I actually knew a guy that called everyone guvnor.
It's a real Brit thing to do... "Ya so ah you alright guvnah?"
I'll use buddy in a negative way.
Hey Pal, when I'm getting someones attention.
But I'll never use Chief, Capt or any of the rest...drives me nuts.
Being named William...the are so many variations, Bill, Billy Liam etc but the one I can't stand is Willie...in highschool we had a kid named Willie who used to get harrassed on a daily basis...His nickname became Willie Survive...because that was the question we all asked ourselves....
someone collects the money and makes sure we have players.
and, if I wanted an lip from you, I'd scratch my zipper.
Alright I'm guilty in this to. But I wonder. Why do other men/guys/friends/male strangers call someone any of these names. They have been around FOREVER!!
guy, boss, chief, mack, jack, sport, champ, duece? My dad came home the other day and some service customer walked in and said to my dad "hey chief" and he was really pissed. He said to me when he got home, "if you don't know my name then don't call me chief, boss or guy. He brought it up to me when he got home and we got to talking. These terms have been around forever, anyone get bothered when someone calls you one of these names? Or can anyone think of any others?
does he go to the mound in pressure situations? talk to baserunners about going 1st to 3rd... taggin up on deep fly balls...taking a pitch with a 3-0 count...etc
More importantly does he play?(like Pete Rose, player/coach) Or just dress,Coach,take the ground rules, and write the line-up?(wear a warm-up jacket?) I have seen softball guy and softball coach before, just wasn't sure if it is the same guy in every league across the country..
wait a second... where is B-town? Baltimore?