Yeah, Ron Popeil had a hoax going on there with his black spray paint to cover the bald spot. I am proud to say, that I never paid for it, but I am also guilty of trying it once. I got my free sample in a can shipped to me. It was called
GLH Formula.
I sprayed it on one day on a 96 degree day, and after 20 minutes, it started running and covering my whole head in black paint dripping and mixed in with the sweat pouring down my face and my scalp was all black and took me 1 week to rinse it off. I was downtown when it happened and people were all looking at me funny, as I had NO IDEA it was doing this. NEVER again. And even if it didn't all drip down, you couldn't hide the bald spot because as soon as you were under any lighted area, game was over as you could see your scalp.