bill did not get one Republican vote in support, and few Republicans are expected to vote for the Senate version of the bill. Some Democrats have also voiced their displeasure with the amount of spending.

It's a flat out lie to say the majority of Americans support the stimulus bill.

Mar 6, 2005
when you consider how many people are screaming for their "bonus checks", free condoms, TV coupons, food stamps, and Internet access, that's alot of teat-sucking losers Obama needs to pay back, he promised them.

But don't worry, Obama swears this is just what America needs to get this flatlining economy going again. Because if we don't pass it now, the big scary boogeyman is coming to get us!!!

Jan 19, 2005

<TABLE class="tablesorter project_table" jQuery1234242220511="9"><TBODY><TR class=even><TD>Doorbells</TD><TD>Laurel</TD><TD>MS</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>$99,600</TD><TD>Housing</TD><TD>-1824</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Forks of the Road Heritage Trail. This project would greatly enhance one of the primary gateways to our city by creating an African American/Ethnic Heritage Trail along a stretch of St. Catherine Street between the Forks of the Road Slave Market Site</TD><TD>Natchez</TD><TD>MS</TD><TD>65</TD><TD>$600,000,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-1407</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Cincinnati Streetcar Network</TD><TD>Cincinnati</TD><TD>OH</TD><TD>150</TD><TD>$132,000,000</TD><TD>Transit</TD><TD>-139</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>New Energy Efficiency Industrial Zones 100 Acres</TD><TD>Cidra</TD><TD>PR</TD><TD>1628</TD><TD>$17,500,000,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>-1163</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Solar LA Program</TD><TD>Los Angeles</TD><TD>CA</TD><TD>31243</TD><TD>$2,160,000,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>-526</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Landfill Hydrogen Project</TD><TD>Beaumont</TD><TD>TX</TD><TD>50</TD><TD>$5,000,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>+160</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Raul Alvarez Disc Golf Course: This project will develop a 36-hole disc golf course that will be environmentally and financially sustainable.</TD><TD>Austin</TD><TD>TX</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>$886,000</TD><TD>Water</TD><TD>-237</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Las Vegas Performing Arts Center – Construct a new Performing Arts Center within the City’s Union Park Development.</TD><TD>Las Vegas</TD><TD>NV</TD><TD>1875</TD><TD>$375,000,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-341</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Construct 25 houses for first time buyers including land acqusition</TD><TD>Friars Point</TD><TD>MS</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>$1,000,000</TD><TD>Housing</TD><TD>-686</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Sunset View Park - dog park construction</TD><TD>Chula Vista</TD><TD>CA</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>$500,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-722</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Rennovate - refinish worn wood flooring at Lincoln School, paint interiors, and repair parking at OES all schools</TD><TD>Ottawa</TD><TD>IL</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>$1,425,000</TD><TD>Schools</TD><TD>-76</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Veterans Nursing Home Construction</TD><TD>Cleveland</TD><TD>TN</TD><TD>310</TD><TD>$4,300,000</TD><TD>Housing</TD><TD>+170</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Establishment of Two (2) Dog Parks</TD><TD>Lewiston</TD><TD>ME</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>$50,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-365</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Latino Cultural Center - Phase II design and construction</TD><TD>Dallas</TD><TD>TX</TD><TD>180</TD><TD>$18,000,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>-240</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Initiative to Reduce Prostitution-Off the Streets Program. This initiative would connect individuals involved in prostitution with resources to leave a life of prostitution. Beginning with emergency shelter and continuing with an array of educational</TD><TD>Dayton</TD><TD>OH</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>$1,500,000</TD><TD>Public Safety</TD><TD>-436</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Solar water Heaters for rural area families</TD><TD>Cidra</TD><TD>PR</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>$500,000,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>-453</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Boardwalk along Lady Bird Lake: The project will close a 1.3-mile gap in a heavily used pedestrian and bicycle trail system. The trail extension will improve safety and provide additional access to a major bike and pedestrian corridor for the expanding m</TD><TD>Austin</TD><TD>TX</TD><TD>60</TD><TD>$18,000,000</TD><TD>Water</TD><TD>-207</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Port of Anchorage Expansion - fully permitted, ready to proceed immediately, will create 1000-1500 jobs. Numerous projects including docking facilities and cargo handling areas.</TD><TD>Anchorage</TD><TD>AK</TD><TD>1500</TD><TD>$75,000,000</TD><TD>Transit</TD><TD>+127</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>New Mexico Events Center, Hotel and Events Center and realted infrastructure located in Downtown Albuquerque</TD><TD>Albuquerque</TD><TD>NM</TD><TD>14000</TD><TD>$418,300,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-313</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>CW Ditto Golf Course Renovations</TD><TD>Arlington</TD><TD>TX</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>$6,000,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-243</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Software licensing for these 4,110 new computers (Microsoft Office Suite) @ $50.00</TD><TD>Evansville</TD><TD>IN</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>$205,500</TD><TD>Schools</TD><TD>-325</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>SHRA</TD><TD>Sacramento</TD><TD>CA</TD><TD>100</TD><TD>$500,000,000</TD><TD>Housing</TD><TD>-308</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Maynard Jackson International Terminal</TD><TD>Atlanta</TD><TD>GA</TD><TD>5000</TD><TD>$500,000,000</TD><TD>Airport</TD><TD>-134</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>North/South MetroLink Extensions</TD><TD>St. Louis</TD><TD>MO</TD><TD>20000</TD><TD>$900,000,000</TD><TD>Transit</TD><TD>-67</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Miami-Dade Transit - Orange Line Phase 3, 10.5 mile East-West segment connecting Miami Intermodal Center to west Miami-Dade urban centers</TD><TD>Miami-Dade</TD><TD>FL</TD><TD>400</TD><TD>$2,463,000,000</TD><TD>Streets/Roads</TD><TD>-331</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Portland Bridge Repair: repair and reconstruction</TD><TD>Portland</TD><TD>OR</TD><TD>312</TD><TD>$22,000,000</TD><TD>Streets/Roads</TD><TD>+28</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Abengoa Solar designed 100MW solar parabolic trough electric generation plant</TD><TD>Anniston</TD><TD>AL</TD><TD>3200</TD><TD>$600,000,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>-70</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>New ambulance to replace 1993 ambulance which is continuosly breaking down</TD><TD>Lake Station</TD><TD>IN</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>$160,000</TD><TD>Public Safety</TD><TD>-81</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Capital Metro - Phase II Expansion of MetroRail Red Line</TD><TD>Austin</TD><TD>TX</TD><TD>5875</TD><TD>$190,000,000</TD><TD>Transit</TD><TD>+10</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Completely renovate Frank House Golf Course (Municipal). Replace greens. Landscape. Public facilities.</TD><TD>Bessemer</TD><TD>AL</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>$7,000,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-46</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Purchase of Tasers</TD><TD>Winnsboro</TD><TD>TX</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>$20,000</TD><TD>Public Safety</TD><TD>-148</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>YEAR-ROUND AIR CONDITIONING GYM_FREMONT SH</TD><TD>Los Angeles</TD><TD>CA</TD><TD>11.5714</TD><TD>$1,000,000</TD><TD>Schools</TD><TD>-37</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>I -74 Bridge replacement</TD><TD>Moline</TD><TD>IL</TD><TD>400</TD><TD>$950,000,000</TD><TD>Streets/Roads</TD><TD>-91</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Portland Parks and Trails Construction: Construction of a community center, the development of several parks, and 10 miles of multi-modal trails</TD><TD>Portland</TD><TD>OR</TD><TD>1118</TD><TD>$86,000,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-102</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Port of LA Green Jobs/CAAP (CTP, AMP, Clean Tech)</TD><TD>Los Angeles</TD><TD>CA</TD><TD>12993</TD><TD>$500,000,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>-80</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Install new and upgrade existing traffic signals to energy efficient technology; upgrade video detection system for traffic signals; replace traffic signal controllers with smart technology to lower vehicle idling time and reduce travel time, thereby redu</TD><TD>Reno</TD><TD>NV</TD><TD>551</TD><TD>$19,375,000</TD><TD>Streets/Roads</TD><TD>-20</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Portland Streetcar: the extension of the Portland streetcar loop across the river to OMSI</TD><TD>Portland</TD><TD>OR</TD><TD>600</TD><TD>$75,000,000</TD><TD>Transit</TD><TD>-111</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>North Corridor Light Rail System</TD><TD>Columbus</TD><TD>OH</TD><TD>11000</TD><TD>$200,000,000</TD><TD>Transit</TD><TD>-91</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>King Street Station Renovation – renovation of historic train station that serves Sound Transit commuter trains and Amtrak intercity rail into a modern, multi-modal transportation hub</TD><TD>Seattle</TD><TD>WA</TD><TD>230</TD><TD>$4,000,000</TD><TD>Amtrak</TD><TD>0</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Baseball diamond viewing stands and concession both upgrades</TD><TD>Salt Lake City</TD><TD>UT</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>$700,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-87</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Rehabilitation of Downtown Facades (including awnings for Energy savings)</TD><TD>Terry</TD><TD>MS</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>$520,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>-25</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Affordable homes 50 - Green</TD><TD>Hempstead</TD><TD>NY</TD><TD>200</TD><TD>$15,000,000</TD><TD>Housing</TD><TD>-36</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Transit center to encourage regional mass transportation</TD><TD>Peoria</TD><TD>AZ</TD><TD>60</TD><TD>$1,700,000</TD><TD>Transit</TD><TD>-13</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Cars on Main Street – 100 to 500 blocks</TD><TD>Buffalo</TD><TD>NY</TD><TD>4000</TD><TD>$100,000,000</TD><TD>Streets/Roads</TD><TD>-39</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>The Waller Creek Tunnel (WCT) Project</TD><TD>Austin</TD><TD>TX</TD><TD>1836</TD><TD>$127,500,000</TD><TD>Water</TD><TD>+26</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Double Eagle Concentrated Solar Plant - 100 MW</TD><TD>Albuquerque</TD><TD>NM</TD><TD>200</TD><TD>$532,000,000</TD><TD>Energy</TD><TD>-78</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Crosley Building project renovation is estimated at $4,266,775. A minimum of 300 FTE jobs are anticipated to be created in the redeveloped industrial building. Project located in Camp Washington neighborhood, a low income neighborhood.</TD><TD>Cincinnati</TD><TD>OH</TD><TD>300</TD><TD>$4,266,780</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>+2</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Funds to be used for the construction of the "Science Center of Tech Valley", a regional science education center in the City of Schenectady (LEED-certified "green" building).</TD><TD>Schenectady</TD><TD>NY</TD><TD>296</TD><TD>$55,000,000</TD><TD>Schools</TD><TD>-25</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Police Department expansion: construction of an addition to the curent Police Department facility.</TD><TD>Bolingbrook</TD><TD>IL</TD><TD>95</TD><TD>$10,000,000</TD><TD>CDBG</TD><TD>-24</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Mercury Vapor Streetlight Replacement Project Description: Replace existing inefficient mercury vapor street lights with more efficient high pressure sodium and/or LED lighting systems to increase lighting (from .5 lumens to ~1 lumen) and decrease energy</TD><TD>Rochester</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Hey Bruce, you got problems with civic infrastructure improvements?

Wonder what their priority in listing were? Not alphabetical, not by $ amount maybe by items they thought would be most likely to piss off the hillbillies.

Sep 22, 2004
What happened to the $10 billion for the moat filled with Alligators on the southern border??

Damn Libruls

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Over 20 years ago when I had an airplane, I flew down to South Padre Island, looked around, the Rio Grande was not quite getting to the gulf. Like the Colorado river it is used up before reaching the sea.

Not enough water for the gators. Besides it would just give the meskins something to eat.

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