Steph Curry says he doesn't believe in US moon landings


Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
What about the ones that live in Sandy Hook, what do they think?[/QUOTE

they will chime in here soon enough..

If anyone researches you will find Glaring inconsistancies in story lines.. and actions..

I can Dice up that whole rediculous mess in a few facts.. dont have time till later tonight.

Everyone needs to be responsible for their own education..

Cops can be lied too..

Dec 21, 2007
What about the ones that live in Sandy Hook, what do they think?[/QUOTE

they will chime in here soon enough..

If anyone researches you will find Glaring inconsistancies in story lines.. and actions..

I can Dice up that whole rediculous mess in a few facts.. dont have time till later tonight.

Everyone needs to be responsible for their own education..

Cops can be lied too..
Gotcha your facts are “cause I read it on the Internet”. The story line is it happened. Period.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
10,000 pound thrusters settling down for a perfect landing over 50 years ago and not a speck of dust...

Yet a 180 lb astronaut with his gear on makes a huge Bigfoot impression.

Posting this video again. If you can't see something is not deadly wrong, then you are blind. You are battling what you are trained to believe. Do these men look like they just won the Superbowl?
Sep 21, 2004
10,000 pound thrusters settling down for a perfect landing over 50 years ago and not a speck of dust...

Yet a 180 lb astronaut with his gear on makes a huge Bigfoot impression.

Posting this video again. If you can't see something is not deadly wrong, then you are blind. You are battling what you are trained to believe. Do these men look like they just won the Superbowl?

The landing module weighs 17 tons and yet sits on top of the sand making no impression. Next to it astronauts’ footprints can be seen in the sand.
The layer of lunar dust is fairly thin, so the landing module sits on the solid rock. The dust, whilst blown away by the blast from the descent engines, quickly settles back on the ground and is under the astronauts when they begin their moonwalk.



New member
Sep 24, 2012
The landing module weighs 17 tons and yet sits on top of the sand making no impression. Next to it astronauts’ footprints can be seen in the sand.
The layer of lunar dust is fairly thin, so the landing module sits on the solid rock. The dust, whilst blown away by the blast from the descent engines, quickly settles back on the ground and is under the astronauts when they begin their moonwalk.


Dont even engage with them Zit. It's not worth it

Jul 14, 2007
He doesn't believe all that. He's just fucking around.

If anything he is a egomaniac because he knew if he said something like that it would get tons of traction.

May 27, 2007
Anyone that questions the validity of Sandy Hook is a fucking asshole.

Dec 15, 2017
Kyrie wasn't serious either. They're just exposing how gullible everyone is through trolling.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
ok,, here ya go,, guys, the below information is only the tip of the iceberg,, I can go through and put up OTHER issues that are odd,, like no BIOHAZARD company was every brought in to "clean" up the scene?,,

but here you go, for those of you that choose to name call (enfuego(loser) Pat, and justin,, ) I ask that you take a minute to just read through the FACTS below,, this is all documented, and if you rmind is closed to this?? I jsut cant help you noone can,, your grief is blinding you,,


[h=3]Sandy Hook: Foreknowledge and Preparation[/h] 1. Why was a Facebook webpage for the alleged dead teacher Victoria Soto of Sandy Hook Elementary School posted before the event occurred?
2. Why was the United Way charity webpage for Sandy Hook posted before the event occurred?
Google caught evidence of foreknowledge: this United Way charity website page was launched on Dec. 11th, 2012, a full 3 days before the mass shooting at Sandy Hook actually occurred!
3. How did the Arlington Red Devils website post the book on Talking With Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting on 12/10/2012 (which was contained in the page url), 4 days before the event occurred? If this were some kind of technical glitch, then how did Google’s bots manage to record a cached page for 12/13/2012, still 1 day before the Sandy Hook shooting happened?
4. How did John Trentacosta (whose house was next to the Lanzas with a lot of activity occurring there at the time), who was CEO of the local Newton bank, start a victims’ fund on the same day so quickly after the event, after receiving in his words “countless requests” to do so? Is it just a coincidence that Trentacosta was also a member of a new council of the New York Federal Reserve, the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council?
5. According to various researchers, why was the Newtown community seeded with new families in the years leading up to the event?
6. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why were 16 state troopers pre-positioned 45-60 minutes before the alleged shooting?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Media Switching Stories[/h] 7. Why did the media keep switching its narrative as the story unfolded regarding the actual weapon used? Finally they settled upon a rifle. But how could a rifle kill 26 people in such quick succession?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Inconsistencies with Witness Stories[/h] 8. Why did known actor and Sandy Hook witness Gene Rosen keep changing his story about how he encountered the 6 kids who allegedly came to him? In different interviews he variously claims he found the kids just after feeding his cats in the loft, just after going to breakfast and just after coming home from breakfast. His testimony completely conflicts with that of the school bus driver and the official report. There is also video of him near the fire house walking around slowly, plus a video of him rehearsing his lines with the cameraman …
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Lack Of Evidence[/h] 9. How was a skinny 19-year-old boy with no military training capable of killing 26 people clean while injuring none? (Trained military veterans have claimed it was highly unlikely or even impossible for someone with the weight of Adam Lanza to execute that many people in so short a time.)
10. Why was there no evidence of blood? A total of 26 fatalities (children and adult) would produce at least at a conservative estimate 20 gallons (75 liters) of blood. Thus would require a concerted blood cleanup (blood is considered a biohazard in this type of situation), yet when Sofia Smallstorm asked who did the cleanup, all the departments were ignorant of it and even claimed that no one did the cleanup.
11. Where are the alleged 600+ children of Sandy Hook Elementary School? Why is there absolutely no photo or video evidence of any dead bodies? Why did coroner Wayne Carver say the following?
Uh, we did not bring the bodies and the families into contact. We took pictures of them, uhm, of their facial features. We have, uh, uh—it’s easier on the families when you do that. Un, there is, uh, a time and place for the up close and personal in the grieving process, but to accomplish this we thought it would be best to do it this way and, uh, you can sort of, uh … You can control a situation depending on the photographer, and I have very good photographers. Uh, but uh—
12. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why do the records show no social security numbers for the dead students?
13. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why do the records show no report of actual shots fired?
14. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why does the Sandy Hook shooting crime not exist on the FBI 2012 crime report?
15. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why does the tax accessor’s website shows the victims’ families got free houses on Christmas day when all Government offices are closed?
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16. Why were all the ambulances parked at the fire house away from the crime scene (except one on Dickinson Dr. which was also too far removed to be helpful)? Why were so few EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) allowed in the school?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Faked Photos and Evidence of a Drill[/h] 17. Why does the iconic image of the teacher leading kids out of school contain evidence of Photoshop doctoring and fakery?
The iconic image of Sandy Hook – the evacuation – shows numerous signs of fakery, from Photoshop doctoring to EXIF data.
18. Why does the Sandy Hook Timeline of Evacuation not match the video evidence from the trooper’s car stationed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School car park?
19. Why was there a big electronic sign erected at the entrance to the Sandy Hook Elementary school stating “EVERYONE MUST CHECK IN” if the event were real and not a drill?
20. Why was there an active shooter drill at around the same place and the same time as the Sandy Hook event? Every recent false flag since at least 9/11 has had this element.
21. Why are people walking around the Sandy Hook fire house in circles like a movie set? Why was there such a lack of urgency in the emergency personnel who were responding for many hours after 10am when people were still unaccounted for (e.g. nurse Sally Cox who claims she hid in a closet for 4 hours until 1:15pm)?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Coverup[/h] 22. If Sandy Hook Elementary School was a legitimate and operational school at the time of the event, why is there evidence that the school shut in 2009 due to asbestos, was reinspected in 2011, and was flooded again with Hurricanes Irene and Sandy? We know FEMA and the US Federal Government supplied money to Newtown to revitalize it. Why does the local business Apex Glass claim they were using the school premises for their glass business (apologies but the interview revealing this information has been taken down by YouTube [])?
Sandy Hook: If this were a real mass shooting and not a drill, why must everyone check in?
23. Why were the entire school grounds of what we were told was “Sandy Hook Elementary School” demolished and rebuilt? Does this remind you of how the metal scraps from 9/11 were immediately shipped off to China before they could be examined for evidence?
24. Why did Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia and Connecticut State Attorney Kevin Kane refuse to release the death certificates and the names of the “victims”? Why did Connecticut officials conspire to pass an unprecedented bill banning FOIA requests and access to death certificates and other information, normally part of the public record as a matter of course for centuries? Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy signed the bill on June 5th, 2013.
25. Why were there so many black and silver (Government-type) cars around the school and fire house in place before the event?
26. According to Sofia Smallstorm, why were the exact number (26) of Christmas trees for the memorial already sitting outside the fire house before the event occurred?
27. Why do so many of the victims’ family members appear to be acting, smirking, giggling, snickering and outright laughing after the event, such as Robbie Parker?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Strange Comments by Officials[/h] 28. How does one explain the highly strange behavior of Wayne Carver, the chief medical examiner and coroner? Why did Carver say that “You can control a situation depending on your photographer, and I have very good photographers”? Why did Carver say that “I hope the people of Newtown don’t have it crash on their heads later”?
29. Why did Lieutenant Paul Vance threaten to prosecute as a crime anyone who reported information that contradicted the official narrative?
30. Why did the Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy say that “The Lieutenant Governor and I have been spoken to in an attempt that we might be prepared for something like this playing itself out in our state”?
Even Sandy Hook is infected with one eye Illuminati-Masonic symbolism. Just a coincidence?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Aftermath[/h] 31. Why did no one sue the school or the estate of Nancy Lanza?
32. How is it that no parent wanted to see the dead bodies of their children in the school?
33. Why were all the funerals conducted with closed caskets?
[h=3]Conclusion: Sandy Hook – The Template for the False Flag Hoax[/h] Sandy Hook smells rotten, and just as 9/11 was a template and justification for future transgressions against liberty, so too was Sandy Hook to become the template for the false flag hoax. Let us always remember what happened and continue to investigate it, so that future false flag events, and false flag hoax events, can be quickly spotted.
Want the latest commentary and analysis on Conspiracy, Natural Health, Sovereignty, Consciousness and more? Sign up for free blog updates!
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.


Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
You lack critical thinking.

thank you Sal,, but I dont want to name call justin fuego or pat,, not my style,, respectfully the documented information above is just the top items,,

not mentioned is wolfgang(a very respected credentialed crisis mgmt professional) was being sued by the families(I believe?),, you can find his story easily on the net, this lawsuit lasted 3 years or so? and jsut last year, for no reason it was dissolved,,

many suspicous facts surround this event,, that is all

Oct 2, 2018
Conspiracy nuts are the lowest level of scum

Especially when it involves disrespecting loss of life like 9/11 and sandy hook.

There is a special place in Hell for those who say Sandy Hook never happened

Anyone who thinks the story they told us about 911 and what happened on 911 is true is out to lunch

Oct 2, 2018
ok,, here ya go,, guys, the below information is only the tip of the iceberg,, I can go through and put up OTHER issues that are odd,, like no BIOHAZARD company was every brought in to "clean" up the scene?,,

but here you go, for those of you that choose to name call (enfuego(loser) Pat, and justin,, ) I ask that you take a minute to just read through the FACTS below,, this is all documented, and if you rmind is closed to this?? I jsut cant help you noone can,, your grief is blinding you,,


Sandy Hook: Foreknowledge and Preparation

1. Why was a Facebook webpage for the alleged dead teacher Victoria Soto of Sandy Hook Elementary School posted before the event occurred?
2. Why was the United Way charity webpage for Sandy Hook posted before the event occurred?
Google caught evidence of foreknowledge: this United Way charity website page was launched on Dec. 11th, 2012, a full 3 days before the mass shooting at Sandy Hook actually occurred!
3. How did the Arlington Red Devils website post the book on Talking With Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting on 12/10/2012 (which was contained in the page url), 4 days before the event occurred? If this were some kind of technical glitch, then how did Google’s bots manage to record a cached page for 12/13/2012, still 1 day before the Sandy Hook shooting happened?
4. How did John Trentacosta (whose house was next to the Lanzas with a lot of activity occurring there at the time), who was CEO of the local Newton bank, start a victims’ fund on the same day so quickly after the event, after receiving in his words “countless requests” to do so? Is it just a coincidence that Trentacosta was also a member of a new council of the New York Federal Reserve, the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council?
5. According to various researchers, why was the Newtown community seeded with new families in the years leading up to the event?
6. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why were 16 state troopers pre-positioned 45-60 minutes before the alleged shooting?
Sandy Hook: Media Switching Stories

7. Why did the media keep switching its narrative as the story unfolded regarding the actual weapon used? Finally they settled upon a rifle. But how could a rifle kill 26 people in such quick succession?
Sandy Hook: Inconsistencies with Witness Stories

8. Why did known actor and Sandy Hook witness Gene Rosen keep changing his story about how he encountered the 6 kids who allegedly came to him? In different interviews he variously claims he found the kids just after feeding his cats in the loft, just after going to breakfast and just after coming home from breakfast. His testimony completely conflicts with that of the school bus driver and the official report. There is also video of him near the fire house walking around slowly, plus a video of him rehearsing his lines with the cameraman …
Sandy Hook: Lack Of Evidence

9. How was a skinny 19-year-old boy with no military training capable of killing 26 people clean while injuring none? (Trained military veterans have claimed it was highly unlikely or even impossible for someone with the weight of Adam Lanza to execute that many people in so short a time.)
10. Why was there no evidence of blood? A total of 26 fatalities (children and adult) would produce at least at a conservative estimate 20 gallons (75 liters) of blood. Thus would require a concerted blood cleanup (blood is considered a biohazard in this type of situation), yet when Sofia Smallstorm asked who did the cleanup, all the departments were ignorant of it and even claimed that no one did the cleanup.
11. Where are the alleged 600+ children of Sandy Hook Elementary School? Why is there absolutely no photo or video evidence of any dead bodies? Why did coroner Wayne Carver say the following?
Uh, we did not bring the bodies and the families into contact. We took pictures of them, uhm, of their facial features. We have, uh, uh—it’s easier on the families when you do that. Un, there is, uh, a time and place for the up close and personal in the grieving process, but to accomplish this we thought it would be best to do it this way and, uh, you can sort of, uh … You can control a situation depending on the photographer, and I have very good photographers. Uh, but uh—
12. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why do the records show no social security numbers for the dead students?
13. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why do the records show no report of actual shots fired?
14. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why does the Sandy Hook shooting crime not exist on the FBI 2012 crime report?
15. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why does the tax accessor’s website shows the victims’ families got free houses on Christmas day when all Government offices are closed?
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16. Why were all the ambulances parked at the fire house away from the crime scene (except one on Dickinson Dr. which was also too far removed to be helpful)? Why were so few EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) allowed in the school?
Sandy Hook: Faked Photos and Evidence of a Drill

17. Why does the iconic image of the teacher leading kids out of school contain evidence of Photoshop doctoring and fakery?
The iconic image of Sandy Hook – the evacuation – shows numerous signs of fakery, from Photoshop doctoring to EXIF data.
18. Why does the Sandy Hook Timeline of Evacuation not match the video evidence from the trooper’s car stationed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School car park?
19. Why was there a big electronic sign erected at the entrance to the Sandy Hook Elementary school stating “EVERYONE MUST CHECK IN” if the event were real and not a drill?
20. Why was there an active shooter drill at around the same place and the same time as the Sandy Hook event? Every recent false flag since at least 9/11 has had this element.
21. Why are people walking around the Sandy Hook fire house in circles like a movie set? Why was there such a lack of urgency in the emergency personnel who were responding for many hours after 10am when people were still unaccounted for (e.g. nurse Sally Cox who claims she hid in a closet for 4 hours until 1:15pm)?
Sandy Hook: Coverup

22. If Sandy Hook Elementary School was a legitimate and operational school at the time of the event, why is there evidence that the school shut in 2009 due to asbestos, was reinspected in 2011, and was flooded again with Hurricanes Irene and Sandy? We know FEMA and the US Federal Government supplied money to Newtown to revitalize it. Why does the local business Apex Glass claim they were using the school premises for their glass business (apologies but the interview revealing this information has been taken down by YouTube [])?
Sandy Hook: If this were a real mass shooting and not a drill, why must everyone check in?
23. Why were the entire school grounds of what we were told was “Sandy Hook Elementary School” demolished and rebuilt? Does this remind you of how the metal scraps from 9/11 were immediately shipped off to China before they could be examined for evidence?
24. Why did Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia and Connecticut State Attorney Kevin Kane refuse to release the death certificates and the names of the “victims”? Why did Connecticut officials conspire to pass an unprecedented bill banning FOIA requests and access to death certificates and other information, normally part of the public record as a matter of course for centuries? Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy signed the bill on June 5th, 2013.
25. Why were there so many black and silver (Government-type) cars around the school and fire house in place before the event?
26. According to Sofia Smallstorm, why were the exact number (26) of Christmas trees for the memorial already sitting outside the fire house before the event occurred?
27. Why do so many of the victims’ family members appear to be acting, smirking, giggling, snickering and outright laughing after the event, such as Robbie Parker?
Sandy Hook: Strange Comments by Officials

28. How does one explain the highly strange behavior of Wayne Carver, the chief medical examiner and coroner? Why did Carver say that “You can control a situation depending on your photographer, and I have very good photographers”? Why did Carver say that “I hope the people of Newtown don’t have it crash on their heads later”?
29. Why did Lieutenant Paul Vance threaten to prosecute as a crime anyone who reported information that contradicted the official narrative?
30. Why did the Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy say that “The Lieutenant Governor and I have been spoken to in an attempt that we might be prepared for something like this playing itself out in our state”?
Even Sandy Hook is infected with one eye Illuminati-Masonic symbolism. Just a coincidence?
Sandy Hook: Aftermath

31. Why did no one sue the school or the estate of Nancy Lanza?
32. How is it that no parent wanted to see the dead bodies of their children in the school?
33. Why were all the funerals conducted with closed caskets?
Conclusion: Sandy Hook – The Template for the False Flag Hoax

Sandy Hook smells rotten, and just as 9/11 was a template and justification for future transgressions against liberty, so too was Sandy Hook to become the template for the false flag hoax. Let us always remember what happened and continue to investigate it, so that future false flag events, and false flag hoax events, can be quickly spotted.
Want the latest commentary and analysis on Conspiracy, Natural Health, Sovereignty, Consciousness and more? Sign up for free blog updates!
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

Don’t bother Tate you are light years ahead of these sheeple

New member
Sep 24, 2012
ok,, here ya go,, guys, the below information is only the tip of the iceberg,, I can go through and put up OTHER issues that are odd,, like no BIOHAZARD company was every brought in to "clean" up the scene?,,

but here you go, for those of you that choose to name call (enfuego(loser) Pat, and justin,, ) I ask that you take a minute to just read through the FACTS below,, this is all documented, and if you rmind is closed to this?? I jsut cant help you noone can,, your grief is blinding you,,


[h=3]Sandy Hook: Foreknowledge and Preparation[/h] 1. Why was a Facebook webpage for the alleged dead teacher Victoria Soto of Sandy Hook Elementary School posted before the event occurred?
2. Why was the United Way charity webpage for Sandy Hook posted before the event occurred?
Google caught evidence of foreknowledge: this United Way charity website page was launched on Dec. 11th, 2012, a full 3 days before the mass shooting at Sandy Hook actually occurred!
3. How did the Arlington Red Devils website post the book on Talking With Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting on 12/10/2012 (which was contained in the page url), 4 days before the event occurred? If this were some kind of technical glitch, then how did Google’s bots manage to record a cached page for 12/13/2012, still 1 day before the Sandy Hook shooting happened?
4. How did John Trentacosta (whose house was next to the Lanzas with a lot of activity occurring there at the time), who was CEO of the local Newton bank, start a victims’ fund on the same day so quickly after the event, after receiving in his words “countless requests” to do so? Is it just a coincidence that Trentacosta was also a member of a new council of the New York Federal Reserve, the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council?
5. According to various researchers, why was the Newtown community seeded with new families in the years leading up to the event?
6. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why were 16 state troopers pre-positioned 45-60 minutes before the alleged shooting?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Media Switching Stories[/h] 7. Why did the media keep switching its narrative as the story unfolded regarding the actual weapon used? Finally they settled upon a rifle. But how could a rifle kill 26 people in such quick succession?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Inconsistencies with Witness Stories[/h] 8. Why did known actor and Sandy Hook witness Gene Rosen keep changing his story about how he encountered the 6 kids who allegedly came to him? In different interviews he variously claims he found the kids just after feeding his cats in the loft, just after going to breakfast and just after coming home from breakfast. His testimony completely conflicts with that of the school bus driver and the official report. There is also video of him near the fire house walking around slowly, plus a video of him rehearsing his lines with the cameraman …
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Lack Of Evidence[/h] 9. How was a skinny 19-year-old boy with no military training capable of killing 26 people clean while injuring none? (Trained military veterans have claimed it was highly unlikely or even impossible for someone with the weight of Adam Lanza to execute that many people in so short a time.)
10. Why was there no evidence of blood? A total of 26 fatalities (children and adult) would produce at least at a conservative estimate 20 gallons (75 liters) of blood. Thus would require a concerted blood cleanup (blood is considered a biohazard in this type of situation), yet when Sofia Smallstorm asked who did the cleanup, all the departments were ignorant of it and even claimed that no one did the cleanup.
11. Where are the alleged 600+ children of Sandy Hook Elementary School? Why is there absolutely no photo or video evidence of any dead bodies? Why did coroner Wayne Carver say the following?
Uh, we did not bring the bodies and the families into contact. We took pictures of them, uhm, of their facial features. We have, uh, uh—it’s easier on the families when you do that. Un, there is, uh, a time and place for the up close and personal in the grieving process, but to accomplish this we thought it would be best to do it this way and, uh, you can sort of, uh … You can control a situation depending on the photographer, and I have very good photographers. Uh, but uh—
12. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why do the records show no social security numbers for the dead students?
13. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why do the records show no report of actual shots fired?
14. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why does the Sandy Hook shooting crime not exist on the FBI 2012 crime report?
15. According to Wolfgang Halbig, why does the tax accessor’s website shows the victims’ families got free houses on Christmas day when all Government offices are closed?
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16. Why were all the ambulances parked at the fire house away from the crime scene (except one on Dickinson Dr. which was also too far removed to be helpful)? Why were so few EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) allowed in the school?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Faked Photos and Evidence of a Drill[/h] 17. Why does the iconic image of the teacher leading kids out of school contain evidence of Photoshop doctoring and fakery?
The iconic image of Sandy Hook – the evacuation – shows numerous signs of fakery, from Photoshop doctoring to EXIF data.
18. Why does the Sandy Hook Timeline of Evacuation not match the video evidence from the trooper’s car stationed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School car park?
19. Why was there a big electronic sign erected at the entrance to the Sandy Hook Elementary school stating “EVERYONE MUST CHECK IN” if the event were real and not a drill?
20. Why was there an active shooter drill at around the same place and the same time as the Sandy Hook event? Every recent false flag since at least 9/11 has had this element.
21. Why are people walking around the Sandy Hook fire house in circles like a movie set? Why was there such a lack of urgency in the emergency personnel who were responding for many hours after 10am when people were still unaccounted for (e.g. nurse Sally Cox who claims she hid in a closet for 4 hours until 1:15pm)?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Coverup[/h] 22. If Sandy Hook Elementary School was a legitimate and operational school at the time of the event, why is there evidence that the school shut in 2009 due to asbestos, was reinspected in 2011, and was flooded again with Hurricanes Irene and Sandy? We know FEMA and the US Federal Government supplied money to Newtown to revitalize it. Why does the local business Apex Glass claim they were using the school premises for their glass business (apologies but the interview revealing this information has been taken down by YouTube [])?
Sandy Hook: If this were a real mass shooting and not a drill, why must everyone check in?
23. Why were the entire school grounds of what we were told was “Sandy Hook Elementary School” demolished and rebuilt? Does this remind you of how the metal scraps from 9/11 were immediately shipped off to China before they could be examined for evidence?
24. Why did Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia and Connecticut State Attorney Kevin Kane refuse to release the death certificates and the names of the “victims”? Why did Connecticut officials conspire to pass an unprecedented bill banning FOIA requests and access to death certificates and other information, normally part of the public record as a matter of course for centuries? Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy signed the bill on June 5th, 2013.
25. Why were there so many black and silver (Government-type) cars around the school and fire house in place before the event?
26. According to Sofia Smallstorm, why were the exact number (26) of Christmas trees for the memorial already sitting outside the fire house before the event occurred?
27. Why do so many of the victims’ family members appear to be acting, smirking, giggling, snickering and outright laughing after the event, such as Robbie Parker?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Strange Comments by Officials[/h] 28. How does one explain the highly strange behavior of Wayne Carver, the chief medical examiner and coroner? Why did Carver say that “You can control a situation depending on your photographer, and I have very good photographers”? Why did Carver say that “I hope the people of Newtown don’t have it crash on their heads later”?
29. Why did Lieutenant Paul Vance threaten to prosecute as a crime anyone who reported information that contradicted the official narrative?
30. Why did the Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy say that “The Lieutenant Governor and I have been spoken to in an attempt that we might be prepared for something like this playing itself out in our state”?
Even Sandy Hook is infected with one eye Illuminati-Masonic symbolism. Just a coincidence?
[h=3]Sandy Hook: Aftermath[/h] 31. Why did no one sue the school or the estate of Nancy Lanza?
32. How is it that no parent wanted to see the dead bodies of their children in the school?
33. Why were all the funerals conducted with closed caskets?
[h=3]Conclusion: Sandy Hook – The Template for the False Flag Hoax[/h] Sandy Hook smells rotten, and just as 9/11 was a template and justification for future transgressions against liberty, so too was Sandy Hook to become the template for the false flag hoax. Let us always remember what happened and continue to investigate it, so that future false flag events, and false flag hoax events, can be quickly spotted.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

Sick mother fucker

I ignore the trolls here for the most part but you are the biggest piece of shit on this forum.

Disrespecting the loss of innocent little kids.

Piece of shit.

Oct 15, 2018
I wish you simply nothing short of the worst in every aspect of your life.

Sep 21, 2004
thank you Sal,, but I dont want to name call justin fuego or pat,, not my style,, respectfully the documented information above is just the top items,,

not mentioned is wolfgang(a very respected credentialed crisis mgmt professional) was being sued by the families(I believe?),, you can find his story easily on the net, this lawsuit lasted 3 years or so? and jsut last year, for no reason it was dissolved,,

many suspicous facts surround this event,, that is all

What is the end purpose do theses false flag operations, because they sure aren't accomplishing their task very well. What has changed?

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