Sting Article on All World Sports slow pay


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by STINGCC:
Thanks JJ. Always enjoy your posts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh aint that SWEET...............

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Actually, it was Rick that got angry. I do not post as Rick and never have nor ever will...
I am the one who offered to open up our records on the person...

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Sting is someone that is on the mark a lot and somewhat like me, we tell it like it is and sometimes we hit too close to home and "they "try to discredit us. I would advise everyone to pay very close attention to Sting, he is an insider and knows what is going on offshore.

Stone Cold lets please be a team player here.

Good Luck

This is me posting and i don't care who this guy is he is a 100 % liar. Noone ever waited 6 months to get their money from All World Sports, even when the old owners were having their problems.
This guy that you have all of this respect for is a liar and given the chance i will tell him the same thing to his face.
The sportsbook he named that paid him so quickly is a sportsbook we do many transfers with on a daily basis. If he couldn't get paid all he had to do was ask the good folks at pinnacle and they would have told him they would do a transfer and pay him.
If i were you sting i would check myself for the people that you have all of this respect for because this guy is a liar and like i said before you give me the chance and i will call him a liar to his face.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Good Job Rick standing in the front lines answering questions. Please get away from pariaction, it will be a great move.

Good Luck

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Sting any trouble with majorbetting, are they going down?? Are they ok?? How about Directbet?? 121 bets??

New member
Sep 20, 2004
do you have any recent withdraws from this book not ones from november & december ?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by drunk:
Sorry General. Just hate know it alls like Sting And Buzzsaw who have agendas. Here are my withdrawals from Homebets. All paid with no delays.
* Statement
Withdrawal Transactions
Amount Date Time Type Description
$-2,606.00 USD Dec 20, 2002 9:09:45 PM Withdrawal Direct Neteller Withdrawal
$-10,000.00 USD Dec 19, 2002 6:40:38 PM Withdrawal Direct Neteller Withdrawal
$-2,500.00 USD Dec 16, 2002 5:15:58 PM Withdrawal Direct Neteller Withdrawal
$-2,500.00 USD Dec 16, 2002 5:15:43 PM Withdrawal Direct Neteller Withdrawal
$-2,500.00 USD Dec 9, 2002 11:01:54 AM Withdrawal Direct Neteller Withdrawal
$-2,500.00 USD Dec 9, 2002 11:01:32 AM Withdrawal Direct Neteller Withdrawal
$-2,500.00 USD Dec 5, 2002 10:43:01 AM Withdrawal Direct Neteller Withdrawal
$-2,500.00 USD Nov 29, 2002 10:38:46 AM Withdrawal Direct Neteller Withdrawal
Total Withdrawals from All transactions: $ 27,606.00 USD

Why would they pay anyone this much. Especially when I was beating them on all there lines. They could of pulled a Nasa and refused using the wiseguy-syndicate clause sissy books have. All they did was politely tell me that my action was to tough and that I can only play 100 bucks a game. Where are the slowpays Mr.Buzzsaw. As you know I deal with alot offshores and have had problems with much larger books slowpaying. Where are your Facts, please post them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
This is a copy of an e-mail i sent to sting, and i hope he has the balls to accept my invitation.


I have no idea why you chose to write an article using All World Sports without first consulting me. You know in the past i have always been honest and upfront with you guys and that was not correct nor was it professional to write that article without first giving me a chance to answer those charges.
First of all i am telling you the truth, whomever this mystery man is he is a bald face low down, low bred liar. I never took 6 months to pay anyone when the old owners were having problems before finding these people to take over All World Sports. Now since these people have taken control for over a year now there has never been a slow pay from All World Sports or anything even close to a slow pay.
Second of all i have never in my 30 plus years in this business tried to entice people not to withdraw their money, so that is the second lie your so called respectable person told you.
This is very unfair of you not to give us the chance to tell our side of this story. if in fact this so called respectable person really has an account or had an account with All World Sports i will be happy for you to come to our business and look into our computer records and find his account, then you will see how many times this person requested money and when his money was sent to him. If you refuse this opportunity to give us the chance to clear ourselves of these accusations then i can only assume you do not want to really find out the truth.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Just to put this in perspective, in all due respect, Rick you are the same guy who claimed to have All World player deposits in an escrow account while in Curacao, withheld the fact that your book was dead broke and continued accepting new deposits until some of us called you out on it.

Now you are working for the same group that claimed to have the greatest sports book since sliced bread – Fort Knox – the book that stays open 24 hours a day, takes the highest limits of anyone out there and, of course they are insured by Lloyds of London, or whoever. That one went over like a fart in church. Everything that comes out of the Pariaction camp is taken with a grain of salt.

Now who am I to believe? A player I’ve known for years and regard with the utmost respect or YOU…someone whose judgment is, shall I say, a little skewed?

The irony of all of this is had Pariaction NOT have purchased All World, your customers all would have been FVCKED. Nobody else was knocking down the door trying to buy this book. You can be the nicest guy in the world, but you aligned yourself with scumbag owners like those scamdicappers in Wisconsin (Gold Medal) and those other guys who left you high and dry at All World.

After reading the article, Matt at Millennium has already begun implementing procedures to ensure players get paid next day upon request and that nobody slips through the crack. Maybe you should take a cue from him instead of throwing a temper tantrum on this board. Your bitching and moaning really serves no other purpose but to illicit sympathy from those who have zero sympathy for offshore bookmakers (as most of us have been screwed by at least one offshore book at this point).

I have very little interest in reviewing the computer database of a group that prints up some report suggesting they have ten times the amount of volume of CRIS (operating since the mid 80’s) three months after they're in business. Thanks but no thanks. I am taking my guy’s word and you are going to have to live with it.

Bringing up the legal system in Costa Rica, by the way, made me want to vomit. Whose bright idea was that? If I were you I’d worry less about slander laws in Costa Rica and concern myself more with some of your stiff neighbors like Ron’s former employer, Score Sportsbook; Gamblers Palace, Wagers Paradise blau blau blau…Don't hold your breath waiting for a retraction either. That ain't going to happen.

Please spare us all the old recycled rhetoric about not advertising here because, as the Shrink will tell you - I don't really give a damn who is and who is NOT an advertiser here. Homebets is an advertiser here and I just warned everyone to stay out of that "South of the Border" book. So there goes THAT argument right out the window.

It’s articles like these that wake up the industry...and by my standards, that article was relatively tame.

[This message was edited by STINGCC on 04-25-03 at 10:21 PM.]

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
This is interesting stuff anyway you look at it. Like them or not Sting & Buzzsaw are looking out for players IMO & that is needed. i do not have facts here, but it can be aknowledged by each poster and they can make decisions about it. As in all things, time tells a story. If there were problems with pay at All world even a year ago, then that is a concern today IMO. As for homebets not being in the country they advertise, it is not good to lie, but there is so much we do not know about books that almost any of what we read could be false. I do not see that their location would affect payouts. Good discussion by all IMO.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Comments on Stings Article

While I can't say one way or another who is right here, what strikes me funny is this:

Why isn't Mr. Whale not playing with Cris, Grande, WWTS or Olympic?

No disrespect to WSex or Pinnacle, but the above 4 books have at least as good of a payout record as WSex and Pinnacle.

The story reads as though he's been thru every book in the universe that would take a 10 dime bet and has had problems with all but save Wsex and Pinnacle.

So knowing what I know, the story seems to fall a few feet short of the credibility pin.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Everything that comes out of the Pariaction camp is taken with a grain of salt.

Sting you could not be more right, great point and good follow up post.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
As my memory serves it when allworld was in trouble and the owners didnt send rick any more money, rick stopped taking bets until pariaction came in with the bale.


It's a move that seperates the good from the great.

Reason why ft knox is no more is cuz they went off the screen. Allworld which had all the same numbers as ft knox is still around. I visited allworld a month ago when I was in CR and saw them write a few 20K individual bets like it was nothing. Their Pockets are as deep as can be and an accusation of slow pay imho is complete bullsh*t.

Like I said before I've known rick for several years and he is the top of the heap in this industry.

I would love to hear what kinda payment was apparently slow paid to Mr Action.

For me personally, I will belive Rick more than any article by a freelance writer found on a not so reputable website.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

What is a team player? Anyone that sides with you even when you makeup fictional stuff to meet your personal agenda?

Owen, well said!

I know now the only place there is a Mr. Action is in your head. You told me in your return e-mail not to try to discredit you here on the forum. I don't have to discredit you, you discredit yourself when you write this trash.
If you think that for one minute Senior Action was getting stalled for six months by us and this is the first anyone has heard about it then you must believe in the tooth fairy.
Sting you are a complete joke and everyone knows you are a joke, you wouldn't make a pimple on a journalists ass, let alone call yourself a journalist. A journalist is someone who seeks out the truth and not someone who writes lies and calls it the truth. Then the worse part of it when i call you on it, your answer is i believe Mr. Action and that is the end of the story, now you have to admit ladies and gentlemen, that is journalism at its best.
For your information Mr.journalist of the year, i did stop taking wagers when the old owners of All World Sports didn't meet the final deadline i gave them to send the money to pay the players. Fortunately we were only down for one day, but that one day we were down i kept a complete staff of accounting and customer service people to take calls and assure everyone that we were not closing the doors and running away. That Mr. Journalist of the year was something you forgot to mention while covering your story, now everyone knows that the very next day it was business as usual and everyone was getting paid by the new owners of All World Sports.

As far as the players trust account goes, i was told by the same owners that told me they were going to send money, they also told me they had all of the players money set aside in a trust account, so that was another mis representation on their part.

Now lets get to the Pariaction group, its funny when you were here last year trying to sell them advertising, i remember your words of wisdom ole great one. We would really like to have all of the Pariaction books on board because i can tell that you guys are good people that are going places in this business. Your books are the kind of books we want on board with us. I am going to do a great article on the Pariaction books. Funny how advertising dollars change someones perspective of how good a business is or how good the owners of the business are.
In closing Sting, i know i am a better man than you are and i would have no problem retracting anything i have said should you decide to bring this Mr. Action to the front and give me the opportunity to defend these people and this business from these false accusations that your mystery man has supposedly said about us. If you decide to hold your position and write this crap and call it journalism without bothering to find out the real truth then my position will remain the same and i will insist that the only place Mr. Action exsists is in your head.


Sep 21, 2004
Applaude the way you have handled this. Know nothing about the facts, but I can sure judge what is above me on text here and you have responded to evry allegation with substance.

On the other hand, it is hollow to say " my friend was stiffed". Moreover, you were owed the courtesy of a call for your position before this story ran. Highly irresponsible and reckless not to check your version. I think it reflects negatively on the Rx, whether or not sting is freelance, to run articles that have a reckless disregard for both sides of the story, especially with your excellent reputation. YOu wer owed at least the courtesy of fact checking.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Folks, having just gotten off the phone with Mr. Action I do feel it is necessary to clarify that his problems with All World Sports stem from a YEAR AGO prior to Pariaction taking over. During our discussion, All World was brought up and I was under the impression this was something that occurred within the last six months as that was the general time frame we were originally discussing. He was slow paid by All World for six months and after finally receiving his money, he never played there again. Obviously he is still bitter for the experience….but that bitterness is not directed towards All World’s new owners, Pariaction. Unfortunately when a player’s been strung along for 6 months, it’s doubtful he is going to care that there are new principals behind the company.

I need to apologize to Pariaction though for the implication that All World may have still slow paid the player since the acquisition. This is NOT the case as the gentleman in question is no longer a player there. Had Pariaction not stepped in to take over All World, there is no telling what would have happened to the customers who had money there.

The article itself was not an expose on All World but does feature a quote from Mr. Action which is out of context with the subject matter so I will be sure to have the webmasters include a notation reflecting this.

Addendum: Since Mr. Action’s experience with All World Sports, that sportsbook was taken over by the Pariaction Group and there have been no slow pays that we are aware of.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Your a stand up guy Sting and a King!!

I although must advise players if your looking for clone factories go right ahead and play at the pariaction group, they do pay but in my opinion not real books with very limited wagering options compared to many many others and of course numerous, numerous breakdowns of software..

Good Luck

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Once again we have SCUM STING back pedaling. So this guy was slow paid by the "previous owners". This is why STING is beneath sewer scum.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Chuck some of these slow pays are hard to uncover and get the right story, sometimes mistakes happen and misinformation is giving to Sting, not really his fault.

Good luck to you Mr. Sims and i see your a long time poster here and definately your opionions must be respected.

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